amytriesww Member


  • amytriesww Week 5 Previous weight: 219.7 Current weight: 217.0 I gladly take this loss this week, since exercise seemed to fall to the wayside. I think I only worked out 2 or 3 times. I'm so thankful my eating is under control, or I'd be in trouble! lol Just wanted to let you all know I'm still over here doing my best,…
  • Monday Check In Food: on track! Water: not enough Exercise & Steps: rest day Took today off since I wasn't feeling well. It's so nice to take a day off and not have it derail me. Of the many times I tried losing weight in the past, that used to be one of my biggest problems. Meal prepped some Turkey Chili and Enchilada…
  • amytriesww Week 3 or 4 (omg, I’m the worst!) Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 222.8 Current weight: 219.7
  • Tuesday and Wednesday Check In Food: On track Water: A gallon both days Exercise: 82 flights Tues. and 95 flights Wed. Steps: 13038 Tues. and 12000 Wed. @barbb1557 I try to stay away from the grocery store when I'm hungry too! That's the worst time to shop. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the medication. I'll…
  • Monday Check In Food: On track! Water: A gallon Exercise: 80 flights of stairs Steps:11,668 Pretty uneventful day! Got my workout in early and then spent the rest of the day on school work. I did buy a half gallon canister this past weekend and it really kept me on track for water today. @cafelelia Your Thanksgiving spread…
  • amytriesww Week ? Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 226.8 Current weight: 222.8
  • Check in Tuesday & Thursday Food: on track! Water: 60 & over 100 Exercise: over an hour each day Steps: over 12000 & over 11000 So, part of my workout this week has been running stairs (I do 60 flights). Well, I tripped yesterday morning 3 steps to the bottom. I caught myself, but sprained my thumb in the process. I had…
  • Check in Monday & Tuesday Food: On track! Water: over 100 oz both days Exercise: 1 hour both days Steps: Over 11000 both days I've had 2 pretty good days so far this week. Got some school work done yesterday and had a conference with my daughter's teachers today. That went well. My kiddo has her first counseling session…
  • amytriesww Week 2 Weigh In: Sundays Previous Weight: 229.0 Todays Weight: 226.8 @Barbb1557 , @Mrsbell8well, @sleepymom5 , @Cafelelia , @ljdanny Thank you all for the advice, prayers, thoughts, and support. It was no nice to log in and see all of it. We haven't told anyone in the family about any of this, so you ladies are…
  • Thought I would check in a little today. I haven't been around the past couple weeks. I'm still here, but I've been struggling mentally. Not with eating- to be honest, I haven't been eating enough. Last week, I feel like I had to fight hard for that loss. I don't know if maybe I'm hitting my first plateau or I'm so…
  • Not sure if this is supposed to go here, but September chat is closed. User ID: amytriesww Previous weight: 231.6 Current weight: 229.0
  • Wednesday & Thursday Check in Water, Food, and Excercise: all good Steps: over 10,000 both days Having trouble sleeping because I'm worrying about my daughter. Thought I'd check in since I'm up. Nothing really exciting to share. I did start some weight training today. I'm already sore! I also did my first plank. Held it…
  • @Barbb1557 Of course! It's super easy and all the ingredients you can buy at the store. 1/2 cup Kodiak Cakes Dark Chocolate Waffle Mix 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup Fage 0% nonfat greek yogurt 1 tbsp sugar free fat free vanilla pudding mix powder 3 tbsp Cary's sugar free syrup Mix waffle mix and water together and pour in your…
  • Monday Check in Food: a little under Water: around 70 oz Exercise: none Steps: Wasn't wearing my Fitbit Didn't get a chance to workout today but it doesn't bother me-sometimes, it just doesn't happen and that's ok. I didn't sleep well last night- my daughter has been having constant stomach aches and nausea and I've been…
  • amytriesww Weigh in: Sunday Week 3 PW: 234.8 CW: 231.6 I miss you guys!! I've been completely MIA this week. The husband is out of town (country, actually lol) so it's just me and my girl. Between that, all the cooking (my husband does a lot of the cooking normally! lol), and my school work, I am swamped. I still have 4…
  • Name: Amy My Numbers: SW: 312 CW: 243.8 (sep. 1) GW: 233 LTGW: 150 Weigh ins: Sundays 9/8/19 = 239.5 9/15/19 =234.8 9/22/19 = 9/29/19= Total WL/G for the month= (-9) Malia, you look beautiful! You're so close to one-derland! Amazing!
