rjt1000 Member


  • i'm sick of my coworkers undercutting me. Every month, we all get together for cake/icecream for whoever has a birthday that month. Having to eat half a cake and a quart of ice cream blows my calorie count away. And then there's the cafeteria on the 3rd floor. Would you believe that they serve cheeseburgers and french…
  • no, but I have a lighter app on my iphone.....
  • googled the quote and have NEVER heard that song. Wish I hadn't bet everything on that double jeopardy clue, Alex.....
  • Clapton is my guess as well. He was in at least 6. Next guess would be jeff beck...
  • bruce wrote it and recorded it. But Mannfred's version was bigger hit.
  • and worth every penny. God bless the nurses.
  • Elton John. let's change things up- "wrapped up like a deuce"
  • you should move to Korea and get a job making Nikes. They pay you almost 25cents a day.....
  • too easy, Bono. next--- Robert Zimmerman.
  • director of technology, more than I"m really worth but less than I deserve part time technology teacher- $75/hour- gotta love this gig........
  • someone who helps you hide the body and doesn't ask difficult questions someone who ignores when you fart or laughs and says "good one...." someone who shows up unexpectedly with a 12 pack of good beer and a pizza
  • mouse button going bad so it's not staying depressed when you click the button and hold it down? Sounds like mouse is single clicking when you are actually click/holding. First step in troubleshooting, isolate the issue. SO---- Try different mouse, if still have problem, it's a configuration setting on your computer. if…
  • my kids (10 and 12) often invite friends to church activities. My wife and I do not invite, not our place to be inviting other kids to anything, that's not only crossing a line but creepy. If same situation came up with my kid's friend, friend calling, my kid not home, I'd have said she wasn't home and that would end it. I…
  • drinking diet soda increases appetite? I've never experienced that and I drink massive amounts of diet coke. In fact, at times, the caff in it tends to cut my appetite. I'm not saying it's good for you, but I disagree that it leads to increased appetite.
  • science fiction writer Harlan Ellison said he used to intentionally mis hear people to get ideas for his stories. He wrote one story called Necro Waiters after he mis heard a couple of people in movie theatre talking about a type of candy that used to be sold in movies in the 60s and 70s called "Necco Wafers."
  • yeah, sure it was the soda that killed her. Not the horrible unhealthy lifestyle or her underlying medical conditions from that unhealthy lifestyle. it was the coca cola. And it was the beef that killed the guy at the Heart Attack grill last week, too.
  • yep, you're expected to tip. Place I went last week has a nice polite and seriously tacky "welcome to your first massage" pamphlet and it spells out the "expected tip." $15 of half hour massage and $25 for an hour massage. I didn't get the massage but laughed hysterically as I walked out. I'm OK with tipping but to pretty…
  • I heard he escaped from custody and is now on the crawl..... do you think he'll be sentenced to the electric wheel chair?
  • be real- there are more songs out there about "fat bottomed girls" than there are about small, tight booty girls. And the reason? Because ya'll make the rocking world go round....
  • Mama's got a squeeze box she wears on her chest, when daddy comes home he never gets no rest. Cause he's playing all night, and the music's all right.......
  • things go in one rear and out the other????
  • so if the calories burned for half an hour of oral is 100, what's the calorie intake at the end of that half hour? And as a previous poster noted, I've been married for 15years also. I guess if you total up all the oral received during the past 10 years, it might be half an hour.....
  • can you advise me on how to start a profitable internet business selling useless "advise" to clueless internet users? And how much would that advise cost me?
  • OK, for those people who either don't read all the posts or just don't get it--- THE ORIGINAL POST WAS A MATH JOKE CENTERED AROUND THE MATHEMATICAL TERM "MEAN". "MEAN" is a math term that means the average. And it was truly an awesome joke and led to a truly entertaining thread.
  • We're all here for the same reason? You mean, everybody is here just to read posts by idjits who missed the joke? I know that's why I'm here.....
  • yes but more importantly, e^(pi*i) - 1 = 0 just ask Farris Euler.
  • How do mathematicians solve constipation? Same way they solve everything, they work it out with a pencil.
  • why do you need to discuss your mental health issues with people anyway? If they're your close friends, they probably know and you can discuss things directly with them. Some people just feel the need to share way too much information. There are many people that I know but don't have a friendship with or a relationship…
  • Can't help without a whole lot more information concerning how you structured the data and how you wrote your code. As a network engineer, and secondarily an instructor for programming and network engineering at a university, my real answer to you is "study your course work and figure it out yourself....." Sure it's a bit…
  • oh please, like anybody ever uses sarcasm on MFP....... many places I used to frequent had people who just never understood the concept of sarcasm. We would use red fonts to clearly indicate sarcasm. But it didn't matter, the idjits still were idjits and couldn't understand things anyway.