alexroet Member


  • congrats! I'm on week 1 myself. I have always hate hate hated running, but.... this makes it seem do-able. I'm not out to set any speed records, but just to be able to do a 5k would be a major accomplishment. Way to go!
  • You don't need a special calculator website- just divide your waist by your hips for the ratio. The part about health is that a higher ratio (bigger waist) often means your fat is inside your abdomen (by your organs), instead of on the outside (on your hips/thighs) - high levels of intraabdominal fat are felt to be a risk…
  • Burpees are not the same as squat thrust. You start standing, then drop down, then do a squat thrust, then jump back up. So they're like squat thrusts+
  • I knew I needed to lose weight for a long time... i looked fat, I never felt sexy or attractive, guys ignored me, I didn't like having to buy such big clothes. Etc. But it was when I went to visit my sister before she had her baby and we went to get a massage, and she got on the scale, and I realized that I weighed more…
  • i went to curves for a few months, and my thoughts are... I actually liked that it's sort of mindless and repetitive. You go in, do your thing, get out. Easy. I liked the little keytag trainer thing- it lights up green when you're in your target zone, and gives you feedback after every workout. But the downside- Like…
    in Curves Comment by alexroet February 2012
  • I have it... I like it... It's about 1lb heavier than my old scale, but I don't know which one is right. I go by the trend though not the absolute number. If it can't tell which person it is, it shows a question mark and shows initials on each side, and asks you to lean towards your initials. If there's more than about a…
  • Where do you get those numbers?
  • I dunno... I think it's possible that your BMR goes up. For example - ICU/burn patients' nutritional requirements are at least 1.5x that of healthy ppl, even though they're "just laying there" bc of (in part) a massive stress response, cortisol surge, etc. Of course I'm not comparing myself to a burn patient- just saying…
  • My sister, who has always been skinny and fit, found out she had PCOS when she was having trouble getting pregnant. when I heard about it, I thought "omg I totally have that", so I got worked up, and I don't. Which is great, but how weird. I have all the symptoms, and DON'T have it, but she has none of the sx and does.
  • do you have one of those straps? they can help. and yes, rest, antiinflammatories... Another little hint- often refractory lateral epicondylitis is a sort of a side effect of some subclinical carpal tunnel syndrome... try wearing wrist splints at night. It might help. Some people think injection with PRP (platelet rich…
  • thanks everyone! polar HRM watch ordered! Will keep logging as circuit training in the meantime...
  • sorry! you're right! i am calling circuit training, not interval. B/c just like you said, interval is super intensity cardio- which this is, but not the whole time. I'll look into hrm. Are they expensive?