tazspastic Member


  • Have you considered a Casino night? This is what we did for our Christmas party last year and it was such a hit we are going to do it again. We called big brothers and big sisters for help and they were the ones dealing the cards and chips and whatnot. Everybody started with a certain number of chips (i think it was about…
  • Try Joey Atlas. He's got a killer workout for upper and lower body as well as the core. Here's his website... www.joeyatlas.com Low impact, no dancing and prancing about the house risking injury due to iffy coordination <--- I feel your pain on that one, I can trip up stairs and walk into walls! :grumble: You will feel it…
  • What an excellent motivator to eat your fruits and veggies! :noway:
  • I'll take the challenge with you! I can't just have one cookie either! I eat the whole batch! :grumble: That article quote you added is awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • Your waist can actually vary dramatically too depending on the length of your torso. If you stand up straight in front of a mirror and bend to the side slightly you'll get a crease and THAT is your waist line. Measure straight around from there. For me its two inches above my belly button and includes my bottom rib, but I…
  • if you know their user name you can find them this way.... www.myfitnespal.com/theirusername or you can tell them to find you by typing this into the brower.... www.myfitnespal.com/meerkat88 Hope this helps :wink:
  • Focus on you! This is something that is important to you, so you can't let the negative vibes she's sending your way derail your progress! Tell her that this is something that has become a priority for you and no matter how busy you are, the priorities always get taken care of! Remember that if she wanted to find time to…
  • Me too.. mine used to go so slow that i thought for sure it was actually going backwards... try eating little tiny 250 calorie meals ever 2-2.5 hours... it picks up pretty quick, promise!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey everybody... ive been on this site for about 6 months now... not only have i not lost anything, but i have quit smoking and packed on an additional 10lbs! WTF is THAT??? So, I figured instead of just standing back and watching everybody else post and actually make some progress I should get out there, say hi and hold…
  • www.kraftcanada.com Right on the main page you can enter up to three different ingredients and it will search the sight for recipes to include your choices. Its fun for a little variety.
  • A co-worker of mine is trying it right now, he has lost about 8 lbs in the last week. Down side is that he is hobbling around the office cuz he is so sore! Guess it works though.
    in P90X Comment by tazspastic March 2009
  • True! It could be an entire bag of chips! Been there before! I just can't seem to stop at 1 bar! :ohwell: That's where the problem is! I usually plan my meals everyday and every day I tell myself that today I will stick with it to the bitter end... and i don't! Think i need some more discipline in my life! lol
  • I have the same problem and would love to have some help with it! Except I start to crack at the end of EVERY freaking day! I'm brilliant until i put my son to bed in the evenings, and then all hell breaks lose and i start thinking about food! Granola bars in particular! (i don't keep them in my house any more!) Then once…
  • The easiest way to tell where your waist is, is to bend to the side slightly... you will have a crease form on your side... THAT is your waist all the way around... check in the mirror to make sure your measuring tape is straight across your back and stomach. This is where a dressmaker would measure you for alterations and…
  • Welcome Kathy! You are at the right place with MFP! There is tons of support and new ideas here. I know where you are coming from with not drinking any water! I used to put away about 6 regular cokes on a daily basis... more if it super hot outside! I have managed to get myself down to 1 a day and I'm just about ready to…
  • The sad part is that there are tons of people who haven't found MFP yet and are going to fall for that well written sales pitch! I wish we could find them all first and get them going here and save them the $$ and disappointment.
  • Try some sugarless gum!
  • Wowsers! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!! You're awesome!
  • Hey, WELCOME!!! Just remember, you are a strong person.... cookies crumble! You can do it!
  • Phew... so glad I'm not the only one who blew it out of the water today! I had 3 pieces of Boston Pizza pizza at lunch today at the office.... my stomach hurt so bad after! Like there wasnt enough room in there for all that crap! I got back on my bike for an extra hour today... least put a dent in all those calories!…
  • I second that! Sometimes you need to vent and its better here than in a half gallon of ice cream, right? So technically it would be health related.... :tongue:
  • Cuz boy's are dumb. They can't help it! haha
  • Another great snack is cantelope! 1 cup of the stuff is only 50 calories (and its good for your eyes, like carrots are.) or cauliflower... again 1 cup is 25 calories... can't go wrong there! I love cauliflower lightly steamed with a tiny bit of sea salt on it. Soooo yummy!
  • 5'4 133lbs size 7-8 I agree... sizes are confusing! Some of my shirts are XS and some are XL.... There should be a guide book out there for designers!
  • www.lowerbodymakeover.com He's awesome and you can do it in your undies in your livingroom! And the price is right! THis is just the site for the lower body, however he has workouts to target the core and upper body as well. Have fun!
  • check out www.OptimumFlexibility.com/Main_Flexibility.html His name is Joey Atlas and he is absolutely fantastic! I have several of his programs and love them to bits! He does all his routines using only body weight and i have arthritis in my knee... its improved dramatically with this routine.
  • I love my sugar... more than I should! But if you work it into your meals and find the places that you miss it the most and make sure you have those little things to look forward to in the day it makes it just that much easier to stick with your plan. You have to reward yourself sometime, so a teaspoon in your tea or on…
  • Have you tried eating a bit of protein? I have gotten like that sometimes too. Woke up one morning feeling like i wanted to hurl, but ate some yogurt and a banana and it cleared up. Could your sugars be low?
  • Its almost impossible to tell the difference between being dehydrated and being hungry! Crazy, eh? Definately try drinking a big glass of water everytime you get hungry when you think you shouldn't be. Give yourself half an hour and if you are still hungry, then eat, but often times you will find that you are just thristy!