ranaelynn Member


  • My local Golds Gym is open Turkey day from 6a to 2p . And they are doing a 'trukey run' basically tons of classes all morning long so you can come in and get the matabolism cranking before you ever put that first bite of turkey in your mouth. I intend to be there bright and early and am going to participate in the 90…
  • Thanks everyone. I knew I could count on this group to put me back in the right frame of mind. It's Monday. The head cold is still rocking my world and TOM as not left the building BUT this to shall pass and I am refocused. psantacruz --- I really like your way of thinking about it as far as ok so I have added some time it…
  • So what started out as a good week - staying on track with both cal's and exec. went straight down hill starting with Friday. Work became a total train reck so after getting out of there what did I do - PIZZA for dinner washed down with wine and CHEESE CAKE Saturday I did get to the gym for a 60 min spin class but then had…
  • This is a constant question around these parts. the short answer is yes you should it most if not all those cal's. The best and most complete answer to this question can be found on this site at this thread. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo If…
  • I make chili all the time with the cold weather - the beans / fiber are actually great for you. Here are the things I do to try and keep it as low cal as I can. I either use ground turkey or ground beef that is at least 96%. I use splenda brown suger (don't know if you use brown suger but a couple table spoons is what goes…
  • Woot Woot :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Ditto on this one. I came across a picture of myself from before I stared this journey - lord did it ever show just how little I cared about myself. My hair was a mess and in bad need of a cut, my clothes were - well lets just say I looked like I was wearing something found in the good will box and no makeup. :sick: 59 lbs…
  • I hate to tell you this but that is really the way it normally goes - the first few weeks pounds seem to fall off then suddenly it all seems to stop - BUT WAIT it has not stopped, slowed down yes, but not stopped. You will most likely have some weeks were you will loose a 1lb or better but you will also have slower weeks…
  • Yep - I have gone from a 9W to a 8 1/2 or 8 R, I even have one pair I bought in a 7.5R - cracks me up I never thought about the fact that my feet were over weight as well :noway:
  • :drinker: :drinker: I totally know where your coming from. I to recently passed that mile stone. Enjoy enjoy enjoy! BTW when I first hit there I was so afraid to admit it - like I might jinx it that when I would get on the eliptical machine I would actually round up and tell it I was 199 :laugh: How crazy is that.
  • Just to be sure you undestand what shorerider is saying let me try too. If you go too low on your calories it may back fire - not just becuase its hard to stick to BUT because your body will go into whats called starvation mode. It will assume something is wrong and start storing away any and all fat it can find. In other…
  • THATS IT -Focus on what you CAN change - tomorrow can be different - today is done.
  • Dont give up! It's there, its waiting, just under those extra pounds is a healthier you. I wont repeat what every one said about all of it above they are right on all accounts - check everything. And then Hey remember its a one day at a time each day is a new day to win day. Take a minute to write a journal entry to remind…
  • I always carry around sugerless gum and at night if I feel a must snack urge coming on and just dont want to work my way through a bag of veggies I pop popcorn in my air popcorn popper. This is both cheaper than buying microwave popcorn and better for you as you control what gets added to the popcorn (salt and butter) I…
  • Oh don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy the reduction in the breast size. I am finally wearing what I call 'normal people' bras. I am no longer buying massive bras or bra extender's just to get it to fit around me. I like being able to pick out a 36C at target in all the cute styles and colors and not having to pay a…
  • So My husband and I have to fancy holiday events we have been invited to. One this coming Saturday is local city mayors ball and the second is a big shindig hosted by three generals on the military base we live near. Now normally I would dread these becase I always hate going to buy a dress. This year is a bit different in…
  • Way to go everyone Mine was a good day, not great but good. Kept the numbers where they needed to be but didnt get any big work out in. Did manage to grab the dog and go for a 45 min walk though - in my book any movement is better than no movement right!
  • I think your over worring about the small stuff. Remember these are recommendeds not omg must stick too's I focus on the calories (eating what it says to) with a second eye to the others. I just dont think we can be that obsesive that we hit every number every day. I would also say though that if your fiber intake is way…
  • I wll join in as well. I will not eat after 8p. I dont bit my nails so I'm actually going to promise to do something else. I have a quilt I need to get done for a christmas present but have been putting off because I am avoiding sitting still to much. SO instead of watching tv after 8 which only tempts me more to eat I…
  • THEY MAY GAIN IT BACK BUT NOT YOU - not those of us that understand it is about a life style change. People keep asking me what diet I am on, how have I lost so much weight. When I explain to them I am not dieting but have changed my whole life, how I eat differently and have changed out some ingredients and learned…
  • You asked if there was a point at which it 'clicked' Here is my answer to that... Somewhere along the line I had resigned myself to the fact that I was just 'meant to be short and fat.’ Then I started to literally have people drop dead around me from heart failure. A brother-in-law who honestly had a heart attack in my…
  • Also, don’t forget that if your working out your replacing fat with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Get out a tape measure and take down your measurements then check those measurements once a week. Some weeks you may find that your weight has stayed the same or gone up but you are actually shrinking! And hey is that…
  • My step mom who is a nurse also pointed out that part of what your trying to do as you loose weight is to shrink your stomach and that the carbonation in the soda actually expands your stomach with out filling you up thus making you feel hungry – I have a diet coke every now and then but my fav new drink is water with…
  • :drinker: Way to go
  • as for the boredom I know the tv is my enemy - if im just sitting about i feel an overwelming need to stick something in my mouth. so busy bee busy bee - I made a list of all the things i have been meaning to do forever (around the house in the yard what ever) I posted it on the fridge. when I find myself bored and walking…
  • veggies for sure but when im really looking to feed the seet tooth I like skinny cow ice cream sandwich - at 100 cal you dont have to beat yourself over it
  • way to go!