billkansas Member


  • You're not only stronger... you have a better job- vacationing right after vacationing? I go fast in my two days per week in the gym and range from 1.25 to 1.5 hours (no shower). I achieve that by warming up my next exercise while completing work sets. So while hitting my last few squat sets I'm underway in warming up my…
  • My recent totals for squat, deadlift, and bench are 315, 360, 230 lbs for a total of 905 lbs. I've been better at the squat in particular as 320 lbs previously was my best as a 3 sets of five. The past few weeks I've tried to keep my calories to 1700 per day and am now down to 200 lbs. My two workouts per week consist of…
  • Just over three weeks into my second cut and down from 209 to 202 lbs. Feeling good, strength holding steady ... hitting the weights hard twice per week. Setting some "willpower PR's" by abstaining from the ice cream my kids seem to have every evening!
  • Maybe a compromise would be to reduce gym days to two or three per week and then move any time you used to spend at the gym doing cardio to cardio done at/near home. Maybe you could invite him along on your bike rides or runs in the park as an alternative to doing cardio in the gym. I don't waste time at the gym doing…
  • Starting Strength is my favorite beginner program. If you follow it- your bench will go up (along with your squat and deadlift). You're doing a huge amount of chest work... sounds like that of a professional bodybuilder.
  • Hi Maverick, I have no useful advice but just wanted to say I'm with you. I'm 50, currently weigh 203 lbs, 6'-2", and cutting on about 2000 cal/day (after reading your post think I need to cut my calories further). Struggling to maintain strength while losing weight. I've found to be very difficult but I've been nicely…
  • Chieflrg, Barbell Medicine needs to bring you in along on their seminars because there would be a lot of people who would want to hear what you have to say.
  • Thanks for everyone's posts. I've got to stick to my two days per week program (with slight increase and varied volume on core lifts) and continue my cut until Easter. I'll quit complaining and just accept the strength loss. With the weather warming I'm hoping to get outside and active. In about 4 or 5 weeks I'll evaluate…
  • I'm still working on joining the 1000 lb club at age 50.
  • Thanks quiksylver and all. I think I expected to lose strength during my cut- just not as much as I did. I also expected my strength to come back up during my recent 10 week bulk. It went up, but only slightly. It was just incredibly disappointing. I think my conclusion is that for a two-day a week lifter, self proclaimed…
  • My routine is Wed: squat, bench, deadlift assistance, maybe some chin-ups/rows Sat: Deadlift, overhead press, squat assistance (paused squat or leg press), close grip bench press (as assistance exercise to bench), maybe some arms and calves. I somewhat regret my post because it neglects the fact that I have benefited from…
  • I benefited from a slow cadence squats "3-0-3-0" (3 seconds descending, 3 seconds ascending) and paused squats (2 second pause at bottom). Got these ideas from Barbell Medicine's "The Bridge" program. Obviously, you have to lower the weight on the bar but these really get you thinking and feeling it and provide a good…
  • My favorite beginner program is Starting Strength. I lifted for years (tried many programs via books and magazines) with little progress until I ran across it. The book is excellent and there are numerous free resources such as youtube videos, a forum, etc. Now at 50, my squat, bench, deadlift are among the best at my gym…
  • I learned about the concept of RPE (rate of perceived effort) via resources I mentioned above. I now log every set of every exercise with a (somewhat subjective) measurement called RPE. My goal is to more intelligently measure the amount of training volume I achieve each week and what the intensity (and average intensity)…
  • I suffered through shoulder problems for a year. If you can adjust exercises (range of motion or weight lifted) such that they don't aggravate the shoulder- I'd do that. For example, I found that I could overhead press as long as the bar path did not drop below the top of my head. I think you should baby your shoulder-…
  • I feel your pain. I cut about 15 lbs last year and all my lifts went down, or stagnated (intermediate, 49 year old, 2 day per week lifter). I've been reading on Barbell Medicine, watching youtube videos by Mike Israetel and Alan Thrall and got a few big takeaways: 1. Up volume 2. Lower intensity 3. Measure both "smarter"…
  • I hide from gawkers in baggy sweat pants, hoodie, ball cap, ear buds... and let the weights speak for themselves lol! Of course, as an average 50 year old dude... haven't had to worry about anyone checking me out for decades.
  • I've found that heavy, weight lifting workouts stimulate my appetite. I feel depleted after a workout and my body signals my brain: eat, eat, eat!
  • My additional sub-goals: 1. Quit tracking calories/protein daily (don't need this hobby taking over my life). Instead going to eat until I'm satiated (bulk) and eat less than (cut) with perhaps some calorie tracking every once in a while. 2. Quit checking my muscles or lack thereof via the mirror. If I'm getting stronger-…
  • I was skeptical about slow cooker eggs but the slow cooker frittata recipe on the MyFitnessPal blog (red peppers, artichoke, feta) was delicious.
  • If you want to get stronger, why not bulk for a few months? You've proven to yourself that you can drop weight and it seems like a fair reward. In listening to the experts (Helms & Israetel) on Youtube this weekend it sounds like 20% isn't a red flag as a starting point for bulking. Personally, I've been cutting since…
  • I think I'll continue performing the first set of my "competition lifts" as 1 rep at RPE 8 (1RM would be 1.08 * weight lifted at RPE 8 - thank you Barbell Medicine) and take a periodic video of it to make sure the bar is moving fast enough that I don't consider it a cheat of RPE 8. Then I can compare video to video and…
  • My jogging stroller was a lifesaver...I could take the dog and the baby on a brief jog a few times a week... great stress reliever and I found my babies to be very content getting strolled along... would often fall asleep. I used my stroller through the course of several kids and eventually was jogging with baby while…
  • It's cool to see everyone's goals. Thanks everybody! Chieflrg- I'm keeping to two days per week just to see if it can be done. I'd like to strength train more, but this is keeping me hungry and I'm trying to maximize my time at home with kids. I'm not underweight, think my body fat is around 20% (even after my recent cut).…
  • Did everyone hit their goals for 2018? I ran my first cut, lost 15 pounds but lost quite a bit of strength along with it and am now further from my 1000 lb club goal.
  • Seems like your fear of gaining some fat is a bit irrational. If you have the willpower to limit yourself to 1800 calories a day, lifting 3x a week, and cardio 2x a week- you're a stud. A little fat gain would be simple enough to handle. I say hit the weights via "Starting Strength" and up the calories/protein and see what…
  • Of course you can. The book "Starting Strength" (Rippetoe) brought new life to my weightlifting hobby years ago. I'm hopeful to break into the 1000 lb club next year at age 50. Heavy, barbell, compound lifts are the way to save time in the gym and get stronger. Hugh Jackman (Woverine) hit the 1000 lb club at age 48 or so…
  • Hi James, I feel your pain as I started my first cut in April and have lost only 15 lbs but ALL my lifts are down substantially. My long term goal is also the 1000 lb club and I'd like to do that on two strength training sessions per week. I'm currently taking a detour and trying to lose another 20 lbs (get to about 180 or…
  • I vote for Starting Strength. Simple, effective.
  • I'm hoping to cut 10 lbs during advent (started yesterday) and eat what I want on the (twelve days!) of Christmas. Traditionally, advent is a time of fasting but Christmas day and beyond- everyone should celebrate that!