HeidiMightyRawr Member


  • Building muscle and calorie deficits (cutting) don't really go together. Sometimes like in early stages of lifting, and very overweight people it is possible but not optimal. When I want to build muscle I stay in a small calorie surplus and lift heavy to gain weight and minimise fat gain (which I'll take off later while…
  • Well done! You're doing great :D
  • Any drastic change in diet can do this if you're not used to certain foods. However, this is exactly how dairy was with me. More so when I started phasing it out. It never gave me that much bother when I ate it regularly but then I started cutting back a lot and when I did have it, the dodgy stomach I got afterwards was…
  • I just stick the restaurant name and the food I ordered into MFP and a rough idea of portion size and hope for the best! If MFP doesn't have the restaurant then I go with any other similar restaurant that comes up. It's never going to be the most accurate in that situation because you don't know exactly what's going into…
  • Unfortunately you cannot spot reduce and choose where fat comes off first. All you can do is reduce overall body fat (caloric deficit) and wait for it to come off from where you want.
  • No, it's very difficult for a woman to bulk. It requires a lot of time and focus on that specific goal (which includes a lot of food!) so it's not going to happen by accident. So please do not worry about that, at all. You can't determine how heavy a weight is just based on the number, because 30lbs for one person may be…
  • If it's something that can't be taken out the container to weigh in one piece, then weigh empty container, then weigh food after it's cooked while in container. Subtract container weight from total weight to get food weight. Or if it's meatloaf and all in one nice piece then just weigh after cooking. You don't need to…
  • I normally just have pretty basic overnight oats; Oats Cashew Milk Frozen Berries All that mixed together for overnight and then I add Banana and/or Apple in the morning. Sometimes if I don't have any berries I mix some cinnamon in, and that goes really well with apple!
  • Hertfordshire here :) Feel free to add me
  • If we all know women should weigh less, why are you asking the question in the first place? You obviously already know the answer. Variables matter because not every woman (or man) is the same. Body shapes and sizes vary in more ways than just fat and not fat. Height, bone structure, activity/muscle mass all make a…
  • When you put into MFP your goal, it asks you what your daily activity is (sedentary, lightly active etc) Most people do not include workouts in this and therefore MFP calculates the calories you need, without taking into account extra exercise. Therefore in those cases, yes you do need to eat them back otherwise you'll…
  • Calorie deficits and muscle gain don't really go together. Being in a calorie deficit is necessary for fat loss but it doesn't support growth. In very early days of lifting, or in very overweight people, it can be possible. It's certainly not optimal though, and most gains will be small and/or short lived. Gaining muscle…
  • If you want to work out and enjoy exercising on those days then do so, but you certainly don't need to. I'm just thinking from what I enjoy, I work from home now so really sedentary outside of the gym but I think back to when I was in a physically demanding job I'd still go to the gym after if it was a scheduled training…
  • 27. 178lbs, 5'8. My max (in both gym and competition) is 110kg / 242lbs. My last working sets I did on Monday were 6 sets of 4 at 82kg / 180lbs.
  • When do you ever get couples matched up exactly based on how average they are as a man or woman though? You don't. There are tonnes of variances in humans and lets say 5 was average weight on a scale of 1-10, you're going to get 2's with 8's and 7's with 4's and stuff like that so you can't take what the average is and…
  • I don't think there's any "shoulds" in terms of weight between couples. Aim to be the weight that you feel more comfortable at, regardless of anyone else. Men are generally heavier because they on average are taller and have more muscle mass. We all know this is just a general rule and that there are shorter men, taller…
  • The majority of the time I have porridge oats, overnight oats preferably as that's lovely with frozen berries! If I'm lazy the night before then I'll just make hot in the morning and usually have with banana. If I don't fancy that I also like, Toast - marmite or mashed avocado Cereals Cooked Breakfast (usually just on…
  • I've never heard of it before for fat loss or appetite suppressant. I'd be wary of things like that, it's just cals in vs cals out I'm afraid - there's no miracle fat loss product. It does help towards making a lovely cashew cream sauce though!
  • I'm 5'8 and just under 180lbs. I aim for 2040 to lose 1lb a week, that's based on what I maintain on roughly with exercise already factored in (lifting 4-5 times a week) It's normal for weight loss to slow down as you get closer to your goal but 2lbs a month is still a good healthy amount. If you want to start upping your…
  • I'm not raw vegan as I eat cooked food, but the only supplement I personally need is Iron (which I benefited from even as a meat eater in the past), so I either take that or a general multivit to be sure. B12 is a good recommendation for the general population, but I've tracked my intake and I'm fine on that, so it depends…
  • I went vegan just over a year ago - one of the best decisions I ever made. My only wish is that I made the change sooner. I made the decision for ethical reasons and thought I'd have to work extra hard to get the same progress with lifting but it's really been no issue. Progress has been better than ever, not going to say…
  • I normally keep the %'s the same, so the actual numbers will go up in accordance with the calories but they stay the same ratio.
  • Hi, I've been vegan for just over a year now. I also used to use this site a while ago but recently got into tracking again to lose weight. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • I'd recommend taking your favourite basic non vegan recipes and just making the changes needed to make it a vegan meal :) My favourites are bolognese (replace meat with lentils), curries and dhals (lentils, potatoes, chickpeas...there's SO many recipes out there!) chilli (black beans, red kidney beans, quinoa) veggie…
  • Hi :) I'm 27 and have been vegan for just over a year now. Here to lose a few lbs and hopefully connect with some other people who are vegan also.
  • Lentils, beans, chickpeas - dried I find are higher percentage (and cheaper) than canned. Quinoa, nuts, seeds, broccoli, peas etc. Certain vegan alternatives such as yogurts, meat substitutes (not all of them have much protein, definitely check!) If you want any food ideas, feel free to add me on here. I don't eat any…
  • What's your protein goal? I often feel that most people severely overestimate how much protein they require. Sure, it's important but the general recommendation for adults is only around 10%. Most people will never have to worry about being deficient in protein. Those who are very active, athletes, bodybuilders,…
  • I have a daily multivit and also the MyProtein Vegan Blend which I use post-workout if my protein has been quite low that day.
  • The one I have currently is MyProtein Chocolate Vegan Blend which is my favourite so far, and the only one I've been able to drink with just (plant) milk. The Brown Rice one is ok, but IMO needs other things added like a banana and/or PB. Note that I've always used a proper blender for all shakes. It can be a little grainy…
  • B12 is a bacteria found in soil (and found in animal products due to them ingesting it from the source) and is commonly deficient in many people, meat eaters or not. It's certainly not a plant based problem. It's also fortified/found in a lot of foods such as cereals, plant based milks/butters, marmite, nutritional…