Sandydur Member


  • Happy Saturday! :) Had a bad night again and slept in later than usual so I am already behind. Family zoom call, run to Best Buy to bring my batteries of all kind to be recycled, especially the big surge battery from my computer. I am sitting later for the kiddos in my house but I am sure they will want to go to Mc…
  • Happy Friday! :) Another beautiful day and I am grateful. I thought I had posted yesterday but I was in such a hurry maybe I forgot to press reply. I woke up late had to get to my meeting early and after the meeting I went straight to Rob's so he could leave to see Lisa get a teacher's award for outstanding performance as…
  • I swore I posted today but I don't see it. I will fill you in tomorrow I am too exhausted to write a post tonight. Sandy One Day at a Time
  • Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful day for my trial appointment. I have ordered some groceries to be delivered later today. Nothing else exciting happening. Jackie, sorry about the rain and cold, pooches are smart staying warm and cuddly. Thank you for keeping us informed about Anne, we don't want to overwhelm her with…
  • Thank you Jackie, and yes, please do include all of us.
  • Happy Tuesday! :) Much cooler day today with rain last night and expected later. The sun is out for a few hours so I am going to run a couple of errands since I have busy days ahead. Trial tomorrow, meeting and sitting Thursday, Friday a memorial for my cousins son in Indiana, Saturday sitting and Sunday celebrating…
  • Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day this morning but rain is expected. I had a good time visiting with my friend and we will celebrate next Sunday when Charlie is better. She is home sick today so she must have some type of bug. They need me to sit Thursday and Saturday so I hope she gets well. Jackie, sorry you are…
  • Happy Sunday/ Mother's Day! :) Well, I was supposed to go to Rob's for dinner but Charlie was sick during the night and has a temp 0f 100.5 so we decided to postpone. I have trial appointment Wednesday and really don't want to take the chance of getting sick. I am walking Cheryl's dog for her as Marisa took her downtown…
  • Happy Saturday! :) I finally got my balcony plants done, bought some mulch for under the lamp post and some grass seed for bare spots on the lawn. Now I have to wait to see if everything grows. I have a family zoom call this afternoon and church later. Other than that not too much going on. Tomorrow for Mother's Day, I…
  • Happy Friday! :) Marisa's dorm room is empty and clean and she is home. A much better day weather wise as the sun is shining and temps should reach high 60's. Laundry has been started and I am going to plant my planters for balcony with basil as it keeps the bugs away. I will also put my African Violet out for the summer.…
  • Happy Rainy Thursday! :) Leaving early this morning to go with Cheryl to pack up Marisa's dorm room as she is done with College for this semester. Cheryl wanted a second driver as it is a 3 hour ride so 6 hours in one day. I can't do much lifting but will help in the best way I can. Have a good day. Sandy One Day at a Time
  • Happy Wednesday! :) It is going to be a beautiful day here with temps in the 80's. I am tempted to sit on my balcony and get some sun, but also have errands to run. Maybe I will do both. lol Still thinking of planting some inpatients around our light in front of building. Just not sure I can turn over the soil to add new…
  • Happy Tuesday! :) We are being hit with some storms with thunder and lightning. They come and go and are supposed to last all day. A good day to stay in and just relax except for riding my bike. Our dinner was good last night, short but sweet. Jackie, glad to hear you finally got some sunshine and enjoyed your day. That is…
  • Happy Monday! :) Nice sunny day with temps in the 70's. I did end up going to the BBQ and had fun. Tonight I am going to dinner with Cheryl and her SIL and cousin. Nothing until Thursday when I am going with Cheryl to pack up Marisa's stuff to bring home from college. She is not going back next semester and will do classes…
  • Happy Sunday! :) Cooler but sunny day. Still deciding if I want to go to the BBQ or not. It's not to later and I am tired but maybe I will get a second wind, we will see. Have a great day everyone. Sandy One Day at a Time
