Kateeliz Member


  • Yes I am learning very quickly how evil the scale can be :huh:
  • :laugh: I don't really understand!! It's a brand new scale too! :grumble:
  • So yesterday I did my usual weigh in first thing in the morning, no clothes on, and I lost another two lbs! Five minutes later (still haven't eaten anything or had anything to drink... I go to the bathroom (#2 :blushing: ) ... And I gain the 2 lbs back! :noway: I know weight fluctuates...but within 5 minutes??? And after…
  • I weigh in every Monday when I first wake up (after going to the bathroom) and with no clothes on
  • 1 or 2 lbs a week is a GREAT and realistic goal :wink: I have been here two weeks and lost 4 lbs, I do a little bit of walking and bike riding throughout the week, but most of it is due to logging my calorie intake and following MFP guidelines! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • My snacks: String Cheese Kashi Crackers Cheddar Triscuits with Laughing Cow Cheese Grapes Carrots 100 Calorie packs- Chocolate Pudding with lite cool whip in a can= 115 cals total :love: Goldfish 100 cal packs Quaker Rice Cakes Fiber One Bars Special K Bars (Apples) :laugh:
  • I have always had trouble with acne, it has improved as I got older... But Proactive works like everyone said, as long as you stick with it. When I use it my skin clears up very quickly, but if I stop using it for a day or two, I am back to breakouts! :grumble: Also, I have only been on this new diet for about two weeks,…
  • I have heard that too, about colder water being better for burning calories... But I drink cold water, and I have completely cut out soda, juice, any other drinks, I am already feeling a BIG difference in my skin, and it's only been 2 weeks. :smile:
    in water Comment by Kateeliz November 2008
  • 45 min cardio- walking brisk pace= about 260 cals burned
  • :laugh: It's okay, I was only kidding.
  • Guess I was almost stupid then :indifferent:
  • I don't know if they work yet..but I just purchased a "free trial" of total cleanse..I just had to pay the 4 dollar shipping fee, and then call the "convenient toll free number" to cancel the trial... So I called (if you don't cancel within 15 days it costs you 78 dollars a month) and none of the numbers work. Luckily I…
  • Thank you for that! It really cleared things up for me! :flowerforyou:
    in BMR?? Comment by Kateeliz November 2008
  • :frown:
    in BMR?? Comment by Kateeliz November 2008
  • So I heard recently that you are supposed to eat as many calories per day as your BMR? I just want to know if this is true for all people?? Your estimated BMR is: 1,725 calories/day* I don't think I could eat that much per day!! Right now I am at 1200 / day and I eat my exercise calories...but I don't think I could bring…
    in BMR?? Comment by Kateeliz November 2008
  • That does make sense, but my mother is willing to pitch in on this bike trainer, because she wants to use it too! And I live pretty far away from the gym, so I think it would be better to have a method of cardio at home, in case I get snowed in :grumble: Not to mention, I didn't think of it, but my friend has a membership,…
  • I don't have a Sports Authority near by, but thanks for the suggestion!!:flowerforyou:
  • Thank you, I will check the ads in the paper too!! :smile:
  • I will definitely check that link out!! And I'm glad to hear someone has one and loves it!! I am not a runner AT ALL so I figured biking would be a great alternative :wink: And I am living in a house right now, and plan on putting the bike on the indoor porch, so the noise shouldn't be a problem *I hope*!! Thanks for the…
  • Has anyone used one of these? What's a good brand? And does anyone know where I can get one at a reasonable price? I am thinking of purchasing one because the weather is getting super cold here, almost unbearable :grumble: and I can't afford to go to a nice warm gym right now, so it seems like a nice solution! I would love…
  • I am going to do this every Monday morning :wink: Thanks!! (And thank you Kelly ^^^ )
  • I understand all of that, and yes, I am new to this so I have a lot to learn. But if you look above, I said I am happy with the fact that I already feel healthier, and that's enough for me. So yes, I will be happy with myself, and the number doesn't mean everything to me. :tongue:
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragements :smile: I will focus more on measurements and how I feel, rather than the numbers. I'm not giving up, I already feel better health-wise since dropping fast food and only drinking water, so that's worth it to me.
  • Yea my first weigh in was first thing in the morning... I will definitely keep what you said in mind, and stay away from the scale at night time. I need to learn to only weigh in once a week :grumble: Now I am under my calories and I don't want to eat anymore because that stupid 2 lbs depressed me. :ohwell:
  • Yesterday was my first weigh in, I did awesome all week, I went from fast food all the time and soda every day, to eating healthy, and within my calorie limits, and working out at least 30 minutes a day...and I lost 2 lbs!! Then just now I got curious (I know I should have stayed away from the scale) But I gained the 2 lbs…
  • :flowerforyou: :smile: :wink: :bigsmile: :tongue: :happy: Congrats!!! Good work!!!
  • Thank you! That is very good to know, I just bought some Lean Cuisine's this week (Chicken ones!) I will go check that out, and see if they are the ones that got recalled :huh:
  • :drinker: Yay! Water Water Water!!!
  • Welcome! :flowerforyou: