cakesmooth Member


  • Congrats too you! Btw, my nips never retuned to their former glory! Have fun with that!
  • This is a freakin hilarious conversation. Thanks for the laughs! And no, I don't wear make-up to excercise. I tend to look like a homeless person while I work-out and I don't care.
  • Big Fat Positive on a pregnancy test. :) I guess I've been trying to have my second child for so long now that I'm abusing the lingo. I've been on lots of TTC (Trying to Conceive) boards for a long time and have been forced to learn the acronyms which I used to despise and am now using them. I've been using boards mostly…
  • Sorry, yes that's a Big Fat Positive! I'll take the congratulations! Thank you!
  • Hello! Got my BFP this morning at only 3 weeks 5 days. Had a D&C in May for a missed miscarriage. I had stillborn mono mono identical twin girls last September. We also have a brilliant 3 year old boy. He's amazing and the love of my life! I am really looking forward to a normal healthy textbook pregnancy like I had with…
  • Name: Caroline Hubby/Partner: Hubby Tony How many kids do you have: 1 son & 3 angels Due Date: April 9, 2013 Do you know the gender: Not yet Have you picked out the baby's name: nope Where do you live: Chula Vista, CA Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Stroller Strides 3-4x per weeks. Walk/jog a bit as well. Anything…
  • Name: Caroline Hubby/Partner: Hubby Tony How many kids do you have: 1 son & 3 angels Due Date: April 9, 2013 Do you know the gender: Not yet Have you picked out the baby's name: nope Where do you live: Chula Vista, CA Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Stroller Strides 3-4x per weeks. Walk/jog a bit as well. Anything…
  • I didn't read the book thoroughly but didn't read anything about increased energy. A lot of diets claim to give you increased energy but with this one I actually feel it. The only thing I can attribute it to is the increased protein intake. I have always struggled to get the correct amounts but am doing better now. I…
  • I'm buying whey powder and starting tomorrow. please friend me! I could use the support! I already circuit train and jog 4 days a week. I also already eat a lot of the power foods listed. I'm a vegatarian and was disappointed by the dinner recipes in the book since they all contained meat but I am old enough (32y) and been…
  • Great post! I am using skinny taste to cook dinner tonight!
  • I eat both the regular and the protein Luna bars. No problems and boy do i love them!
  • I've been searching for one of these for the biggest loser show! I've been watching BL on netflix starting from the first episode and am hooked. I am on season 5 and was searching for some kind of routine to do while I watch on days that I haven't worked out. I only have about an hour a day to watch since I do it during my…
  • I'm a vegetarian and it never fails that my mom brings and offers me meat during each of her weekly visits. I've had years to try out every kind of reminder and rejection I could think of. I've shouted, screamed, sounded patient, thankful, used logic, etc. She still does it. Maybe it's mom-brain. They have an overwhelming…
  • Fantastic job! You are my inspiration! I am 171ish and am trying to get to 150.
  • So do you run inside? Amazing! Well, at least you have beautiful seasons. We don't have a true winter or fall. But I'm not complaining much about that. ;b Happy 4th of July!
  • Woops, I didn't answer the question. I was cafeteria monitor in 6th grade and was sneaking a few extra chocolate milk cartons and lunches every day. My mom gave me, her fat 10 year old, a sports bra and biker shorts for Christmas. I'm not a very sensitive person and not only was I not hurt but like most women I was excited…
  • Because I'm cheap! I live in So Cal and the weather is almost always good enough for a run. All I need to burn some calories is a decent pair of running shoes. I've been running for most of my life now. :)
  • You ladies are getting me pumped up! I'm going to order this for the days I can't make it to my stroller strides group. By the way, my cousin lost 60 pounds doing this last year and she is now enrolled in a personal trainer program in college so she can help others. Thanks for the inspiration! Enjoy your results ladies!
  • I'm actually thinking of doing the same. I found that at least two of the local hospitals have free weight loss management support groups and programs. You may want to look onto that too.
  • Mmm, mung beans! Yes, lots of lentils and Greek yogurt. Light soy milk has more protein than almond and coconut milk. Cottage cheese and hard boiled eggs! I was a pregnant vegatarian with my son and had to find many ways to meet my high protein requirements to try to avoid preeclampsia. I freakin love mung beans. :)
  • My goal was just over 1900 calories a year after my son was born and I was still breast feeding. I lost about 20 pounds in a few months. I definely think you need to increase your calories. But please go easy on yourself. Mistakes are learning opportunities and trust me, you'll have lots as we all have and still do as moms.
  • This is the only Stroller Strides group that I found on mfp. I joined although I am in souther Cali. What's the eating challenge? Is it just to stay within the individual mfp limits?
  • Hi! I'm a 32 year old sahm. I have a 3 year old son and a husband who comes home after dinner time so I often have 2nd dinner with him. I am also an emotional, tired, & hormonal eater. I have the added stressor of TTC. We've been TTC for 2 years. I had stillborn twins last fall and a miscarriage last month. After each…
  • Don't think that you are to blame. Your wieght or appearances aren't to blame either. His infedelity is his problem. It's time to make a rational decision, either to stay or to give him another chance if he wants one. Regardless, I suggest seeking out some good relationship resources such as a counselor, a wise friend or…
  • I was a runner for many years and throughout my pregnancy but stopped excercising for three months (one month before my son was born and 2 months afterwards). When I started again I walked for 2 weeks then began running again and was in so much pain. I was also 21 pounds overwieght. I stopped running for 1 month and just…
  • If you are a runner or just starting out, you should be changing into new running shoes every 100 miles. Depending on how often you run, this could mean a new running shoe purchase every few months which could get costly if you are buying from any of the specialty running shoe stores. Shoes break down and can cause back…
  • Trying on clothes, especially bathing suits.
  • I felt better just writing it out! Thanks so much for all of the advice and support. I was on weight watchers for 3 months before joining MFP and lost 19 pounds. One thing I really liked about it is that it gave you an additional 30 or so points to spend per week for weak moments such as these or for a cocktail hour after…
  • I saw it last Friday. It was powerful and definitely changed my shopping decisions this week. I already knew a lot of that information since I was an Agriculture - Animal Science major in college. But I didn't know about the GMO's and a few other things. Instead of going the closest main stream popular grocery store, I…
  • I'm also one of you! I got pregnant very near my wedding day. I was the skinniest I've ever been than 10 months and one baby later I was the biggest I've ever been. I've lost 21 pounds since then. I've found that websites like these that force you to track your calories keep you accountable are super helpful. I am also…