Sett2023 Member


  • I agree with @sollyn23l2, "It's the things you put on the lettuce that matter." That's why I usually go for 30 cal fix for every kind of lettuce, and then log a full spoon of olive oil (119 cal, if my memory helps) even if in fact I use less than half a teaspoon in a very big bowl of lettuce. So I'm sure to go even…
  • Or, also, cook something that can be re-heated. Sit down with him for his lunch, to keep company, talk etc, but eating something like fruit or a salad, and then have your proper meal in a moment more ok for you.
  • Note: I just realized: in Italy, when you're in a hurry the natural/more frequent choice is not a fast food/take away, but a bowl of pasta. So, however healthy and nutritious, but too much caloric if you eat only that (that is: the correct way of eating pasta - in accordance with Mediterranean eating rules - would be a…
  • In fact, ditto here, and that's (one) of the reasons I use to meal prep. I have always so much in freezer, and in less than 5 minutes I can sit a family of 5, serving healthy, nutritious and delicious foods. Moreover, I can preplan all the week's meals - in Italy we have complete, cooked meals both for lunch and dinner -…
  • I meal prep a lot, so, in a rush or in no rush, I simply heat some container in microwave (Always have at hand any possibile kind and combination of food). Instead, I eat out about once a week, but never on a rush, it's an "event", a feast (usually on Friday or Saturday evening, as part of the weekend's entertainments,…
  • I have to pay attention to sugar (glucose tends to be a little too high; not yet worrying, but not to be ignored), but my choice went to: few desserts, but magnificent quality/taste. In the past I tried out a lot of "substitutes", but they never satisfy me, so finally decided for fewer but great. So: two/three breakfasts a…
  • Going cinema and theatre. I used to go cinema three times a week for many years (from 16 to 30); then family and work etc made me reduce, but still go every time I/we can and still love it. Theatre, instead, for many years had been a rare treat because we had to go in other cities, so not more than 2-3 for year; but about…
  • 11 Jan: 65 minutes = 20 kms Previous: 200 kms Total progress: 220 kms /3257,312 Remaining: 3037,312 Days cycling (in 2024) – 10 including today [I go with the average suggested in Internet, that is 20 kms/hr]
  • 10 Jan: 60 minutes = 20 kms Previous: 180 kms Total progress: 200 kms /3257,312 Remaining: 3057,312 Days cycling (in 2024) – 9 including today [I go with the average suggested in Internet, that is 20 kms/hr]
  • I hear you. In Italy we already used teaspoon for desserts, so I began loading it only for half when, on Saturdays, I eat my beloved tiramisù in pizzeria :smiley:
  • I began using chopsticks (I'm very awkward with them, and my moves make us have fun and laugh, so it's perfect in every sense :smile: )
  • Previous: 160 kms Days cycling (in 2024) – 8 including today Today, January 9th: minutes 62, kms 20 Total progress: 180 kms /3257,312 Remaining: 3077,312 [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 kms/hr.]
  • I bring water with me everywhere (54 years), ditto my husband and son (56 - 20), and ditto my parents (about 80). I know that when I go out for 5 minutes it wouldn't be strictly necessary, but after both me and my mother ended up in emergency room more times (2 me and 2 she, for different reasons but all linked to…
  • [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] Previous: 140 kms Days cycling (in 2024) – 7 including today Yesterday (Jan 7) rest day. Today, January 8th, Monday: minutes 61, kms 20 Total progress: kms 160/3257,312 Remaining: 3097,312
  • Very wise words, @ryannxtlvl. And great work!
  • Is it possible to fix the watch to you ankle? I do this with Fitbit when I don't have time/want to bother adding the specific exercise. It's not precise as at the wrist, but at least a part of steps are recorded.
  • Sorry, I remembered only now: I use a lot also salty "pies" (don't know if that's the right term: puff pastry, filled with everything you prefer - I usually go for a lot of vegetables + some cheese, but there are millions of recipes). In summer it's okay also cold. Again, there's carbs; but fewer than in a sandwich.
  • If you simply want carbs but different kinds, and also if you want to reduce a little, but not eliminate: For breakfast: oatmeal instead of toast. For lunches: spelt or barley or couscous or rice (a lot of kinds, so you can vary: basmati, red, whole etc), both at home instead of bread (with stews, for instance - other…
  • [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] Previous: 120 kms Days cycling (in 2024) – 6 including today January 6th, Saturday: minutes 62, kms 20 Total progress: kms 140/3257,312 Remaining: 3117,312
  • Amen!
  • [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] Previous: 95 kms, since here cycled every day (in 2024) - 5 including today January 5th, Friday: minutes 76, kms 25 (wow, very proud of myself today, I rode faaaast – for my standards, obv 😊 ) Total progress: kms 120/3257,312 Remaining: 3137,312
  • [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] January 1st, Monday: 62 minutes, kms 20 January 2nd, Tuesday: 92 minutes: kms 30 January 3rd, Wednesday: 62 minutes, kms 20 January 4th, Thursday: 76 minutes, Kms 25 Total progress: kms 95/3257,312
  • @SavageMrsMoose wowwww, congratulations for your marathons/half and everything, you're great! And now, my humble performance:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] January 1st, Monday: 62 minutes, kms 20 January 2nd, Tuesday: 92 minutes: kms 30 January 3rd, Wednesday:…
  • [I go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So:] January 1st, Monday: 62 minutes, kms 20 January 2nd, Tuesday: 92 minutes: kms 30 (it's addictive :smiley: ) Total progress: kms 50/3257,312
  • Three two one… gone! I'll go with the average suggested by internet, that is 20 km/hr. So: January 1st, Monday: 62 minutes, kms 20. Total progress: kms 20/3257,312 See you tomorrow :smile:
  • Here the same :-( Now it's gone, thanks God, but it has been horrible... and with 5 vaccine's shots in me! Many many thanks for those (also my whole family catched it, including my (old) parents... and we are all good, now. Not the same for other relatives who catched it pre-vaccines :-( Thanks, science!
  • Hello, everyone! New to this challenge. I usually only walk, but I always liked cycling. For years, we went everywhere on bike (little town), and on Sundays we used to do pleasure trips in the country, but every year traffic is more horrible and so we almost quit. Then I saw this challenge and thought “What?! I want, I…
  • In, thanks @takinitalloff for mentioning the group :-)
  • Ditto here. I eat only ~1600 calories/day***, but I'm only 5'3" and my only exercise till one week ago was walking (now I'm adding also cyclette, but it's a new entry, and it's not a real "addition", it's more a substitution: decrease walking from 20k steps to 10k steps/day, introducing 1 hr cyclette 4 days/week). But me…