

  • D6L3 - 32 days complete! :D woot woot 4 more days left:laugh:
  • Yeah I know what you mean... I try to get my friends do to it with me so its different everyday. The first day I did it with one of my guy friends, the next day I did it myself, the day following that I did it with my boyfriend and then I did it again with that same guy friend and today I did it by myself. It seems to go…
  • D5L3 - 31 days complete! :) I did some Natalie moves today :) im pretty proud of myself. im so excited for Ripped in 30, my boyfriend is so impressed with my results from the shred that he wants to join my while I do Ripped in 30:happy:
  • whoever said you can't see a difference in your photos was CRAZY. You can most definitely see a difference, especially in your face! and you can see it in your stomach too! Congratulations because it has paid off! And i wouldnt lie because if i lie to you then its getting you no where with your weightless journey. So keep…
  • I have the kinect and its pretty fun. I like to use it when i wanna burn a few extra calories. I dont really like any of the games that we have though.. But i do use workout dvds instead. I use Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Its only 25 minutes long and trust me, you feel the burn! I've been doing it for the last month or…
  • D4L3 - 30 days complete!!! :) wooo! so far ive done: 16 days - level 1 10 days - level 2 4 days - level 3 all nonstop! woot woot. i cant even believe i've gone pretty much a whole month nonstop working out. :D but I wanna do at least 10 days in level 3 so ill just kick it out for another six days until we all start ripped…
  • you betcha! Ive actually gained 3 pounds. :sad: But ive noticed that my endurance is stronger than when I first started and some of the moves are easier than when i first started. So not all hope is lost. Im pretty sure i havent lost any inches either (i dont want to measure because id feel demotivated..) I have noticed…
  • thanks for the great advice! Just wanted to say D3L3 - 29 days complete! (i think i said 28 earlier .. but its really 29..) I got my boyfriend to do the shred with me today... lol he couldnt even finish it all the way. Although I do give him props because he did everything the natalie way and i did not :)
  • I just realized that I did not post yesterday for but i did complete D2L3 and after I do my volunteer work I will do D3L3 today and have completed 28 days!! :) Ive lost track of some of my motivation... we have all this leftover halloween candy and I dont want to eat any of it but I always find myself munching on something…
  • D1L3 - 26 days complete! :) Level 3 was not as bad as i thought...
  • L2D10 - 25 days complete..... I just realized that i was suppose to start level 3 today... lol oh well looks like ill start tomorrow. at least i still did the shred!
  • D9L2 - 25 days complete! :) didnt use any weights today because i was at my mothers house when i realized i hadnt done the shred yet. still was tough though!
  • D9L2 - 24 days complete!! :) I'm so proud of myself! i worked out while I was visiting my friend at college. :) woot woot. :)
  • D8L2 - 23 days complete! Ahhh where did level 2 go?!?! it just flew right on by!
  • D7L2 - 22 days complete! I love the idea of a before and after forum.. that would be awesome! :) I also love the idea of starting another group after the shred is over. lol i dont really have a preference to what it is, as long as I have some awesome group motivation to go along with it im down for anything :)
  • lol i was so confused at first and then i realized there was a second thread... ahhaa D6L2 - 21 days complete!! didnt feel at that well when i was doing the shred. i only took like 2 five second breaks but didnt get to try out any Natalie moves... :( hopefully tomorrow!
  • D5L2 - 20 days complete!! :) (i've set up a calendar so i can actually keep track.. ive been messing up my days completed on some of the other posts.) wooooooo! i cant believe ive already been shredding it for 20 days straight! (15 of them with all of my lovely group members of course and the other 5 before hand...) Ive…
  • shreddin' it in the hotel room!?! now thats some killer motivation! :) keep up the awesome work. you just inspired me to shred it up when i go out of town this weekend!
  • D4L2 done! - 20 days complete! :) gosh this level is so intense.. i know its gonna be worth it in the end but i feel so lame because everything i do is the anita way :/
  • wow thats excellent! keep up all the hard work because its definitely starting to pay off! :) just keep at it !
  • D3L2 - 19 days complete! I just realized that i didnt post that i did D2L2 yesterday.. i did it, i just realized that i went on MFP and recorded everything without ever actually making it to the message board.. lol oops. I felt like today was HARDER than day one and day two... weird i know, hopefully get will get a little…
  • ahhhh my arms feel like jello ! D1L2 - 17 days complete!
  • D10L1 - 16 days completed (lol i realized that i lost track.. but thats the correct number!) I was totally unmotivated to work out today but i still did it. lol i realized i wouldnt get to eat a slice of cake if i didn't. plus i would feel guilty the entire day if i didnt work out. level 2 starts tomorrow, woot woot! im…
  • D9L1 - 13 days complete! So i was checking myself out in the mirror today. and i realized that nothing really seems different. Then i looked at the pictures i took and i was like WHOA LOOK AT THAT!!! So all i want to say is even though it may seem like there is no change, that change is still taking place (slowly but…
  • D8L1 - 12 days complete! Me and my boyfriend's best friend did it together today.. I would just like to say he was complaining the whole time, "how do you do this everyday!?!?" "this is insane" "ASKFHALSKF DARN YOU JILLIAN MICHAELS" lol it was really quite enjoyable bc it reminded me how i felt when i first started out. :)…
  • I completely understand. When I started this program i was at 168 (and i'm 5'6") All you can do is push through it. the first 5 days are KILLER. But if you can get through the first 5 days then you can get through all 30 of them. this is what i kept telling myself: - its only 20 minutes of my day -after 30 days ill look…
  • D7L1 - 11 days complete. :D oh my gosh i cannot believe i've already been doing this for 11 days.. and 7 with the group. I was able to do it every day (even with the working 14 hrs a day and 3 hours of sleep for 3 consecutive days!) I really do love this program, mainly because its only 20 minutes long and i still feel a…
  • D6L1 - 11 days complete! uuuhhhh. today was harder than normal.. probably because i worked 14 hours yesterday and only slept for 3hrs and then worked an 8 hour shift.. good news is: i'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight. :)
  • D5L1 - 10 days complete! wooot woot. You know if it wasnt for this thread and everyone in this group it would have been really hard for me to stick with it this weekend. Over the next 3 days im working over 35 hours.. awesome i know. and i have homework too! lol so i basically have no time this weekend but i keep saying to…
  • D4L1 - 9 days complete! :) worked out before I have to go to work. I would have never worked out before work! aaah its a new me :)