  • amytriesww Week: 3 Weigh-in day: Sunday Previous weight: 239.5 Current weight: 234.8 I've been sick for the past few days which is why I've been MIA. I'm sure some of my loss this week is due to that. My eating has been on track though, so hopefully it'll hold.
  • Thursday Check In Food: a little under again Water: 105 oz Steps: 6182 Exercise: 30 minute walk Had a doctors appt. today. BP was 114/74 and it's been around that for the past 3 months. No longer hypertensive or prediabetic! My doctor also called me 'young and healthy' today. I have a LONG way to go, but it was amazing to…
  • Tuesday Check In Food: a little under today Water: 135 oz Exercise: 30 minute walk Steps: 6708 Didn't get in my good workout today like I wanted, but did get in a little something. I'll try again tomorrow. Nothing new going on- still plugging away at my school work. Three weeks in and I already can't wait until the…
  • Name: Amy My Numbers: SW: 312 CW: 243.8 (sep. 1) GW: 233 LTGW: 150 Weigh ins: Sundays 9/8/19 = 239.5 9/15/19 = 9/22/19 = 9/29/19= Total WL/G for the month= -4.3
  • Check in for Monday Food - logged & under Water - 120 oz Exercise - 30 minute walk Steps - 6438 How was everybody's Monday?! Mine was ok- 100% on track eating wise. Was only able to do a 30 minute walk which will just have to be good enough! lol Turned in 3 assignments. It was pretty uneventful actually, but its nice to…
  • Wanted to quickly stop in here to say hi! I haven't posted a couple days. We had the bad weather and my daughter was out of school for 2 days so my free time from school was spent with her. I read this thread daily, even if I don't have time to post! But, my goal for this week is to try really hard to post once a day.…
  • amytriesww Week 2 (?) Previous weight: 243.8 Current weight: 239.5
  • Quick check in just in case we lose power anytime for the next couple days! We're currently under a tropical storm watch and a tornado watch. Don't worry-we'll be fine! But the power grid in here is not that good. I lived in Texas for 6 years and our power never went out- even through many tornadoes. Here in my area of NC,…
  • Check in for Tuesday Food - on plan and under Water - 55 oz so far Exercise - 90 minutes this morning, 30 min walk this evening Steps- 17678 Thought I would share my goals for September today. I don't really have many so far-I may come up with some as I go along. 1. Lose 10 lbs. To be honest, anything in the 8-10 lb range…
  • Check in for: Monday Logged food: logged and on track Water: 50-60 oz Steps or exercise: 6033, 3 hours of yard work for exercise Today has been good- glad we are almost done with front yard work! It's hot, I'm sunburnt, and my muscles are so sore! It's almost embarrassing how sore I am just from working in the yard! lol…
  • User ID: amytriesww Week Number: Week 1 Previous weight: 246.4 Current weight: 243.8 I'll come back and do my intro when I get a chance. I had 26 assignments for school this week. I only have 2 left. My only other free time I spent working in my front yard. You know, doing some spring tasks now that it's almost fall! lol…
  • Daily Check In: Wednesday & Thursday Food: On plan! Water: 76 oz & 25 so far today (but it's only morning) Steps: 19016 & 9642 so far today (at 9:35) Switched up my schedule a bit. I just can't get up to workout at 5am. I know people do it all the time, but I know if I start dreading having to get up to workout, I might…
  • Tuesday Check in Food: On plan so far....I meal prepped for the week, so food is ready to go Water: About 20 oz so far (it's early) Exercise: 1 hour video, will do a 30 minute walk this evening Steps: 11394 so far Really trying to get into a normal routine now that school has started for both me and my daughter. I'm up at…
  • Check in for Monday Food: On track Water: Still struggling Exercise: 1 hour video, 30 minute walk Steps:16344 so far