jacAth3 Member


  • I’m sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I intended to but after a long walk in the morning and lots of gardening I fell asleep in the evening then crawled to bed! I’ve enjoyed 2 walks in sunshine as that cold wind has finally gone, for now! I stopped at Sheila’s with George and Betty and can see she is feeling better, although…
  • It’s been bitterly cold again but after grocery shopping first thing, I took George and Betty to a lower section of the moors. Even lower down, a freezing strong wind was blowing so it wasn’t a pleasant walk but at least the dogs could run free for half an hour. I phoned Sheila because we had mentioned walking together on…
  • Finally a beautiful day. No wind and lots of sunshine so an early walk with George and Betty then Linda picked me up and we decided to head to the coast which is just 20 minutes away. There we sat for over an hour on the low wall of the cafe, which they cover with scatter cushions, enjoying slices of bread pudding and…
  • It’s been cold today which put me off doing much outdoors. My iPhone has locked me out and I’m at a point where if I continue to try to find my way in, it will shut down forever! I’m considering purchasing a cheap refurbished phone! I’m meeting Linda in the morning for one of our coffee shop outings and have used WhatsApp…
  • Hello friends. Crazy weather is still affecting internet and tv signals and yesterday it was wind nearly knocking me over at times. At least I was in my garden trying to catch up on so much work needing to be done, plus my roof stayed on so lucky compared to some homes in the Midlands. It’s back to cold and drizzly so I…
  • Finally, I have a moment with an afternoon cup of tea to catch up. It was just as well on Friday I left George and Betty with Sheila because the friends I was meeting in Plymouth to travel on to the memorial together, contacted me Thursday evening to let me know they had driven to the church to check the journey time and…
  • Drizzle, thick fog; what more can I say about the weather! I did shop for groceries early, then walked the dogs on the edge of the moors, having decided we are all bored with the same old route round the block. It wasn’t the best decision because the ground was stirred up by tractors and livestock so both pooches needed to…
  • Hello! It was a long day yesterday with hours getting pink colour in my hair as part of the fun memorial and celebration Friday for my friend that died recently. Then about 9pm as I sat watching tv a knock at the door and crazy neighbours insisting I move my car even though it was not in anyone’s way. I had left it by my…
  • It's good afternoon from England! I'm still keeping to local village walks because I'm told by my friends who live on the moors that the ground is still waterlogged and farmers taking feed to the animals that roam are churning up the ground even more as tractors sink into mud. That makes it impossible to walk far. It's…
  • I’ve been struggling to log in and now, finally here, it’s way past my bedtime. Wind still howling outside and rain doing what it’s done for the past six months! I can’t remember if I mentioned I’ve postponed Barney the tree surgeon until September because birds are now nesting in the hedgerows. It means a quiet day…
  • The wind has been blowing wildly all day and it has felt cold so we didn’t walk far this morning. Trees were bending in all directions so I was concerned about flying debris. I spent some time on WhatsApp talking over arrangements to get to a memorial next Friday for a friend. I’ve agreed I will drive to Plymouth then meet…
  • It’s been a quiet day and after walking George and Betty in local fields I took them to visit Les and stayed for a couple of hours chatting. He is still doing remarkably for his 93 years, both mentally and physically but was worried about his 95 year old sister who after a fall and stay in hospital, is now living in a…
  • I’ve no idea what happened to yesterday’s post. I did preview it because I had several interruptions as I typed so maybe I forgot to actually post! Not much had happened so you didn’t miss much although a small amount of garden tidying was achieved and I sorted through more veggie seeds ready to plant but at the moment…
  • Another day of mixed weather so I took George and Betty round to the next village, which really isn't far, then when we got home I finished picking up the shrub cuttings I'd left lying on the lawn. The rain arrived soon after so I tidied my kitchen, then got a FaceTime call from my friend Pat who has recently bought a new…
  • Lin, I’ve just watched the interview. Poor Kerry is exhausted but is delighted with his achievement. I took this photo of the presenters plus dogs, off my tv for you! Off out for my little walk before yet more rain arrives! Jackie 🥰
