krupalip Member


  • Hello everyone, just a thought, I think we all should read something on self sabotage because I certainly seem to be on that path, last night after a good day of clean eating, I ended up binge eating chips and 3 pieces of chocolate- why I don’t know, may be because my hubby was next to me and I couldn’t resist the…
  • Hey everyone, it’s been a rollercoaster ride these past few days, just have this tremendous urge to say what the hell, I lost weight, this should be enough, really need something to motivate me right now. Still going to the gym for my workouts but feel I am not giving my 100%.dont know why suddenly there is a huge drop in…
  • Hey everyone, my younger daughter, Amara thanks you all for the birthday wishes, very kind of you all... @the slightedgeforever what a nice line my inner being has to get used to my outer self, that is so true isn’t it, but I think that’s gonna take sometime for me..also I wanted to say that Indian food can be very mild as…
  • Hello, @cbabie yes theslightedgeforver makes a very valid point of having good shoes with my black dress, I intend go shopping soon for a pair...I wish I could wear those long pencil heels but I don’t have that kind of patience and they are too cumbersome. Honestly, I am not a big fan of buying new clothes because of my…
  • @theslightedgeforever how are you, your strategy on dealing with salty and sweet cravings is something I am gonna adopt, keep a stash hidden from everyone in the family, my hubby needs to snack all the time and there are too many temptations I have to battle every single day, instead just keep a little chocolate for me.…
  • Hey everyone, really tired and off to bed, this is turning out to be a crazy week, lots of work piled up and preparing for a birthday party for my toddlers on Saturday, it’s exhausting, and I still have to book hotels and flights within the US, I am so worried about this... @trooworld your menu sounds wonderful, if you…
  • Good morning, loved reading everyone’s post and thank you for all the get well soon wishes, they did seem to come my way and I am feeling much better, last couple of days were very hectic and my cold and cough didn’t make it any easier @trooworld good to see that you’re having a blast with your friend and managing to stick…
  • Hello all, been struggling with a cold and a bad cough, so missed my workout yesterday but went to the doctor got meds and not feeling better but will go do a mild workout today. Had a pity party last evening and went overboard on chocolate and chips, wish I could be stronger but wasn’t yesterday @cbabie so sorry to hear…
  • Hello, I had typed a really long post this morning, and somehow it didn’t get posted, so annoying @trooworld hats off to your determination for getting to your workout, really sorry that you’ve got to get up so early in the morning and then head to Bodypump and then work, you truly are Wonder Woman. Please pass on the Thai…
  • Hello, had a very tiring day, so I thought I would wait till I am tucked in to write my post @trooworld hope your new gear helps your wrists, take care and don’t exert at Bodypump as injuries will always set us back. What kind of produce are you going for this week, can’t wait to get some ideas from your meal prep list...…
  • Hey everybody, so sorry haven’t replied to posts, dealing with work and family and a headache which didn’t budge till I popped a pill. @trooworld hope you are feeling better, good to see that you’re tracking your water intake, even I upped my water intake and realised it does help with losing weight, the body works much…
  • Hey everyone, @theslightedgeforever I am so embarrassed about my silly mistake, I don't know why I thought it was you in the video. Silly me, I do measure myself every 15 days, there is a slight change but not how much I would like. Since I am short, my arms are very flabby and I have what I call thunder thighs...actually…
  • Hello, @trooworld congratulations on your weight loss, hope your migraine didn’t get worse. I am busy with family and I have tonnes of work to get done from home as well, my hubby and I have a design company, I take care of the finances and he is the creative guy, so I work from home and don’t have to commute, that’s the…
  • Hey everyone, Happy Sunday to you all, headed for my cheat breakfast (loaded with carbs), then rest of the day I will be good. Sorry haven’t been able to log on for the last 2 days, been very hectic with the family, but I do enjoy reading all the posts on the board @trooworld thanks for the wishes for hubby, it’s good you…
  • Hello everyone, sorry didn’t have time to log on yesterday, spent all day cooking for my DH since it was his birthday, made all his favourites while he was working...then my parents came home and had a good lunch with them, couldn’t hold back on mum’s cooking (it was sort of a potluck) But had a healthy dinner last night…
  • Hello all, @TrishasTime so sorry to hear about your dear friend, hope he has a successful surgery and recovery, he sounds like a fighter after surviving a host of medical issues. Our strategy of taking one day at a time seems best and we will definitely conquer our goals @theslightedgeforever thank you for your words of…
  • Hey everyone, it’s good to be back on MFP, haven’t got the the chance to log on since Friday, been very crazy, last week was a total mess and traveling with family on the weekend was a disaster for my weight loss, gained 1 kg in the past few days....thanks for eating badly, all the hard work I put in previously seems to…
  • Hey all, @cbabie Monday mornings can be a drag no doubt but somehow the endorphins kicked in early during my workout and I felt so good about myself, my trainer increased the intensity of my workout yesterday and that gave me a boost too, as I realised I was pulling weights of 20 kgs plus which I haven’t ever achieved, so…
  • Hey everyone, had a good weekend, did go off track a bit but not much, did a weigh-in last evening and I was down to 53.5 kgs, which is good but this week’s goal is to be below 53 kgs Have a packed week ahead, hope I can keep away from the carbs and make the right choices Somehow Monday mornings aren’t very good for me but…
  • Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the get well wishes, that I did actually get better, there was something wrong with the MFP app on my phone and I couldn’t type a message properly yesterday @mjsunshine16 thanks much better now, good to see that you made some wise choices, this weekend I plan on being good and not…
  • Hey everyone, I am a little under the weather, woke up with a sore throat last morning, which became worse by evening, went to the doctor got some meds, which helped, but don’t want to give up on my workout, so I am going to the gym now.. sadly I ate a little muffin last night and a bit of chips, feeling so guilty about…
  • @cbabie actually it was your post that got me hooked to this board, so I wanted to say thank you for your posts, I have started writing a food journal, dinner wasn’t too good this evening, however I hope tomorrow will include better decision making on my part once I weigh myself in the morning @theslightedgeforever I am…
  • @TrishasTime have run a lot of google searches on weight and waist watchers as you suggested but no it isn’t available in India at all, so I follow the south beach diet which is low in carbs and I have had success with it back in 2009-10, so sticking with it as much as I can @trooworld actually I am visiting the US in…
  • Hey everyone, thank you for the warm welcome and kind words... really appreciate it @trooworld, will take you up on the wine spritzer idea sounds great and please visit India, it’s a great place @teresa had a a very indulgent weekend, headed to the gym now to wash away my sins hahahahhaha @theslightedgeforever sexy at 60…
  • Hi everyone, I am a Mum of 2 toddlers and hopefully in the last leg of achieving my weight loss goal. I have been reading all the threads on this group for about a week and it’s so wonderful too see members offer such awesome support and motivation...I am from mumbai, India where we don’t have weight watchers and so…
  • Hey, just as someone previously said in the thread “you are not alone”, believe me I too am sailing in the same boat, I workout like crazy 5 times a week and it’s Friday and it’s end of the week, I treat myself to a beer and then the weekend is no different...with the food and wine...I have lost around 10 kgs and I have…
  • How do I know if I have been added to this group
  • Add me please need the support
  • Hey there, I am a mum of 2 toddlers, need to lose 20-25 lbs to achieve my target of 100 lbs by September, When i turn 40. Need to do this for my kids and myself... want to be a hottie by forty!!! Seems very hard because I just can’t focus on a diet though I workout 5 times a week and can’t seem to give up the end of the…