cmsavells Member


  • I was doing well until I had a gout flare. I have gained 4 lbs because I’ve tried to keep my foot elevated. I think I might be able to get my shoe on Sunday. If I can, I’m going to be on the recumbent bike. Really upset with myself that I didn’t eat less! Connie in KY
  • Had a totally stupid day! Went to the grocery this morning because there were things we absolutely needed. I hobbled around with my achy foot. My daughter and I checked out at a U-scan. I do this all the time so I don’t know why I made such a dumb mistake. I asked for $20 cash back, walked off and forgot to get it when it…
  • Kayla - Happy Birthday!! My foot is still a little puffy from gout. Do you think it would be OK to try the recumbent bike?? I’m getting bored! Connie in KY
  • Barbie -what novel are you reading? That is so sweet! Connie in KY
  • I’m sorry for your loss. Family chaos is difficult to avoid. As for the fried chicken, grab a chicken breast, pull the skin off, rinse it and it won’t be as greasy. I’ve done this for years! Hang in there! Connie in KY
  • Thank you to everybody who offered all your support for our family. Hannah is a very happy kid and knows all about the legalities. He is a great dad and recently married his partner whom he has been with since 2000. It just works well for us! The gout is somewhat better today. I really think the tart cherry juice helps!!…
  • Well, I was doing good until this week. I made several tuna dishes the past 3 weeks. I forgot tuna is high in purines. I now have gout! It hurts so freaking much. Elevation is the only thing that sort of helps. Connie in KY
  • Wednesday and Thursday were super busy. Just finished skimming the posts. I’ve watched My 600 lb Life too. It made me realize that I was about 2 steps away from being out of control. I saw a therapist for my food issues. I could easily sit and eat a tub of cake icing and a tube of cookie dough. I love tuna and made a lot…
  • It’s a very long story, but I’ll try the abbreviated version. I wanted to make sure that my daughter would be taken care of if anything ever happened to me. My sister just can’t be trusted, so my very best friend ever did a second parent adoption. He is legally her father even though we never married. His mom is a…
  • It’s been a busy two days. My mom has speech therapy Monday and a doctor’s appointment Tuesday. She is recovering well from her fall last week, but they just can’t seem to get her blood pressure regulated. Hannah has dance Tuesday night while I searched the world for Dulcolax liquid for my “mother-in-law”. Finally got to…
  • I’m where I want to be for mid-July. My goal is to lose 6-8 pounds this month, and I’ve lost about half that amount. It’s hard when the weather is so hot. I don’t even want to drive to the gym! Connie in KY
  • I have to watch for my teenager! She’s eating me out of house and home this summer...and she weighs 95 lbs! Connie in KY
  • Another weekend of just keeping the status quo. My mom seemed to do really well over the weekend. Today, she is very tired. I know I’m being emotional, but I hate the direction this seems to be going. My daughter and I went to the gym together last night. We had so much fun together! I’m hoping she goes with me tonight.…
  • Feel free to add me. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I know it’s hard, but I’ve always done better if I stay away from anything with added sugar. I also have to do at least 45 minutes of cardio daily to see results
  • I agree, those are lilies! My mom has so many! Dragon Boat Festival is so much fun!! It’s one of my daughter’s favorite festivals, right after Chinese New Year and Autumn Moon Festival. Connie in KY
  • Thank you so much, Shannon!! This may be a bit TMI, but I’m frustrated by one (well technically two) things. My daughter asked me today, “mom, I know you have lost almost 60 pounds, but why are your boobs bigger now than they were before?” Truthfully, my gut was so freaking fat that it made my chest look small. Now my gut…
  • My mom has a really good day today. We went out for lunch after speech therapy. The weather was actually respectable today. It was about 82 with low humidity (it will be short lived) at lunch time. Finished out the day near 90. I mowed my mom’s lawn tonight. She came outside, sat and watched to supervise the activity.…
  • Along with my other stuff, I have a masters in public health. The very first class, our professor told us to be very careful and make sure we were writing about public health. “If you leave out the L, spellcheck won’t catch that, because it’s still a word.” I openly admit I am a math and science nerd. My grammar stinks,…
  • Weighed in yesterday. Down to 208.2 lbs. I’m pleased with how July is going so far. Hard to believe July is almost half over. Connie in KY
  • Several asked if it was humid where I live. Humid doesn’t describe it. Steam bath is more accurate. I don’t even straighten my hair in the summer. My daughter and the opossum skeleton. I have degrees in biology and clinical laboratory. I wasn’t creeped out by it, but this was roadkill, picked over very well by red-tailed…
  • Weighed in this morning. Down to 208.2 lbs. This is going to sound a bit crazy, but I really was planning to lose about a pound to a pound and a half each week. Too much stress in my life.
  • I love the crickets and “tree frogs” on a summer night. So loud tonight I can hear them with the windows shut. I wish it was cool so I could open the windows. The cicadas - when my daughter was almost 6 she was enthralled by all things “buggy”. She collected cicada shells all summer. We had bags of them. She would go…
  • So sorry you passed out after donating. It’s a super hot day so it’s hard to rehydrate from the heat and donating. I hope you start feeling better soon. Connie in KY
  • I agree. If it’s staying the same, it just might be typical for you especially after bariatric surgery. My WBC runs around 7.0-7.5. My coworker’s is always around 4.0. My students hate it when they get her slide to count. Connie in KY
  • You can send specific people friend requests if you want several friends to help you stay on track. Generally that means your food diary is public. My diary was public until one “friend” trashed what I ate on a night I went out with friends. That “friend” is NOT part of this group. I love the support we have here. Some of…
  • So glad you could help your neighbor. The body shaper - yes, they are a struggle. So are sports bras. I got one on in the dressing room at Lane Bryant and wasn’t sure I was going to get it off. Thought I was going to need to remove the tag and buy it. Somehow, I got the thing off. I really need one, but I’m scared to try…
  • My 18 year old nephew lives with my mom. My mom and my sister bought a house together 15 years ago. My sister left two years ago to move in with my nephew’s dad. She is an alcoholic with multiple health issues. My mom and my nephew do OK together. I know he will call me if any thing happens. He will be a high school senior…
  • Update on my mom - miraculously nothing broken!! Just badly bruised; however, she could not walk with her cane. So, she now has a walker until she heals a bit. She is getting around fairly well tonight. She’s just moving slowly! I realized at 6 PM that I had not eaten all day. Feeling better since I ate, but I have a…
  • Well, I was in process of thanking people for the info on exercise, calories expended and mowing grass. As I was typing, my mom called to say she fell in the garden. She managed to get up and get in the house on her own. I’m not sure how. We are now in the hospital emergency dept to find out if it’s broken. More to follow.…
  • @Vickil57 way to go, donating blood!! I get to teach blood banking theory and technique in fall semester. Blood products are in critical short supply over the summer. Only 5% of all eligible donors ever donate. I totally understand for anybody who cannot donate, but kudos to all of you who do. Heat index was over 100…