mylosinggametowin Member


  • Daily Post (Thursday, July 17) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: was a rest day plus my 2-year old was sick. So Mommy duties it was. Goals/Day/Comments: mommy duties to make sure my baby was okay. I didn’t fill any rings for my activity at all! But I did manage to stay under my calories by like 145, so there’s…
  • Daily Post (Tuesday, July 16) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes✅ I was out the door by 6:18 and got in some mileage around my neighborhood!! Goals/Day/Comments: this week I have decided is going to be all about the walking mileage. So getting out early is the name of the game especially since Oklahoma heat/summer…
  • @tinak33 I gained so much weight after I got married and understand the falling of the wagon. It happens to everyone but you’ve got this and I know you’ll be successful!!!
  • Happy Monday everyone!!! Week: July Week 3 PW =243.8lbs CW=242.8 GW=200lbs Daily Post (Monday, July 15) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes✅ quick walk around the block this morning at 6:18AM for 2.20 miles for 34:13 minutes. Goals/Day/Comments: I’m ever so close to getting out the door by 6:15!!! Tomorrow is a new…
  • Daily Post (Sunday, July 14th) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes after working out Exercise: Yes ✅ Hiking Goals/Day/Comments: I knew hiking was on the schedule for me tonight so that is what I prepared for and stayed low key during the day.
  • Track=yes Calories=yes but is cheat day Exercise=not today hanging out with friends Just enjoying a Saturday night with friends hanging out and playing games.
  • Daily Post (Friday, July 12) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: No—today was a rest day and needed indeed. My whole family is suffering from allergies that look to be turning into sinus infections. Goals/Day/Comments: Today was rest day and time to enjoy my family.
  • Daily Post (Thursday, July 11) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes✅ walked 3.25 miles tonight around my neighborhood. Goals/Day/Comments: this morning was supposed to be a run day but my allergies are kicking my butt! I got out this afternoon and locked out a 5K.
  • @Kin59vara when I’m in the mood I’m in the mood. It doesn’t happen often so when it does I take full advantage of it. And my family knows to do what momma says or be ready for whatever wrath may follow!! 🤣🤣
  • 13 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and you look great! I’ve been watching your spoilers and amazed at what you’re doing!! You look great!!!
  • Daily Post (Wednesday, July 10) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ by 25 calories left Exercise: Yes✅ cross trained only today with 2X1:30 plank hold and 2X28 wall push-ups. I did not get in my step ups but that’s another issue. Goals/Day/Comments: This summer cold is kicking my butt! I can’t breath so doing anything physical is…
  • Daily Post (Tuesday, July 9) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes✅ I got on the elliptical for 2 miles in 30 minutes plus 1:30 plank hold, 2X27 wall push-ups and 2X25 step ups with knee lifts Goals/Day/Comments: today was brutal with the heat and humidity plus working out in the garage. But I got it done and my 2-year…
  • Daily Post (Monday, July 8) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes✅ run 60/30 X7=1.22 miles, Walked for 14:15=.92 miles, 1:30 plank hold, 2X26 wall push-ups, 2X25 step ups with knee raises Goals/Day/Comment: Today I was out the door by 6:30 with snooze only being hit once! Now to get out by 6:15 and no snooze hit!
  • Week: July Week 2 PW = 245lbs CW= GW: 200lbs Usually traveling on a long holiday weekend I gain weight. So to see a lose of weigh was refreshing!!!
  • Daily Post (Sunday, July 7th) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: Yes/no when we got home from our long holiday weekend I cleaned house and put away laundry! That counts for something right! Plus both girls had their batha! Goals/Day/Comments: I wanted to get home and clean my house to started the work week off on the…
  • Daily Post (Saturday, June 6th) Track: Yes✅ Calories: Yes✅ Exercise: no ✅ I’m enjoying the holiday weekend with my family! Goals/Day/Comments: I just wanted to stay under my calories and I did just that!!
  • Daily Post (Friday, July 5th) Track: Yes ✅ Calories: Yes ✅ way under due to fun activities at the creek with my girls. You just don’t seem to get tired or thirsty while wading in the cool water. Exercise: Yes/No ✅ does wading in knee deep creek water count! 🤣🤣 Goals/Day/Comments: my now 5-year old absolutely loves the…
  • Daily Post, Thursday July 4 Track: Yes ✅ Calories: Kinda ✅ Exercise: Yes ✅ Ran 60/30 X7, walked 25 minutes; woke up at 6 out the door by 6:40 🤣 Goals/Day/Comments: Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! Today we celebrated with our family in Tulsa. Great company and great food. Be safe and enjoy time with family/friends.
  • Daily Post (Wednesday, July 3rd) Track: Yes ✅ Calories: Yes ✅ Exercise: Nope Goals/Day/Comments: Today was all about family. We had a framily get together at my BFF’a house for a cookout and fireworks. I stayed under calories but no exercise. My plan is to get up at 6AM and get some running/walking in. Happy 4Th of July…
  • @AB0215 here ya go: Week: July 1st, Week 1 SW =243.8lbs Weighed in June 24th) CW=245.6lbs...womp womp GW=200lbs by December 31st
  • Daily Post (Tuesday, July 2nd) Track: Yes ✅ Calories: Yes ✅ Exercise: Yes-walk around the neighborhood 1.35 miles Goals/Day/Comments: Well 6AM didn’t happen AGAIN!! But with the rain this morning it brought a cooler evening. I work in a 2 story building and work on the second floor SSSSOOOOO I go up and down stairs all day…
  • Hi everyone!!! My name is Stefanie and I have 2 daughters-5 and 2 1/2-and married to my best friend for 13 years this December. I guess you can say when we got married in 2006 we both let ourselves go in a bad way! I was 165lbs all through high school and college until I stopped being active. I played soccer since…
  • Username: 13point1runnermomma Weigh in day: Mondays Starting weight: 243.8lbs