gigius72 Member


  • I didn't know it was an electrolyte. I thought it was just flavoring.
  • In order to get in shape you need to find something that is not too hard to do for you. There are many ways to lose weight, look at your options and see which one you see yourself doing effortlessly. Just my 2 cents...
  • I self sabotaged myself so many times... And the sad part is I knew what I was doing. When I was 18 I was tired of been obese so I went to a gym which had a trainer and a dietician inside. Calorie counting and a lot of pain working hard got me in a wonderful shape. I moved to the United States. Not enough money to go to a…
  • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I am in the middle of the break room at work and I burst out laughing like a stupid.
  • Only if you get aroused by kittens... Sorry I couldn't resist it. I wanted to play the smartass too this time.
  • That can be easily proven (it was also proven through MRI). Take a person who eats a lot of cheese and keep them 1 month without dairy, yet living cheese in their refrigerator.
  • Not my statement, I'm not an expert. It's coming from a seminar of GI doctors. Go tell them they don't know what they are talking about. I couldn't find that video, but this doctor tells about it. You can skip to minute 20
  • Refined sugar has no fibers, it goes straight to the bloodstream, like alcohol. Fruit has fibers in it which slows down a lot the entrance in the bloodstream. You get different effect in the body. Your brain will demand the quick rush. The barrier that people place in food addiction is because you really don't have the…
  • Exercise is excellent for health and it helps to lose weight. You burn some extra energy and increase metabolism speed, which will continue for some time after you finish work out. But the main thing is what you put in your mouth. Weight control-wise, and healthwise.
  • Law and order coming from the other room... While I'm in bed trying to sleeeeeeeep
  • I'm addicted to chocolate... That is so mean 😭😭😭😭 (I'll go grab a couple of chocolate chips, now I bet you're happy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
  • @AnnPT77 very good points there
  • I see a lot of binge there. Please make sure that is really hunger. I don't want to sound rude, but it can be an eating disorder. I can relate to that. I binge and it is not really hunger... At times boredom, at times I'm greedy for food. There is too much calories difference when you binge.
  • I guess we are different. When I used to count calories I would weigh food to have the exact calories before cooking. I would do that every meal. My dietician gave me the quantities and I would cook them.
  • I answered that question already. Just go and read the comments... I'm tired of this crap sorry. You people give your advice I give mine. OP will decide.
  • I have never said to eat 100g of nuts. I said I stopped buying them because I used to eat half a jar. You get the benefits also from 3 or 4 nuts. You are free to use all the oil you want. As long as you are losing weight, you are fine. The OP was having problem with hunger and I gave her a tip on how to eat more food. I…
  • I know it works, it's a great way to eat actually. If you are counting calories it makes no sense, because you prepare your whole meal at those preset calories. But if you are not counting calories, that is a great way to eat. I don't count calories, and that is how I eat everyday.
  • Muscles weigh more than fat. That is why it's a good idea to pair up scale and measuring of chest/belly/hip circumference.
  • I run at least 3 miles everyday. I work overnight so on my Monday I go to work without sleeping for almost 24 hours. If that day after work I'm tired I take it as my resting day. Twice a week I have a 2 hour long martial art class. When weather gets warmer I abandon my car and use only my bicycle (for work, gym and…
  • It is tough to answer. I am in somewhat the same situation... On your husband side. My whole household was plant based for over 10 years. My wife and daughter a few months ago went back and eat meat, eggs, cheese. In my eyes they are eating unhealthy and I'm sure in their eyes I need to eat like them as well. I used to be…
  • Yes yes, I was not talking about supplements. I meant food containing vitamin c. Just a simple idea might be an orange diced up in your salad. Or if you like guava they are even lower calories and offer more vitamin c.
    in Calcium Comment by gigius72 January 2021