  • Happy Saturday! :) Had my alarm set for 7am but woke up at 6 and stayed up. The kiddos were in a karate tournament that started with Charlie at 8:45am, then Max at 9:45am and Robby at 12:30. We went to Mc Donald's to eat after Max and went back. Charlie got a 2nd place trophy, Max got two first place trophies and Robby got…
  • Happy Friday! :) Had some rain last night and a little this morning but sun is supposed to come out later. I am sitting for a couple of hours so Rob can take Robby for his private karate lesson. All three kids are in a tournament tomorrow in my area. It starts early but the kids will be worth it. Lin, so glad you are all…
  • Happy Thursday! :) I am going to my meeting and then getting my car washed hopefully before the rain tonight. Busy weekend coming up with dinner with Cheryl and Cathy, a karate tournament with all 3 kiddos and a party on Sunday at Lisa's aunt's house. Can't say I don't keep busy. lol Jackie, I still enjoy watching the show…
  • Happy Wednesday! :) A beautiful day today with warmth and sunshine. I am dog and kid sitting today so will be leaving soon to take care of dogs. My appointment yesterday was good and didn't even have to have my eyes dilatated. They were checking to see if I had any inflammation and I did not. This doctor said everything…
  • Happy Tuesday! :) Nice sunny day for my trial checkup. Didn't sleep well so might be taking a nap this afternoon. Tomorrow I am sitting so Rob can go to his office. Nothing exciting. Jackie, glad you had a good time with your friend. Of course you made me think of Call the Midwife when speaking of Charmaine. Does she think…
  • Happy Monday! :) Fun filled day with the kiddos yesterday. Rob texted and asked if he could bring them over so he and Lisa could continue painting their house and cabinets. I took them to the park across the street from my house then to a bigger park by the forest preserve and ended with a little farm that is open to the…
  • Happy Sunday! Warm but wet day. No plans but you never know what will happen if the sun comes out. Nothing exciting here so I wish you all a great day and stay healthy and safe. Sandy One Day at a Time
  • Lin, glad you are safe, when I saw all the tornadoes in Iowa I was scared for you. Keep staying safe.
  • Happy Saturday! :) It's supposed to be a beautiful day today with temps in the 80's but maybe a shower or two. Nothing going on today except mass later. Jackie, glad you are enjoying your time with Charmaine and having fun for a change. Short but sweet visit. I don't want to bug Anne so will let you make contact with Anne…
  • Happy Friday! :) Laundry day and playing catch up on my computer. I did go to the nurse practioner yesterday and she put me on an antibiotic as she thinks I have cellulitis from the injection. I will take the medicine for 7 days. I then met my friends for an early dinner and a little gambling. We had a great time as we…
  • How did your appointment go today? Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️ ❤️❤️ When they took blood they saw my arm from my shingles injection and think I have an infection. I have contacted my primary doctor to set up an appointment. Always something. Sandy
  • Happy Wednesday! :) I have trial appointment today so not much time. Instead of an Uber driver they are sending a chauffer driven car. Haven't heard from them yet so I hope they show up. A last minute call from Cheryl last night asking if I wanted to go to an Escape room with her, Marisa and Marisa's friend from school. I…
  • Happy Tuesday! :) Got my shingles shot with no side affects other than a sore arm. Went and sat with two of the kids while Rob took Max to karate. Today I am trying to decide if I want to go get my nails done or just stay home and relax. Tomorrow I have a trial appointment for another check up. Thursday my meeting and…
  • Happy Monday! :) Finally a nice day with temps in the 60's. I am going for my second shingles shot at noon and then to the jewelry store to pick up my repaired items. I may or may not stop by my friends house to visit depending on how he is doing when I am done. His wife said he is having a bad morning so she asked me to…
  • Happy Sunday! :) Had fun last night listening to Gary Todd perform. He is a friend of Cheryl's SIL who she has known for over 50 years. He performs locally around the area and she is sort of a groupie. lol Today we are going to a park district museum where Cheryl has donated her mother's wedding gown to be displayed with…