SandSeaSkySoul Member


  • Well if it's a situation that's fixable by me, then I fix it but mine's being single! I've done everything reasonably plausible to find someone that I'd be compatible with, to no avail! So I occupy any healthy time now {I am, severely disabled}, enjoying my weight riddance process & rearranging/cleaning, my apartment!
  • Plausibly, it has now!
  • Since I was born within 1980, that's how it was taught to me but for discovery & subsequent labeling it had to exist prior, however the effects were plausibly known as being something else!
  • The belief was that keeping your arms within the air to wash then especially if you bent over to rinse your hair, you might get toxic shock syndrome because you weren't keeping your body within the position necessary for gravity, to flow the waste blood via you & thus it'd remain inside you longer, continue to circulate…
  • It's also hard, being overweight/obese! I remember when at my highest weight {1 pound, via obesity}, it was a weightlifting struggle to lift my arms over my head to put my hair into a perfect ponytail! So I am within awe when I see especially morbidly obese women, with perfect ponytails! Which means that obviously they…
  • While I am truly proud of you for choosing Halo Top {since you're able to outrun your spoon} & dogs instead of harming yourself, you still ought to look into a mirror prior to posting & remind yourself that you're middle aged because the cussing/slang hashtags're uncouth, juvenile & unprofessional, for a man of your age to…
  • For those whom read my now deleted post, which of their popularity's been souring recently? Via my DeficitDuchess era here:
  • Actually it's a combination, of both! You won't be banned, if you don't do anything that's against the guidelines! The difference's that some've enemies, that follow them around the forums & flag their violating posts, thereby guaranteeing that they get caught/banned! Whereas some post violating posts, that no 1 flags!…
  • I am my own inspiration/idol! Many people dislike themselves, so I believe that it's imperative to like oneself this much! Meaning that if you aren't whom you desire to be, 1st figure what's plausible for you to reasonably be & 2nd pursue it! We're too unique to be carbon copies, of anyone else! Be proud, to be yourself &…
  • What I dislike's those that also use their personal Facebook, for business!
  • 10. Multiple Accounts Are Not Allowed Creating an account for the purposes of deceiving other members or to work around a forum suspension is not permitted and will be grounds for a permanent ban from the site.
  • Yes that's who, I was referring to! I only remember, her partial User Name: FantasticFifty or something, like that!
  • I remember someone whom had nearly 200,000 posts {not Jo}, said she was banned for several months but then began posting, with the same 200,000 post account again!
  • No, it's because they banned an account, that didn't even exist at the time! While I didn't delete my account, then because of any expectation of a ban {I've deleted other accounts prior to that account, to decompress}, I guess if you believe that you'll be banned just delete your account 1st & then, create another!
  • Not prior to deleting my account, I later found that if you don't log out separately via the forums after deleting your account, that it takes some time for MFP to log you out permanently themselves! Previously it was my belief that if you delete your account it deletes all access, so I was unaware that you've to log out…
  • Even if she didn't forfeit her deposit, the landlords didn't provide a reasonably legal amount of time for her to move! So that shouldn't be an expectation, regardless!
  • I awoke because someone tapped me, upon my shoulder but no 1, was there & no, it wasn't a dream because I turned & said "Hm", as if to ask someone why they woke me! We do've a ghost within our apartment but I've resided here since 1988 & I've never seen, heard or ever felt their presence, so I doubt that it was her but my…
  • Well this' a combination, of both liking & disliking something, concerning myself! My brother had 4 children, within 5 years & I was so afraid, of forgetting their birthdays/ages and/or confusing them that once I know anyone's birthday/age, I am unable to forget it! Plus I began to remember other dates, like when I was…
  • Waiting to use your brakes, until you're about to crash & the people within the vehicle crossing within front of you, wonder if you're going to stop! People put too much trust, into the functionality of their vehicles but that isn't when you wanna figure, that your brakes aren't working or that your gas pedal's stuck!
  • I despise reward points, when I've to use them or they'll expire & even worse when I've to use them for something, that isn't ideally what I'd like to use them for! Plus I'll still've hundreds, that'll expire anyway because they won't let me pay the balance of anything else, that the points'll only partially cover!
  • When the Domino's Tracker, isn't working or you believe it's because it says your order's within the oven, so you know that you've enough time to use the bathroom but their knocking upon the door, proves the tracker didn't update!
  • I wish, that you'd text me!
  • I run errands! B)