HappyStack Member


  • Not quite understanding how this relates to what I posted, unless you misquoted.
  • Helpful. I haven't posted "with authority" I've simply said that low-carb is not necessary for weight loss with PCOS/IR. I have not said that it doesn't work, though I have said that it is no more/less effective than a simple calorie-controlled, balanced diet and I have said that low-GI principles are the same as any other…
  • Eh, low-GI can be a good reminder to make good choices. The underlying "science" is extremely questionable, but it can create a mental marker for those who find it difficult to make decent food choices most of the time.
  • It does matter if you're talking about increased efficacy. Low-carb/keto diets are not more effective for weight loss than diets with an adequate or high amount of carbs for women with PCOS and IR. Do vegetarians with PCOS & IR lose weight more or less effectively than a female with PCOS & IR on a low-carb diet?
  • Edit, wrong study... I will be back.
  • Disclaimer: IANAD One of the most understated things in the concept of low-GI eating is that protein - a foodstuff not even on the GI scale - can cause a greater insulin spike than so-called refined carbs alone. The GI of a food is complicated by the ingestion of protein and fat, because the way the GI index is sorted is…
  • As long as you're within your calorie goal for the day, hitting your protein goal and exceeding carbs and fats on the way won't matter. I can't see your diary, so I don't know if this is the case. Order of priority is overall cals, protein, fat then carbs. If you're going over your calorie goal, look at your sources of…
  • These are med-high GI foods, and on the GI diet should be largely avoided (unless paired with a source of protein and fat). The truth is that aiming for complex carbs over refined carbs is simply more sating (white bread is still a complex carb, as is white rice), all foods are insulinogenic (spike insulin) to some degree,…
  • What's wrong with cooking it with chicken broth? I use brown rice (wild rice, red rice, etc.) the exact same way I'd use white rice. This is by far and away the best method I'd ever used, it comes out absolutely perfect, and frying in butter or oil first is a necessity for me:…
  • You don't need to carb cycle at this point. People do it close to comp date because carbs = water retention and increased muscle glycogen. It's not for weight loss, it's for appearance mostly. Even if you cycled carbs now, it's going to be an artificial weight loss. There's no benefit to carb cycling for fat loss over an…
  • You don't need to low-carb with PCOS necessarily. Try "low-GI" principles, which is actually just eating more whole grains and fibrous carbs.
  • If you're 5ft, your goal calorie intake might actually be fine for your level of activity (NET cals = total cals - exercise cals). You're fairly close to that most days. Most people actually calculate their TDEE, subtract about 10-20% of those calories, and don't add any exercise calories to their diary because that can…
  • How tall are you, what do you weigh, do you know your body fat percentage? There are vast differences between bodybuilding, physique, fitness, etc. competitions (vast differences, see here - http://www.burnthefatinnercircle.com/members/physique-contest-divisions.cfm)... training and diet is slightly different for each goal…
  • You'll need to be much more close to your goal protein, for a start. Carbs are personal preference, some women do better cutting them right down... others prefer to keep them... others cycle carbs. It would also depend on your workout routine and how much cardio you're planning on doing (if any). The whole eating "clean"…
  • If you're not counting calories when cutting you're doing it wrong. AFAIK they taper everything, including calories, closer to competition date. Chances are, if you're struggling, your intake was already too low to taper... open diary would help.
  • I'm going to pioneer the medieval diet for the mass market. You don't eat any meat or fish you haven't let the blood of yourself, and you'll live by the 1500s carving, "Beware of green salads and raw fruits, for they will make your master sick." Dairy is good, sugar is good, cereals are good, and bacon is really good.…
  • Nobody really knows what was eaten and how in the palaeolithic period. We know there was a lack of grains, but there's nothing to suggest the diet was predominantly meat over predominantly vegetables. Diet was dictated by opportunity, it's highly likely there were entire seasons where there was no vegetation and/or no…
  • Working out that much is not going to help you, really. Twice as much work won't get you where you want to be twice as fast... and with such a low calorie goal for your activity level, chances are you'll burn out way before you get anywhere near you want to be. Throw away the scales and start focusing on measurements.…
  • I can understand the trainer's POV. But then again you are attempting a program that makes it seem very easy to learn correct ROM and movement patterns from the first session, when it isn't. People lift for years and still need to tweak their form. The idea that this trainer could teach you how to lift better after 18 days…
  • This same goal took me 3 years, and due to my haste I am still not happy with my body. Don't be silly. Just progress at a sensible rate and you'll get there.
  • Personal experience. When I first started lifting, as a rank beginner - only having done cardio & calisthenics previously - I found that 5x5, plus a calorie deficit, plus running on my off-days wore me out. It was unsustainable, for me, and you may find the same is true for you. 5x5 plus warmup sets was too much volume to…
  • Jerk chicken thighs, coconut rice & peas, and mango salsa.
  • There's no need to fiddle with your macros to achieve weight loss unless you have a specific goal in mind or you're having trouble feeling sated with your food. If the latter is the case, I would look at my calorie count before my macros. Your diary isn't open so nobody can see your calorie or macro goals.
  • nth-ed on the floor presses. They don't have the same ROM as a bench press, but they're about as close as you'll get. Don't go trying to bench on something like a Swiss ball or something silly like that... use the floor until you can get a bench. I don't know where you're from, but I got my Marcy flat-bench for about £70…
  • I don't put a label on it. I overate. It doesn't much matter if I overate by 500 calories or 5000. Saying it's a binge makes it sound like a disorder, in nutritional terms. I have full control over it, so if I choose the whole carton of ice cream, or the whole pizza, or a whole tube of Pringles, I need to make sure the…
  • I would recommend just resting for a week or so. You're not going to progress on your usual program until you've healed, and going off-program isn't really going to help you progress (unless you've come to a natural stall).
  • Saw an entry for around 250 for 50g of pork crackling. That's 5000 for 1000g It's pure fat and skin, remember. Lots of calories in chicken skin, too... about 150 calories in 30g.
  • 1/3 of 1.6kg is about 533g. Are you sure you worked this out right?
  • Trotters are good, though! Stuffed pig's trotter with black pudding (pig's blood) and chestnut stuffing. Mmmmm.