BeanieBean93 Member


  • Well... to gain 5 lbs you'd have to eat a considerable amount of calories. Depending on how big of a cheat day you had, you could, but that would be quite a cheat day. It could be some weight, some water weight, some extra still moving through your digestive system. I'd say let it go and step off the scale for a week.…
  • I am very picky but I'm still managing a balanced diet. If there is 1 fruit, 1 vegetable, 1 protein, 1 fat and 1 grain that you like, you're able to get a balanced diet. For me that typically means - apples and oranges broccoli, cauliflower and carrots egg, cottage cheese and cheese nuts, peanut butter, hummus bread and…
  • Personally, I bring a sandwich but I'm not really on a high protein diet goal. I cook for my fiance though and he's doing more of a low carb, high protein plan. Some things I pack for him - frozen veggies, seasoning, frozen tyson grilled chicken. he microwaves it all at work and says it's good. that is by far the easiest…
  • Let yourself eat them. You might find they eventually lose their luster. Give yourself the freedom to eat them if you want them. And if you want them, eat them, log it. Rinse and repeat until you either A. lose interest, B. decide they aren't worth the consequences of eating them, or C. learn to regulate your desire for…
  • No apology needed @AnnPT77 ! I love good conversations like this. And input from all parties is always welcome and of interest. Yes, I definitely have some additional things going on that make this more complicated. But, the first time I ate dairy after not having it, I was extremely sick to my stomach. The side effects…
  • Agree with the above. As you track more, you'll become familiar with typical calorie amounts in items. A lot of single entrees at chain restaurants (TGI, Olive Garden, Chilis, Cracker Barrel, Red Robin, Cheesecake Factory etc) will run about 1200 and up per entree. The portions are massive and can usually feed two or more…
  • Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. But it's an interesting idea. I'm going to have a really hard time with the texture of meat to begin with. And honestly, I love soft, mushy foods - soup, mashed potato, mushy peas, smoothie etc are all super yum to me. I might be able to mix little bits into something else. I still have a…
  • My fiance and I have very different eating habits but we are making an effort to share meals together because it A. helps my eating disorder recovery, B. helps him to eat healthier and meet his goals and C. it's a nice way for us to spend time together after a long day. If we cook, I do the cooking and I'm pretty picky…
  • I work in sales and if it's a sales pitch, then he's benefitting off it somehow. Or else, he'd have zero reason to pitch it and be disappointed by you not signing on. If it's his medical opinion, than perhaps he can provide some additional information as to why he supports it. It sounds like there is zero risk, minus the…
  • I needed a plan because I haven't been eating any animal products and the re-introduction period is not always nice to my stomach. The first time I ate cheese I felt so sick that I seriously regretted it. Same with the first time I ate cottage cheese again. Because I'm balancing working on my eating disorder and…
  • I'm recovering from an eating disorder and I've in and out of recovery for over 10 years. If you feel like food, body image, exercise and calories have become an obsession, I'd recommend talking to someone before it becomes deeply engrained. There's so much more to life and I've wasted a lot of mine. Sending you a hug and…
  • I have a hard time cooking sometimes, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Somethings I have found that I can usually manage to make, even when I'm having a rough day. scrambled eggs with spinach and salsa toast with cheese on top baked potato with salsa and veggies I've found that the simpler the meal, the more likely…
  • Some bodies just hold fat in certain areas. You can be a healthy weight while still not being lean enough to get rid of them. It's like some people will never see a 6 pack unless they become extremely lean. Or some people won't ever get rid of cellulite, just because that's where their body holds the fat. If you're at a…
  • Just be smart about it. Look at the menu ahead of time and choose something appropriate for your goals. If you're looking to lose weight, find a "lighter" option on the menu. Baked chicken and veggies? Salad with fresh toppings? Non cream based soup? Steak and veggies? Typically restaurants have portions made for 2-3…
  • Oh yes, I completely agree! Eating styles would never be a relationship deal breaker for us but we do miss being able to go out together. Part of this was because I became so restricted in what I was eating that even going to a vegan restaurant was a challenge. He knows I'll never be the type of foodie that he is but if we…
  • Diet is everything. If the pain is too unbearable for movement, you can still lose weight by keeping calories in check. You'll need to be very diligent with it though since you won't have much leeway.
  • I was vegetarian and then transitioned to vegan and experimented a lot with tofu. It tastes like absolutely nothing as it is. It's not a bad option but in my opinion there are many other proteins that taste better, are easier to make and have better health benefits. I'm now transitioning off being vegan but I'm still…
  • Your body has been used to eating X amount for a long time. The weight didn't come on in just a month or two. It's okay if it's taking a while to adjust to it. You might also try moving calories around to different times of the day. For example, I'm not hungry in the AM but once I get moving and to my desk, I'm definitely…
  • I'm a really slow eater by nature. My fiance on the other hand is a speedy eater. Some differences I've noticed - he stands while he eats / I always sit at the table and don't walk around while I eat he'll eat out of containers or boxes / I put my food on a plate, or at least a napkin/papertowel he eats with his hands if…
  • Hmm. Another thing - it could be interacting with another medication you're on and causing these side effects. I'm not a doctor btw, but I've had meds interact with other ones before and cause unexpected things. What about egg whites? They're pretty much flavorless as they are. You could cook those up with some seasoning…
  • Any chance you're just getting your period soon and it's just a normal weight flux? Regardless, I agree with the above and I'd hop on a call with a doc asap since it could be a side effect with unfortunate consequences. Definitely not worth the risk and best to be safe! What if you try mashing stuff up or doing teeny…
  • We're a "grab a bunch of things and toss it together" type household. It's just two of us. Our typical grocery shop with the approximate cost of the items - 4 frozen mixed veggies (1.50 per bag) 3 frozen cauliflower (1.50 per bag) 3 frozen broccoli (1.50 per bag) raw broccoli (about 5$) raw cauliflower (about 5$) raw…
  • Where did you find them? Those look so good! Mustard anything is my jam!
  • Lol! I actually used to love meat and ideally I'll be able to get back to a place where I can eat meat occasionally. I'm not sure the ultimate goal for my long-term diet (omnivore, vegetarian, pescatarian etc) but I want to be able to go out to restaurants without being "that person." My fiance is a major carnivore and…