TarryTaffyTwo Member


  • Obesity = uncomfortable & unhealthy & unsightly, the latter the least important. The 1st 2 are why I'd never gain more than 10-lbs before righting myself. Besides, I refuse to buy larger clothes... it's too expensive to have multiple sized wardrobes & buying the next size up every few months is the incentive to keep…
  • Nice pooch! I wear those same slippers at home & have a similar blanket. Wait... are you in my house!? If so, welcome & you make the Easter turkey... I see the fire's already started.
  • Fat Boy Slim "Right Here, Right Now". Great walking/dance/Nordic Track song, awful vid, as is usual for him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub747pprmJ8
  • The fitness center. It used to be crowded all day/night, but I'd eventually get a treadmill, timed precisely... but, once my apt complex opens it again, it's going to be so crowded, I doubt I'll ever be able to get into it again cuz it's so small. So, getting used to walking & at-home exercise is just going to have to…
  • Waiting for daylight so I can go for a short walk. Happy Easter, Everyone!
  • Not even 1 pull up & some days barely 1/2 a girl pushup. :disappointed: I'm lifting small hand weights... 2, 5, 10 lbs... the latter of which I can barely lift... but wonder when the strength begins to kick in & my li'l licorice stick arms feel useful.
  • This is really helpful, thank you so much for looking it up for me! I had no idea.
  • Cool, no worries. Fortunately, you always list the band & song name, so I can always look it up. Happy Easter!
  • Nursing a pulled muscle I suddenly got, so been limping to the kitchen for Ibuprofin & stuck in bed watching Netflix all day. Think it's gonna take a couple of days... bloody boo.
  • A relationship. But, I'll hold out for stable, attractive, non-addicted, kind, etc. Given our current 6' no-touch rule... I think it's gonna be awhile. Maybe next year...
  • Unsure about your country, but in the US, we have free access to online language courses (& others, like computer languages), in the library. Many bring their own laptops, but there are public computers for those who don't own one... of course, every town/city/state differs & so does access to programs... much depends on…
  • Oh, no worries, VV, didn't know you were in CAN... my bad. I'll just contact the local police... see if I can find an email online or will look up the non-emergency #. No one else is about & more than half of the usual cars in my apt complex (500 apts) are gone & have been for a long time. There are only 2 or 3 of us in my…
  • Unsure of your origins, but Russian is one of the harder languages... still, my brother became fluent in Russian & Turkish, within 6-wks in the USAF. How badly do you need/want to know it? And, to which capacity... speaking conversationally or as a tourist, reading, writing? I can speak several languages conversationally,…
  • Not being flippant... but, what are local town authorities? I just moved to this state, but still, as a lifetime renter am not aware of local gov't... HMOs, condo associations, city hall, etc. The only "laws" I've ever concerned myself with were set by my lease & bldg owner. So, should I call the local police (not 911, of…
  • My 1st floor apt's patio door is wide open... too early for high humidity, safe, quiet... no highway traffic sounds, at all, which is a bit disconcerting, I must say, as it's the norm & nary a squawking bird or barking dog... at 9am. Odd, but as a lifetime megametropolis dweller who's learned to tune out constant,…
  • It's training. I taught myself long ago to not show emotion. But, I suppose that depends on many things... environment, family tolerances, etc. I didn't grow up in warm, fuzzy environs. Emotions not allowed sans stiff penalty. Unfortunately, I often get accused of having no emotion, because I instantly shut it down... so,…
  • Just read today that a woman was arrested for sitting on a park bench... don't recall which state. So... I'm confused. In FL, can I walk outside for exercise, with no destination in mind & not for essential food supplies? And, can I do so sans mask? I don't have a mask & don't even know where I'd get one at this stage in…
  • Moved into a new apt just before the lockdown, so didn't have a chance to buy any furniture... & I mean none. Still, it can be seen in 1 of 2 ways... either it's a completely empty living room, with painted Costco boxes as small tables... or, it's an awesome dance/exercise studio. I'm going with the latter. How lucky is…
  • @vollkornbloedchen All of your vids are coming up unavailable for me today... is anyone else having that problem? I'm in a retro Depeche Mode mood this morning... "Never Let Me Down". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snILjFUkk_A
  • Lol. Very neat room. You appear to be the model prisoner. Well done.
  • Beautiful! AND a chess player! Awesome!
  • If the lions haven't eaten in years, I'd imagine they've perished, so the room w/lions is safest? ETA: Well... I don't know how much of a twister these q's are... for instance, the lions could have procreated & the newer lions eventually ate the deceased ones & on & on... or the loaded guns could have jammed... These…
  • Oh, right... you have to add in the parrots. Well done...
  • Same. I can't cartwheel or whistle either. Always wanted to do that whistle through fingers, like when people call their dogs. Better off, I guess, cuz I'd then need to buy a dog.
  • Binge watched S1 of Peaky Blinders today & loved it. Beginning S2. I know many said they bailed at a certain point, so I'm hoping the story lines don't begin disappointing me. Fingers crossed. The acting is great.
  • You have a beautiful face. I doubt you'd look awful bald. :smile: I like longer hair so I can do the hair flip as I storm out of a room when I'm indignantly miffed.
  • On your computer or phone... HBO, SHO & Netflix give you the 1st mo for free. If you have Bluetooth, you can watch it on your TV, as well. Try one/mo so you can stretch them out. That's what I'm doing. I know you can add them to your basic cable pkg, if you've ot it, but I'm unsure if the 1st mo is free. Hope this helps…