  • Lin, I’m not on Facebook so don't know, but you might be able to see the interview. https://www.facebook.com/bbcbreakfast/?locale=en_GB Looks like the book tour is local to his area so a long way away from me! Jackie 🥰
  • A very good Easter Monday morning to everyone. I’ve enjoyed a leisurely start but must walk the pooches before rain arrives. Yesterday was cool but I managed to spend time gardening and finally cut the lawns to an acceptable level. I’ve also planted peas in a strip of guttering that I will slide into my raised beds once…
  • Glorious sunshine woke me so the first thing I did when I got up was phone Sheila to see if she would like to walk with me, George and Betty. She thought it a great idea and before I left, I put bed covers on to wash hoping they could dry outside. We met in the usual car park and walked on level ground for about 40 minutes…
  • Happy Friday! I’m sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. My day was tiring and again, weather was awful. George and Betty had to be walked early so that I could be at the garage with my car by 9am and of course, torrential rain arrived just as we set off so we got soaked and cold because the temperature had crashed. Twenty…
  • My fire is lit because not only rain falling but hail too! To top it all my car warning lights are scaring me with every fault possible showing up. Thankfully I grocery shopped first thing before walking the dogs and at that stage only a lit up spanner symbol concerned me but when I later picked up Linda everything…
  • A terrible day of heavy, nonstop rain so I decided it wasn’t worth walking George and Betty because I knew without checking, the roads would be flooded. I should have done some housework but with the pets curled up snoozing most of the day, I didn’t want to disturb them. That’s my excuse anyway! As soon as I looked outside…
  • We enjoyed a breezy, cold walk across the moors and since I’ve been home I’ve carried out several chores in my garden. George and Betty are loving having the door open so they can go outside without asking. I think they will both sleep well tonight and hopefully me too. My two Hibiscus shrubs in pots that I feared had died…
  • I did dodge the showers and managed to walk the dogs to the next village and back. Later I drove to see Sheila and wish her happy birthday with a card and a box of my hens’ eggs. The injection in her back worked really well so she is finally out of pain. She must keep a diary of how she is for a couple of months and if she…
  • Oh no Sandy, that sounds awful, I’m so sorry. I do hope you are feeling better today. ❤️ It’s going to be a day of dodging the nasty showers for me and the pooches. Nothing new! Jackie 🥰
  • Colder today but at least the sun is shining. We walked round the block dodging crazy car drivers, then I attended the mobile scanner. The whole thing took less than ten minutes so normally I would have popped to the shops but had left my purse at home so drove home, collected it, then drove back to the same car park…
  • A busy day and dry! I shopped early at the supermarket while a load of laundry washed so I was able to hang it outside for a few hours. Before I walked George and Betty I phoned Sheila and the great news is she is out of pain. She is feeling tired so I didn’t visit but instead walked across the moors then came home to…
  • Yesterday was a busy one. Foggy and damp so I took George and Betty to local fields that have an area of paths to walk round without getting too mucky. It was a gentle stroll that both dogs enjoyed. The rubbish is still piled up in the communal parking area but I’m managing to squeeze my car round, although did dent a…
  • Hello and happy Sunday. The sun was shining when I got up this morning but I then saw thick low cloud to the west heading in my direction so found a dry coat as yesterday’s was still wet, and decided to head for the moors with fingers crossed. The rubbish in front of my garage doors had been moved slightly but still posed…
  • I pulled back my bedroom curtains to a view of low cloud, thick mist and yes, rain! Once again there was no point rushing to go out with George and Betty so I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of porridge oats and fruit. We did go around 10am but when we reached the road a car pulled up and it was Janet that I’ve walked with a…
  • It’s still raining! We’ve been told it might be caused by El Niño that I think occurred in the Pacific end of last year but whatever is going on, the oceans are definitely warming which means more moisture in the air over our little islands. Betty is still not well but believe me, you will not want the details! I didn’t…