

  • I also didn't restart my ticker when I found out. I don't think you are lying to yourself if you use one method or another, it is what it is. It may be that you are doing better with weight loss now because you are pregnant; that is assuming you are eating well or better than before, drinking more water, generally doing…
  • My exact experience yesterday. I weighed myself yesterday in my usual manner (in the AM, before food, no clothes). At the doctor's office later that day I was 8 pounds heavier. Ugh. I probably shouldn't eat a Chipotle burrito on the days of my OB appointments, lol.
  • Aw!! Hormones probably played into that as well :) I react to the strangest things now with full-blown tears... and full disclosure - "keeping up with my routine" really meant showing up for me as well, lol. For the first few months, I was only able to go 2.0 on the treadmill or I'd get winded! Miracle indeed.
  • I haven’t left the "look fat, not pregnant" stage, so no strange looks, but I still feel super self-conscious. I plan on keeping up my routine (as much as I can) once I start showing, though, so I’ll let you know how/if things change.
  • Wow, I feel like a fatty...lol. 17 weeks and 1 day today & I've gained 7 pounds total. However, I am kind of surprised it isn't more. I've been really hungry for the last 3 weeks and have been eating a lot more than usual. I hope that things even out soon, because I really don't want to gain more than necessary!
  • I saw some maternity exercise gear at Old Navy the last time I was there. I haven't bought any yet, so don't know how they fit/hold up.
  • I've been doing my same routine as before I found out , but every other day vs. every day. I try to do spin once a week, trainer once a week, JM's 30 day shred (when I'm not too lazy!) and a lot of walking. Luckily, I haven't been too tired/sick to stop. I did get two pregnancy specific DVDs from Amazon that I'll probably…
  • Hi everyone! My EDD is 2/17/14. I had my first apt yesterday and went in thinking I was only 6 weeks but I'm actually 9 weeks! This will be our 1st (hopefully!). Super excited to be apart of this group and it is nice to 'meet' you all!
  • I was away at the end of the month, so couldn't post, but I burned 7707 calories! A little under my goal of 8K, but I'm still pretty proud of this. Great job everyone! I think this is a great idea and would love to participate in a June Challenge also!
  • Thanks for the suggestion Kate! I read Before I Go To Sleep last year and really enjoyed it as well. I have Room (Emma Donoghue) on my nightstand - I haven't started it yet, but heard it was good and 'somewhat' similiar.
  • I haven't started yet, but I plan to do RI30 after I finish the 30DS. It looks challenging and fun - I'm excited!!
  • Excellent, excellent work everyone!! 1tiamat - I defintely think we should go another round :) SW: 110 GW 107! 4/17: 110 4/24: 109.4 5/1: 109 5/8: 107.8
  • SW: 110 4/17: 110 4/24: 109.4 5/1: 109 !! Woot! Great job everyone!
  • For sure! I think it is a great idea to set the goal, *slightly* higher than our combined totals.
  • Hello, I'm Rachael. I'm 28 and am looking to burn 8,000 calories by the end of May. Very excited to be part of this challenge! Good luck everyone!
  • SW: 110 4/17: 110 4/24: 109.4 woot! I only got to the gym 1 time during the week (I wanted to go twice), so I am going to make that my goal again this week.
  • I am! I just finished Day 4, level 2 this morning. I'll add you! I'll be honest, I thought some of the Level 1 moves were a little bit easy, but Level 2 is tough! princessnik7 - if you think 1 is boring, you might want to jump to 2 and do the remaining 30 days on 2 & 3.
  • Hi everyone! Looking for a twin as well! Age: 28 Ht: 4'11 HW: 130 SW: 127 CW: 110 (yea!) GW: 105 but really, to lower my BF% by 4%
  • Thanks FireEngineRed!! SW 110 4/17: 110 GW 107
  • Hi, I'm Rachael. I also love to read! I take the train to work, so I'm able to read during my commute, which is great. I am currently reading 'Beyond Black' by Hilary Mantel and recently finished The Liar's Club by Mary Karr and Three Bag's Full by Leonie Swann. My favorite genre is probably epic fantasy/sci-fi, but I read…
  • SW (end of last challenge): 110 4/17: 110 GW (for this challenge): 107 I know there was some chatter earlier about adding in other components to the challenge (ie: more veggies, # of work-outs per week, etc.) - I'd like to add in a exercise challenge for myself (and anyone else who wants in!). I want to try and get to the…
  • I'm using 5lbs, but I want to get a set of 8lbs. kwatkin - thank you for posting! I was wondering about that, and starting to get a little nervous. :)
  • That really was very moving. I started tearing up while reading it. Thanks for the post!
  • Good! Glad I'm not alone :) I've only been doing the 30 Day Shred so far, but once I am done, II'm moving onto Ripped in 30. I don't think I'm ready for two Jillian's/day, but maybe by next week I'll add another one in.
    in Hi! Comment by rachael116 April 2013
  • Great job everyone! SW : 112 3/20: 110.5 3/27: 111.5 4/3 : 110 4/10: 110 I'd be willing to continue with this challenge.
  • Hey! I just finished 30DS, D3 this morning (I'm doing a modified version of the work-out Rita posted) and am feeling great! How have your work-outs been going so far? By the way, am I the only one who want to cry during/after the side lunge/lateral arm raise? That movement is the hardest one for me so far.
  • SW : 112 3/20: 110.5 3/27: 111.5 4/3 : 110
  • Hi everyone, I'm Rachael. I'm 4'11 and currently 110. Not a ton left to lose, but I've lost over 17 pounds since last summer!! I joined MFP awhile ago, but only started becoming active within the last few months or so. I'm really close to my goal weight, but am starting to shift goals; focusing more on lowering my BF% and…
  • I'll add you! I'm new(ish) here but have logged on every day since re-joining the site. I am also looking for motivated (and motivating!) friends, so anyone should feel free to add me as well.
  • Thank you. This was really helpful and encouraging! I just started a new routine with a personal trainer and was pretty bumped about the 1-2 pound increase on the scale. Here's hoping the water retention phase doesn't last too much longer.