saryann79 Member


  • Sounds great, October - CHALLENGE TIME, everyone! For this week, we will challenge ourselves to increase our water intake. Try to get in 12 eight ounce glasses of water each day, then check in your progress the next day. So, drink away!
  • Morning ladies! Everyone ready for Christmas? I have some baking to do and lots of presents to wrap, as well as a "project" that I've been working on that I need to finish, some house cleaning, then making Christmas dinner, and before I know it, it will be over. How's everyone coping with this time of year? Food is…
  • I have been struggling with my weight for a very long time, with very little follow through. I have great plans, but when it comes right down to it, I always seem to fall right back into my old, bad habits. I will lose 30 pounds, put back on 15 of those, then lose another couple, gain a couple, then forget that I was ever…
  • What do you think about Fitness Ultimatum. I was going to race out and buy it when it came out, but it got really cruddy reviews. I may ask for this Fitness Coach for Christmas, though.
  • Congrats! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • I've had a crazy couple days ladies - sorry I missed you! Congrats to those with losses! I still haven't gotten the guts to step on the scale after my little vacation. I've had a terrible week and fell into every last bad habit I've got. I've been terrible, not getting up for my workouts, and last night, I even ate before…
  • I wish I could help Noni - I don't really cook any red meat, though. I'm a Jennie O/boneless skinless chicken breast girl myself. Probably more because I've never been very good at cooking it! I would think you could do a search of "pork butt roast" on one of the online databases (If it's not here), and it could tell you…
  • I've actually heard the same thing about drinking half your body weight in water. Seems like a lot, but I do best when I get close to that amount of water in...
  • Good luck on your finals!!! Well, I did eat some of the M&M's, but then deposited them directly to the nurse's station for the nurses and doctors, along with the BOX of TURTLES that another rep dropped off not an hour later. Rough day... Tomorrow is our office Christmas party and lunch is a "surprise" from our boss, so I…
  • So, I'm sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when here comes this rep from a medical equipment co dropping off a basket filled with a pound of m & m's. Grrr... They're just sitting on my desk staring at me...
  • I have several holiday parties coming up and usually I will be bringing a dish with me - an appetizer or dessert. I'm not very creative, so the best I've come up with is fruit and veggie trays. While these are great options - I think everyone in my circle of family and friends is tired of this being my "dish"! And I'd like…
  • Well, I didn't eat anything after 8:30 pm last night, but I fell asleep around 9 ( just 30 minutes after I last ate!) on the couch. Not sure if that counts or not! I had the best of intentions, but it seems I generally fall asleep before the news is over (according to DH), so perhaps I need to up that time limit a little.…
  • Bump! What a great article!
  • Great job on the exercising! Especially that stair master - its amazing how five minutes feels like eternity on that thing!!! I've never heard of a Christmas Kinder Surprise Egg - tell me more! We can't deprive ourselves of everything - all in moderation, of course... The idea of moderation is impossible for me with many…
  • OK - CHALLENGE TIME!!!! For this week, our challenge will be not to eat two hours before your bed time. I know this varies for everyone and my "late night" may not be yours, but consider your normal bedtime, and don't eat for two hours before that. Mine is 10:30 pm after the news, so I will not be eating after 8:30 pm.…
  • HOORAY, Roni!!!! What a great accomplishment!
  • Morning Ladies! I'm sorry I forgot to tell everyone that I was going out of town with my hubby this weekend, but I'm back and AFRAID to step on the scale!!! I think I might give it a couple days! We spent most of the weekend shopping, so I did do A LOT of walking - my only salvation! I was thinking that a weekly thread…
  • Corinthians - Welcome! It doesn't take anything except that you'd like to be! We are just a group of members that have all banded together to have a support group here to count on each day (and to be accountable to!). We're the Perfect 10's because it sounded good, and because I begged some people to join me in this…
  • Genuwyne - HOORAY for you!!!! October - food has been a real struggle for me too, lately. This is a hard time of the year - so much to do, so little time... and so many good foods to tempt you every day! I wish I had advise for this, but I'll be watching all day to see if someone does have any advise for us! I was up at 5…
  • "Sleep hygiene" is the best medicine for trouble sleeping - the problem is that it is a process and takes some time. If you make a practice of going to bed at the same time every night, getting up at the same time each morning, that will help. It will also help if you don't watch TV or stare at a computer screen for a…
  • Morning ladies! Is everyone getting a late start today? It's freezing cold here - couldn't get my car unfrozen fast enough to get to the gym and get back to get myself and my little one ready so I did my Biggest Loser DVD this morning - nothing like waking up to Bob! My eating is still HORRIBLE, but I told myself that I…
  • Morning ladies! I guess yesterday was just full of the Monday Blues! I didn't get up for my work out - stayed up too late the night before, and went over my calories. Today's a new day though, ladies! I got up and did 30 minutes on the elliptical at 5 am. I am going to try to make sure I log everything I eat today too,…
  • Good morning ladies! Sorry I've been MIA the last two days. I did weigh in this AM, and I've lost 5 pounds this week! :smile: I agree with bumping up your calories - I think it will make you feel more successful and like you are meeting your goals each day. If you eat slightly under that then, you know you could lose just…
  • gis - you can find us every day under "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" and the "Perfect 10 Buddy Club" - the date will be listed - we've got a great conversation going already from today. Come on over and join us! As an aside - I can see that beautiful baby in your ticker. The few extra pounds are battle scars - they…
  • Hooray!!! Congrats on your accomplishment! Be careful though - you don't want to do it until you actually collapse - that's your body telling you something, girl! I just hate that stairmaster!
  • Yes, jumping boards - I have the same chest/bra problem - no one wants to be bouncing around like that! Actually, one of the main reasons I'm OK with going to the gym @ my hospital so early. In four days this week, I have only seen two other people there at 5 am. It's a big place, so I don't have to see them and they don't…
  • Kelhun, Nonibug, and abs - you are all in my prayers, and continue to stay positive. Not only will it help in this journey, but there is nothing more important in healing your body than staying positive.
  • I have the Biggest Loser, volume 2 workout dvd, and I like it a lot. It is divided into several different chunks, and then you program in which ones you are going to do, so you have a different workout every time, and you can do as short or as long as you want. Good for when you just have a few minutes, or want to really…
  • The bike would have been great - I went to Curves once and quit specifically because of those darn jumping boards between each of the machines. I felt SO SILLY bouncing around on those things...