wyld4eva Member


  • That is awesome you should be soooo proud. That showed such will power and strength. My friend always says food addition is one of the most hardest additions to control because unlike some other additions (which are def hard addicitions to kick) they can be completely eliminated from your life unlike food you need that to…
  • This was awesome to from hungry girl just found the yumminess of her recipes, good alterantive for chinese food Chop Chop Beef stir fry (hungry girl) PER SERVING (entire recipe): 293 calories, 6.5g fat, 914mg sodium, 26g carbs, 7.5g fiber, 7g sugars, 35g protein -- PointsPlus™ value 7* 1/2 cup fat-free beef broth 1/2 cup…
  • Check out website hungrygirl.com this recipe is from that and many many others, lighter versions of foods we love but are horrible for us, good luck Chop Chop Beef stir fry (hungry girl) PER SERVING (entire recipe): 293 calories, 6.5g fat, 914mg sodium, 26g carbs, 7.5g fiber, 7g sugars, 35g protein -- PointsPlus™ value 7*…
  • Yes I fight cravings everyday. It just so happens I was just on a websites for Hungry girl.com It gives you recipe ideas to make all kinds of foods and snacks healthier, it also gives you the nutritional values too
  • Lean Cusine Spa Cusine.....low in cal and low sodium on sale alot
  • Hello, I believe you should at the very least try to meet the 1200 cal goal everyday so that your body does not think you are going to starve it once in a while a little under won't hurt. As far as your hungrier days ...I have evened out all of my days on the hungry scale with fiber. At least 20-25g a day 5-8g with each…
  • We are also on a tight budget, however you need to do stuff for your self everyonce in awhile. A reward is a great way to do something nice for yourself with a little less guilt. You have been working very hard to achieve that 20lb goal and your husband seems very supportive so do it. Feeling good about yourself will also…
    in ReWaRd? Comment by wyld4eva October 2010
  • Consider it a life style change....diets fade in and out. My best advice is log everything and look at as many other peoples diarys as you can....you can get really good ideas. Plan on 300 cal or under for breakfast same with lunch, have one or two low cal snacks and then what ever you have left is dinner. be aware of…
  • CONGRATULATION.....you did it and that is awesome.
  • Try going on eatingwell.com or allrecipes.com they should have plenty of recipes. Just type in the veggie that you want acorn squash, spaghetti squash, ext. and you should come up with some great ones. I believe eatingwell also provides nutritional values.
  • Welcome and good luck. I have found this site (once I started taking my need to be healthier seriously) to be fabulous. You can read so many inspirational things, read posts that you say omg that sounds like what I am going through, and just ask questions and read all of the replies. I have really found a love of blogging,…
  • Those Two days they are gone and done with and today is a new day. Next time you can try to pre plan and do you best to keep on track. I have fallen in to the food traps where I ordered something thinking it was a better choice than some other things on the menu and found out my logic doesn't always work. Thankfully…
  • Hi, I am pretty to new at controlling my diet, but I have found if I increase my fiber it gets rid of hunger, lower sodium less retaining water, and log everything even if you have a bad bingy kinda day, when you see the numbers it helps to not have as many of those days. (although a high calorie (just not crazy) day once…
  • MFP also gave me 17... the research I have done also says 25-30, but it also says make sure you up it by 5's. If you start suddenly having 25g and you have not been near that you could start to have some stomach issues. I really have felt since I have increased my fiber intake my hunger has been non existant. The three…
  • I also forgot to mention, I have been eating at least 5 grams of fiber if not more with each meal and that has aided on my weight loss recently....Good Luck
  • My niece has mirena and she has had an increased weight, she constantly feels hungry, and she is depressed and moody. So yes I do believe it may be a problem for weight loss. I always take the chance to look at food diary's when they are open for the public to try to get lunch and dinner ideas, the one thing I did notice…
  • two hard boiled eggs on a deli flat with or with out mustard.....less than 300 cal and very, very filling. you can find pre-boiled/pre-peeled eggs which makes breakfast super super easy. you can also have one egg and a baked potato cut up and pan fried in light cooking spray with any seasonings you like.....garlic, cayanne…
  • I have gone through many periods like this. Where I eat even when I am not hungry, just like a compulses of tick. The best I can tell you is log everything and look back often. Take it day by day, I was trying to take weight loss week by week and that was self destructive. If you feel the need to eat, brush your teeth, all…
  • I was told about MFP by a friend in april. at that time I had lost about 14 lbs on my own just watching the things that I was putting into my mouth and really cutting down on prepackaged food aka SODIUM. Two years ago I was diagnosed with HBP the doctor always put my weight into it. I ignored it for a long time. I have…
  • Absoultly LOVE IT!!! one of the best posts I have seen :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Absoultly LOVE IT!!! one of the best posts I have seen :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • hello my name is Maggie.....I have never joined a challenge before.....I have been apart of MFP since May, but just got serious two days ago. So this challenge is perfect for me for two reasons.....first because I need to set my first goal...H20 is now it and secondly HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday of the year, however…
  • I try to brush my teeth before I eat anything. Most of the time I am not hungry and after you brush your teeth with a nice minty toothpaste, you really don't want to eat. (Nothing tastes good with toothpaste) that allows me to figure out if I am hungry or just stress eating. PS your dentist will love you ;)