tonyfastz06 Member


  • unless you're around 10-12%, you're probably still pretty "soft" in some areas. Also, you probably don't want to "bulk" beyond 17-18% and give yourself the over weight health issues/risks. So, I personally wouldn't bulk until i'm between 10-12. If you need a "break", then try eating your maintenance calories for a week.…
  • Sorry... 1 more comment. Essentially, no one can really "answer" the question for you as you're the only one that can do it. All we/they can do is provide what they've done from experience from "their" body/genetics. Having said that, a lot of your options are very standard so, if you're looking for ideas, fire away! You…
  • most "calculators" are a starting point. At the end you have to record or remember what YOU are doing and adjust accordingly after you have experimented. This goes for weight/lean muscle gain and weight loss/cutting.
  • do a search for "BMR Calculator". Once you have your BMR calories, you should also see a link to the Harris Benedict formula which adds a factor to the number you got in the first step. This will give you your "maintenance" calories for your age, weight, activity level etc. Then take that number and subtract 350 calories…
  • 1560 calories is below what most medical professionals would recommend. You're probably under nourished, and significantly (possibility) . 1400 is most likely far from healthy in my opinion. You don't provide any details at all regarding your age, current weight, goals, level of activity etc so it is truly impossible to…