tekavincent Member


  • Thursday Truth: Temporarily moved back in with my parents until the school up paying my way. I think it may drive me insane. I love the job but hate the nagging and nitpicking at each other and occasionally at me. Prayers to Robin and Laurie and the others who are struggling now.
  • Wish: I didn't have to get up at 5:30 every morning.
  • Daily Goal - 5,000 9/01 - 6,522 9/02 - 5,312 9/03 - 11,653 9/04 - 6,189 Total - 29,676 to date Average - 7,419
  • 9/01 - 6,522 9/02 - 5,312 9/03 - 11,653 Total - 23,487 to date
  • Awesome First Day!!! We currently have 13 students enrolled. I know it doesn't sound like many, but you've got to start somewhere! I am absolutely exhausted but still on cloud 9! Tuesday Goals - Well, I've joined a September step challenge. They were suggesting 10,000 a day, but I've decided to go 5,000 a day to start…
  • Thanks! I will do that!
  • I'm going to start out with 150,000 steps (5,000 a day) since this is my first step challenge. I've been averaging about 2500 steps, but have been "stepping" it up this month. 9/01 - 6,522 9/02 - 5,312 Total - 11,834 to date
  • Back to the Future - want to keep my calories under minimum instead of relying on exercise to burn the extra ones. If pigs fly why can't I? - I think the new school opening is this one for me today.
  • Monday checkin Lost 2 lbs this week. Today I got nearly 12,000 steps in just getting ready for the school opening tomorrow. Spent the whole day painting, building, putting up bulletin boards, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, etc. It looks great! I can't wait for 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Have to share a smile (and slight…
  • I just did my Labor Day goal weigh in. I met my 10. Woo Hoo. I lost 2 this last week. Still a little behind on my Halloween goal, but this was encouraging. At parties, I tend to get my drink and just sip it till it turns watery. I try to drink a lot of water before going hoping not to be too thirsty. Also, I tend to get…
  • Sunday Share - It has been a true "rollercoaster week." We start the new school on the 4th. We are still building desks, painting walls and assembling shelves. I've been attempting to hold teacher orientation. I have been interviewing parents as well as potential teachers to fill the last two teaching spots I'm going to…
  • I didn't think I'd like it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I love the whole wheat pasta. I'd actually quit eating a lot of pasta because it has to be overcooked and soft for my system to digest it. But I don't have that problem with the whole wheat. I can have it a little chewy like it's supposed to be and I will not have…
  • Thursday Truth - I was forced to wait so long to get my lunch today, that I got a chocolate shake (blue bell) too. I know I could have said, "No", but I wasn't really in the mood. It was 2 p.m. and I had not eaten since 7 a.m. and I had been on the way to lunch to eat a good healthy lunch when my boss stopped me and kept…
  • Great view point GetFit! Good luck! and same to all!
  • bump, very very slee.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Maintained this week. Challenges - definitely hectic in my life right now and hard to eat on a good schedule. Hoping this changes when school starts Tuesday. Successes - well, I didn't gain.
  • Successes - as mentioned Wed, lost 3 lbs. Drank a lot more water. Have not bought any checkout (register) candy bars this week! Challenges - with moving, traveling and starting a new school, it's difficult to stick to an eating schedule and easy to fall into the "easy food" trap. Also have become inconsistent taking…
  • Sunday Share: I have always been very self-conscience about weight because of the emphasis my mom put on it. She struggled for years (evidently getting up around 300 at one time - but never that I remember). Therefore, she was always harping on me, making me drink shakes and diet and make comments about exercise, etc. etc.…
  • @Robin. Brand new private Christian school in small East Texas city. Depressed area. We've got quite a few commitments, just not actual enrollment papers. I'm a hardline in that I will not call someone a student until they've been enrolled. @ Bigaug - I know how you feel. Even though I'm personally politically aware, I…
  • Wednesday wish - new enrollments for the school. People keep saying they're coming, but I have only one actual enrollment in hand. I'm getting nervous about money which leads to stress which leads to... well you know.
  • Today's Wednesday, so I'll weigh in today and post my results. It's been a really weird few days since I last signed in and posted. Probably didn't lose a lot of weight, but did get a lot of exercise in. Suffering really badly with allergies - probably weather changes and all the packing and moving and stirring dust.
  • Grapeland
  • Friday Fitness - I've been averaging about 6500 steps a day. I want to bump that up to 10,000. Also want to start back up my pilates but keep putting it off cause I'm so tired. Today will be easy to hit 10,000 because it's a big shopping day for a special occasion I'm coordinating.
  • Thursday Truth - other than trying to get a minimum number of steps in, I haven't been doing any "formal" exercise. Trying to open the new school has me fully exhausted by the time I get home and I really just crash. @Joe: I know that when Fitnesspal and Fitbit linked, several of us went and got a Fitbit. I love mine. I…
  • Well I just lost my well thought out post. So here goes the short version. Enjoying all the comments, praying for many of you. Wish - magically packed and moved apartment. Actually drinking the water on my desk. Cloning - sci fiction fan in me says "Run away! Run away!"
  • Amen to the house cleaning wish!
  • Successes. I bought my scale and discovered I had lost 8 pounds in the last month and a half. That was cool. Since I just weighed yesterday, I'm going to wait till next Wednesday to weigh again - ooooh that will be hard. I'm not counting my 8 as part of our campaign, so I'm hoping for 6 since I'm getting a late start (at…
  • Tuesday's goals First, I need to buy a scale. I've been using my sister's, but I have now moved 3 hours away from her. Not quite practical to continue using her scale. Second, I have committed to 10 by Labor Day. I think that means about 3 1/3 this week. Third, I have committed to 30 by Halloween. Fourth, I will be leading…