fireballaaa Member


  • well I hate fish too but my husband last night had 4 large bass given to him and he gets mad if i dont eat fish so i put a piece in some alumuim foil and got some no salt spices mrs dash (spicy kind) and sprinkled heavly on it and baked it for about 30 minutes on 350 turned out wonderful. i could eat it and not make a…
  • Thanks to everyone that sent me sites and reciepe's very helpful. Thanks again Theresa:bigsmile:
  • I weigh-in everyday (several times a day) but only put down what scales say once a week. which is at my doctor visit. if I don't do it everyday then its easy for me to quit everything. done it before. it It goes up .2 then I try to do better the next day. if I have a daily loss then i just keep up what i'm doing. Good Luck
  • I have it too and you can lose weight just like the post before me said main thing is to watch your calorie intake and sodium. drink plenty of water and excerise and excerise it will come off be patient. Good Luck
  • thanks everyone I do appriecate all your help.:bigsmile:
  • This is a DR diet / no starches aprox 30 gram sugar daily / carbs is about 50 been on this diet for 16 weeks and have another 6 weeks to go before they change my diet. but I have lost with their program 42 pounds. not bad and 31 inches:bigsmile:
  • I have seen a recipe on here somewhere where you use cauiflower as the crust. now I have not tryied it yet but i will. I hope that helps. probably can go online to get reciep if you can't find it here.
  • stick with your gut/ can't be to careful these days and times.
  • I cook the sausage in a skillet and drain the fat cut in quarters(half then half again) put peppers and onions in the pan and fry them up. get a slice of bread with and put 1/4 piece of sausage with peppers and onions with mustard. love this. also can put in homeade speggetti (sorry can't spell) makes it very delicious.
  • first weight in is on jan 13 2012 / what my team captain said yesterday.:bigsmile:
  • well I did pretty good I made a plan of what i could eat and stuck to it and still did my excerises and I lost 3.3 pds this week. For me I was determined not to sabatoge myself worked to hard to lose what i have lost to gain it back and have to start over. So next holiday remember set your calorie goal and carb. goal and…
  • what is the email we send you are information? :smile:
  • 1). FitForLife 2).Inch By Inch 3).In It to Win It
  • Some more Idea's for team names Inch by inch jelly bellies Just Do It Slim Seekers The Shapeshifters The Untouchables Faithful Foot Steppers Flabber Blasters Weight Warriors Lose2Win Positive Steps "A bunch of Loser's" Healthy Nuts Love Handles Movin'n Losin The Fire crackers Beach Seekers Catch us if you Can In it 2 Win…
  • FitForLife
  • I'm Theresa Lets do a great Job for Green Team. We will Do It.:bigsmile:
  • I have been heavy most of my life and my health now is in serious trouble, If i want to live to see my childrens children i have to do something now. as of this week I weight in as 187.6 started two months ago at 221.
  • I was born in Ohio and lived their for 18 years, I live in Tennesses now and for a long time after I moved couldn't understand why we didn't have any Snow. then i realized climate was a lot differant. A LOT differant. But this week we have a lot of rain in Tennessee so were not much differant that you all right now. I was…
  • Hi My name is Theresa I move to Tennessee in 1983 from Cleveland Ohio. I got Married in 1983 and now have Two children One 6 year old girl Maya and a 25 year old son Timothy. We live in bristol Tennessee all 28 years and I believe is one of the most beautiful places on the earth. My weight has went up and down these 28…
  • great job you look wonderful keep up the good work.
  • This is only your second week keep exceriseing and dieting it will catch up on the scale ( depending on how many calories your surpose to get you might need to modify it, you might be eating to many calories.
  • Hi, I also have this underactive thyroid. but you can lose weight with it, you do need to keep track of your thyroid numbers and keep it in the normal range. While I'm on a diet my doctor regularly check my tsh with blood with and as you slim down could possible lower your need for thyroid medicine. I hope this helps. Last…