

  • I know what you mean about the melody more than the bpm. I have a couple of songs on my playlist that are a little slower, but the lyrics are so positive and empowering that i purposely included them. I won't say anything about the story unfolds, but is talking about items picked up ok? Don't want any more zoms coming…
  • I'm going to the Monday showing too. :glasses: I was so excited to find out that they were having one where I live. I was actually thinking about doing a weekend trip to Houston (4 hours away) to go to that screening on Saturday. Tickets ended up being more expensive, but cheaper overall in the long run doing it this way.…
  • >>I read up about music and working out and decided that I should be using 130bpm songs, then I downloaded free software that goes through all your music and then adds the BPM to the BPM tag, then I added that column to the list in winamp and sorted by BPM. I made one that I used for wk1 and 2 and then made a new one for…
  • I do DDPY along with the Zombies,Run! 5k training app, alternate days, and so far it's been a good mix.
  • I live outside the city limits just off a state highway. The good thing is that when I do go outside for my "zombie training" there isn't much traffic or people. The bad thing is that there are no sidewalks and usually no shoulder at the roadside so if traffic is coming I either have to stop or try to keep myself from…
  • If you use the winamp app (it's free) and create a playlist both Zombies,Run apps will use it "in app" eliminating the need to pause the music and/or possibly missing part of the story dialog. Really nice when you listen to the radio missions in the ZR regular app - sounds just like a real radio station :)
  • I've never done any type of regular exercise or running before, even though I've always wanted to. Even in school I walked more than ran bc that's all i could do. I started the beginning of October and just completed week 2 workout 1 this past Monday. I'm enjoying the story so much so I'm trying very hard to take it easy,…
  • I'm on week two of the 5K training and just started doing the radio missions on the regular ZR app (couldn't help myself - just had to get my first sports bra! lol) One thing i've done is set my playlist (not on shuffle) and order the songs so that it's a walking beat one song then a running beat for the next. My other…
  • Kinda interesting you posted this... "diet" is one of my topics to research on my survival prep list. I like the "eating less because you're rationing" idea too. So when I eat out and i automatically divide the meal in half I'll feel more like I'm rationing than dieting :) I actually like the raw diet/vegetarian idea too.…
  • So, it's been nearly 10 months since the thread started. Any updates or further news on the camp?