dlrcpa Member


  • I like to do my exercise after work and before dinner. I come home and walk the dog and then hit the exercise bike 3 times a week (that is my goal anyway.) It's convenient to have everything at home. Can you go to work earlier and get home earlier? Can you eat your main meal at lunch so that dinner can be more like a snack?
  • That's great! So what did you buy?
  • I'm 5'7" with an average frame. I picked 140 lbs as it was right in the middle of the healthy range for my height. At 140 lbs I got back into my wedding dress! I'm happy with 140 although I am now working to tone it up and maintain. Lots of exercise allows me to eat more and indulge sometimes too....
  • Congradulatons to all of you. How great to have a family project like this where everyone benefits.
  • That's good news. Hopefully you can get off the medications altogether. I also lost weight because my doc said it was the first thing to do to avoid diabetes. He was tickled when he saw me the first time after I had dropped about 15 lbs (I didn't have much more to lose, but the studies have shown that losing even 5% of…
  • Honey - nobody ever taught us how to eat correctly! At least not me, not that I remember. It's a big deal to learn how to take care of your body - sort of like having to learn how to take care of your car and your finances! That is why some of these TV programs may actually do some good, at least I hope so. I have seen…
  • Gosh, I think you look a decade younger in the 2nd and 3rd picture than in the 1st picture. Maybe it''s because your hair is down and you face is thinner. Santa certainly treated you nice - I didn't get anything nearly as good as that!
  • Try to figure out your salt intake yesterday. It may take a few days for your body to let go of the water and the salt.
  • Swimming (primarily using your arms) might be a good option. I am thinking backstroke with minimal kicking or only 1 leg kicking?
  • Great story!! No, I have not named my bike (yet...) She is a very old Peugeot 12-speed but quite plain compared to all the new bikes. So I need a rather plain French name suitable for an older girl - suggestions?
  • I am not a gym person either. There are so many other activities available - why not make a list and start doing some of those instead? Bike, roller blade, hiking, yard word, walk the dog, wash windows, tennis, shoot hoops, on and on......
  • There is/was a diet chocolate soda called Canfield's diet fudge. It really did taste good. I don't know if it is still available in stores. I like applesauce with some cinnamon and grape nuts on top. You can microwave if you like it warm. Maybe close to dutch apple pie? Mock Orange Julius - equal parts skim milk & OJ, add…
  • Your new picture is so cute!!!!
  • Honey, I am 54 and won't be seen in a bikini ever again. Plus I have a lot of surgical scars that I don't really want to exhibit. However I think the Land's End tank suits rock. I have long legs and arms which are are showing a lot toning now (been working at it.) Think of what your *best* features are and how you can show…
  • What a great way to start 2011. You look terriffic and so happy!
  • You look so much younger - isn't it amazing? Have a great 2011.
  • You can enter the entire recipe in the recipes tab. You'll have to decide how many servings are in the whole pot. When I am cooking from scratch I try to guesstimate the number of servings and then go back and change my portions amount if I guessed wrong. If I entered the recipe as 8 servings and I actually ate 1/4 of the…
    in Help asap Comment by dlrcpa January 2011
  • Hang in there. Stick to the plan and it really will work, it just takes time.
  • Great job and sooo much healthier. Hope you have a happy and healthy 2011.
  • Great job! We forget to budget for new clothes don't we? You're going to have to downsize a couple of times. Some people say they try to buy the "intermediate" clothes on the small size so they can wear them a bit longer....
  • The same thing happened to me when I returned from vacation in September. Most of it will go away within a week or so. :wink:
  • Great work. You will get there. I found the last couple of pounds took forever but just be patient. Most of the effort is already done!
  • Hi and good luck with your goal. You have come to the right place. My challenge will be to maintain now - wintertime will be hard because it is hard to muster the energy to put in the aerobic exercise time. In the spring, summer, and fall it did not seem like a problem. I will try to focus on yoga and strength rather than…
  • Yes, it is bad here too. I force myself to log it all. At least I think about the damage before I eat it. Can you package it up and stash it in a freezer somewhere? That will give you time to figure out who you are going to give it all away to - neighbors, the mailman, the janitorial people, etc. if you go to a party, you…
  • Awesome muscles!!!
  • I'm 5'7" and now 140 - right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height. The last 4-5 pounds took 2 months to come off, I think that was my body telling me I was done! Also, I'm very happy with my current muscle definition and how my clothes look. I have exercised a lot - and it shows. I'm sad now winter is…
  • If the hotel has cable TV, I bet you can find an exercise program in the AM to follow along with, or whenever you have some free time. Take a walk, do pushups and situps, run the stairs, and so on. There are plenty of exercise opportunities that don't require a gym. Enjoy the wine, but go slow and get as much water as you…
  • Great job!! 18 lbs is a LOT. On me, that was a whole new pants & dress size. I just collected a bunch of clothes to give away - too baggy!
  • Yep, look at that flat tummy!!! Amazing job...congrats!
  • Many dry ingredients cook up to 3X their dry volume when cooked. 1 cup dry rice + 2 cups water = 3 cups cooked rice. I think oatmeal and many other dry foods behave the same way, so I would use 3 as the multiplier if lacking other information.