Leo_Joy_HG Member


  • I've been with my boyfriend about 2 and a half years, i had been bulimic for about 5 months befor we started going out. i told him something about my ED about a month into going out, and told him more over the following 6 months ish. we now live together and he is brilliant. He doesn;t let me purge around him but he does:…
  • My mother has always called me fat through-out my chjildhood and teenage years. I was always the 'fat squashy one' and my elder sister is the 'thin bony one'. I don't remember i time when i didn't hate how fat i apparently was. she stopped calling me fat when i became bulimic and denys she ever did which i find very…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm 5'4" and have recently gone from 133 to 124.1lbs, i want to get to 118lbs (my ticker is wrong), i'm happy to give support. Good luck x .
  • Hi there, I'm sorry this is happening to you. I have struggled with bulimia for the last few years too, but now i am in recovery. In my experience, the most beneficial thing was to tell people. It's a big step and it's very scary but it's very freeing. The fact that you've posted this means you've recognised something…
  • I'm from Gloucestershire :P
  • I understand. I've only ever been bulimic (although i have had/have some ana tendencies). I sometimes find it very difficult to relate to anorexics and yet part of me is jealous of them... But as littlemili says all of us here have something of a dysfunctional relationship with food, and so can still offer support and more…
  • I've just started work as a Healthcare Assistant in my local hospital but it's not what i really want to do, i really want to work in a school. In a ideal world, i would also be a comedian :)
  • Public. I am mostly proud of the way i eat, so i'm not ashamed of people seeing it! Also, I am recovering fro bulimia and still have my bad days occasionally. I am not ashamed of this either.
  • I think i had BED as a child and teen, then at 18 a few months of restricting to 500cal happened then bulimia begun and has continued for 2 and a half years.
  • Sorry really can't help - i've managed to cut my ED behaviours to hardly anything but the thoughts are all still there.... But it sounds like you are doing FANTASTIC! Well done you!
  • Sorry really can't help - i've managed to cut my ED behaviours to hardly anything but the thoughts are all still there.... But it sounds like you are doing FANTASTIC! Well done you!
  • Gained 2.8lbs.... Not too bad weight-wise but i still feel really bloated and sick....
  • ED take so much from everyone. I lost: - My university degree and career as a Child Nurse - most of my friends - my freedom - money - a stable relationship with my family - self-respect - etc....
  • i understand too!! I binge eat. I am actually a recovering bulimic, but i haven't always purged. People around me don't believe i still have a promblem if i don't vomit, but binging is still very distressing and damaging to my body and my mind! REcently i've been allowing myself 2 days a week to binge, it does feel like…
  • what's helping me? Hmm... Living with my boyfriend, having routine, diciding to run the brighton half marathon, keeping up with something of a social life. MFP, etc.
  • Hi there, I'm a recovering bulimic with anorexic tendensies. I've not long started using MFP and am finding it really useful to help me level out my cals.
  • I was a student child branch nurse for 2 and a half years but gave it up. I found my eating pattern went all over the palce with i was working shifts! (ended with an eating disorder, if i'm honest...) I'm currently about to start work as a Healthcare Assistant and am a little apprehensive about going back to shift work!
  • dlhoward5 I'm vegan too! Altough the last few weeks i have began to relax this slightly as i have become very low on iron and B12
  • i often have porrage and dried fruit or banana and oatcakes
  • I can't really add an awful lot to this, but i felt the need to reply as i am currently trying to recover from bulimia. The odd fast day, some people claim does wonders for your body, others claim it is detrimental so i'm not sure where i stand really. I feel that i am beginning to change from, to put in bluntly, a…
  • Hi I', Lyd and i'm 21 years old. I've always been on the larger size and turned to food for comfort. In 2009, while in my first year of uni, this turned into bulimia with anorexic tendentsies. I've been to 20weeks of councilling about a year ago, helped but didn't cure. I'm not waiting for CBT. I eat mostly vegan and have…
  • ME! I have a BMI of about 22-23 but i want to loose a little to feel i look nicer
  • Hi there, i'm not complety vegan atm but i have been in the past and i hope to go vegan again soon. Welcome to MFP :)
  • Hi there! The last year i have gone vegan and try to be largely raw. But the last couple of months i have been staying at my parents, who don't quite understand these things... I would love to get back to being fully vegan and raw! I do plan to!