evilmonkee Member


  • And now I can't get rid of the mental image of my banker / financial advisor wearing a speedo :(
  • I am originally from Europe, but I've been living in the US for almost a decade now, and my SO is American. As a scientist (and as a European), I prefer to use the metric system because it's standardized. TBH, I use both kg and lb when it comes to losing weight- when I lose, I lose lbs, when I gain, I gain kgs because it…
  • The key for me was to find a bra that has adjustable straps, covered underwire, and molded supportive cups. I used to wear 2-3 regular sports bras, but now that I found couple good ones, I can wear just one and I'm pretty comfortable doing jumping jacks. Moving comfort is great- I really like Juno, Fiona, and Maya. If you…
  • Terrible pop music. I'm in my late 20's, but my workout playlist looks like it was put together by a tween.
  • Most types of booze. Not only it's high in calories, but also even a single glass can affect my long runs, especially if I'm not really careful about drinking tons of water. I still drink a glass or wine or a nice microbrew here and there, but it's very infrequent. I am also pretty careful about measuring nuts, peanuts,…
  • I don't have any personal experience with this, but my sister liked all the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, so that's definitely a good start. She had surgery that forced her to be on bedrest for almost a year. She had to relearn how to walk and started from zero once she was able to move again, and they were a good…
  • Ha! This really made me laugh so hard I snorted. Today this random bro at the gym was trying to hit on me by telling me : "you have really nice gluteus muscles, would you like to go out to dinner sometime?" So you can can use the anatomical terms and still be totally sleazy. To the OP: the names don't bother me, but I am…
  • HI Pamela. I don't post much here, but I'm also relatively new to the EMWL (6 weeks in, 4 after cut). I didn't do a full reset (I counted my 2 week work trip and vacation as a reset). Ignore the scale the first few weeks, and trust the process- it does work!. If you need some encouragement: I'm only 5'1" with less than 10…
  • DH and I cook for two, but we both travel a lot, so frequently it ends up being cooking for two. Buying a freezer (the fridge came with a tiny tiny one), gladware, and a foodsaver was the best investment ever. I cook a recipe that serves 4, divide it into individual servings, and freeze. This is also super helpful when I…
  • It's very important - both in the short and in the long run. The long run benefits include reducing your risk of osteoporosis, improved balance and thus reduced risk of broken hips (on top of having stronger bones), lower rates of reported back pain, and a partial offset of the slowdown in metabolism that naturally occurs…
  • You keep adding more and more weight. If you started with body weight squats and can't progress to loaded barbell squats yet, hold a dumbbell that's heavy enough to make the set challenging. Obviously, in this case you'd have to do goblet squats- it's a body weight squat where you hold the dumbbell in front of you. If you…
  • I know this is not going to be super helpful, but I have an HRM, and it really depends on the weight that you used and the instructor/ type of workout. When I first started, I tried 2 different classes with 2 different instructors to see which one I liked better. The first instructor used light kettlebells (10 lbs) and we…
  • is it as hard as i am imagining (i have not ran since high school) : The program is challenging if you are a novice, but it's doable. Listen to your body. To avoid injury, at this point you shouldn't be going for speed and pushing your limits to the max, just go for improving your overall fitness. Repeat weeks and days if…
  • Running on the treadmill will never be fun for me- it makes me feel like a hampster, and it's really boring even with music or a movie. I started enjoying the post-run high after running outside for 2 months, and I started enjoying the running experience during running after I had been running for 5 months. Once I started…
  • Normally: 3 days of heavy lifting followed by 20-30 min of HIIT, 2 easy runs outside, 1 longer run or a long hike, 1 day of butt-to-couch melding Past 4 weeks, and next 12 weeks (I'm training for a full with the possibility that I might end up just doing a half, depending on my work schedule, and I want to make sure I…
  • I used to do it daily, then I switched to weekly. Since I started intense weight training, I'm down to biweekly (scale and measurements).
  • I was always pretty athletic, and roughly at the same healthy weight from the time I was 16 (when I reached my current height) until I graduated college. I have always had a healthy appetite, but I used to walk everywhere, I played intramural sports, and it was easy to fit in regular workouts. Then I moved to a different…
  • I am so sorry to hear that you're going through that. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to open old wounds. While I cannot claim to know how you feel, I am also an emotional eater, and I get where you are coming from. For me, what helped me was realizing that food does make me feel better temporarily, it doesn't…
  • It really depends on your body and even on the activity that you're doing. I second (or fifth) experimenting a bit if you start feeling run down during your workouts. I run 3 times a week, lift reasonably heavy twice a week (NROLW) , and take a 90 min kettle bells class once a week, all early in the morning. I have to eat…
  • The same thing happened to me- I have sensitive skin, and I sweat a lot when I exercise. If you use a towel to dry off while you're exercising, make sure you are using a soft towel that's not going to cause further irritation. If you can, bring your own towel, because the gym towels can be quite scratchy even when they're…
  • Hi. I'm 27 and I'm 5'1", with about 10lbs to go (down 50 since I started).
  • Serious reasons: It's a wonderful stress reliever and it lifts my mood. I do my long runs with a group, and I also love the social aspect and the friends I've made. I have family history of heart disease and osteoporosis on both sides, and I've seen what living with 30% of your heart capacity and brittle bones looks like.…