

  • Without having your diary open its hard to say whether or not you are eating enough, but if you are going by MFP's default of 1200 calories, i can almost guarantee you arent--especially if you dont make sure to eat your exercise calories back. I am also 5'7. my GW is 140. I am eating 1600 calories and losing .5-1 lb a…
  • I can tell you this, you are going to be malnourished and sickly eating that little, and your body will probably try to hold on to as much of that weight as possible because it won't know when/where its next meal is coming from. Calculate your BMR. Eat at MINIMUM that. That being said, once you have a reasonable goal, it…
  • My answer would be, if a cheat day doesnt make you feel good, then why would you do it? I think portion control is the key, and you are on the right track. Small, manageable changes. It may be a pain to count out my chips, but i still get to HAVE chips. If you look at my diary, you will see I havent stopped eating carbs or…
  • This HAS to be shady mapes. I have to say--my bday was a Saturday this year so we went for my bday and gorging yourself at the mapes is the best hangover cure.
  • omg. the front V. the gravitational magnetism of the front V just pulls all my clothes off.
  • seriously!!!! Just for you, jerkwad. Things I am attracted to in a personality--humor, outgoing, treats me like a princess Things I am not attracted to in a personality--bitterness, self-loathing, prejudiced, makes sweeping generalizations regarding my gender....shall i continue?
  • I love long lashes!!! but i like green and blue eyes. knowing to cook is like, a requirement.
  • omg scruff. SCRUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. *dies*
  • i love when the guy is wearing a dress shirt, but rolls his sleeves up to his elbows in a devil-may-care attitude. HOT.
  • I dont need to cheat! i eat what I like and stay under my goals. If i know im going out somewhere fatty, i throw in some exercise to make up the calories. depriving myself just makes me binge at the slightest provocation (aka during PMS)
  • I feel the same as the others....I dont need to cheat, bc I incorporate foods i love into my calorie intake every day.
  • I eat whatever I want all the time....just in sensible portions and under my calories. problem solved.
  • I'm 5'6andthreequarters :) currently at 165 and dropping, eating 1500/day plus exercise (which ive sorta let slide :( ) I'm in an 8/10 dress size, and 10/12 pant size. I want to get to 140 but idk if thats realistic with the increased bust size since I last weighed that little. I know you are going to say I will lose that…
  • Replace them when they no longer make you feel/look good! Start keeping an eye on sales, and as you replace clothes with smaller sizes, get rid of the old.
  • I get most of my protein from actual food, but if I had a really intense workout or something I will throw some in there. My preferred methods of consumption are as follows: 1-A scoop in a blender with 2 frozen bananas. 1-In skim milk with a little bit of black coffee added.
  • I've got Pennsylvania covered if thats where you are going--and after next week LA too :D (im going this week!)
    in America Comment by violinkeri March 2013
  • i'm not quoting that entire song lyric source posted, bc its too freaking long, but just because someone calls it America in a song doesnt make it the actual name. Its just too many syllables to be singing "the united states of america, the united states of america, god shed his grace on theeeeeeee" artistic license people…
    in America Comment by violinkeri March 2013
  • I work a desk job so dont do a whole lot, but I eat back any additional exercise I do.
  • This is the formula a dietitian gave me. This is what they use in longterm care medical facilities to make sure bedridden and coma patients dont lose weight. its just another way to look at it, that was more helpful to me. Convert your goal weight to kg by taking lbs divided by 2.2. Then take the kg and multiply by any…
  • I agree with everyone else--unsweetened tea, plain coffee, and water all count as water! Just make sure you also log the additives like crystal light, sweeteners, cream in your coffee. Fluid is fluid--its when you get to things like the sugars and preservatives in juice and soda that the benefits of the water included…
  • My diary is open, though I only aim for 1500 cals a day I've done really well staying under sodium, especially the last week or so!
  • This is the plan I am following. I am losing .5-1lb a week, which is a good rate since I only have 24 more lbs to go. It was easier for me to figure this out and follow it, rather than figure out the TDEE-20% and then having to recalculate every time i lost weight. Also 2-300 more cals than what MFP recommended. I've lost…
  • If you just added your calories thru quickadd, i dont believe you can. If you are entering the whole thing as a recipe or from a nutrition label, it calculates everything for you.
  • My diary is open! Greatest discovery---Trader Joes. I came out of there with two giant paper bags stuffed full, for 50 bucks. that was a week and a half ago and I havent had to go back yet because im still eating all of it. Lots of selection as far as produce, meats, fish, and everything both fresh AND frozen! lots of…
  • goddammit, i've been had! haha. In my the time the post was started, the profile was private and the only picture you could see was the picture of a black woman. now that the profile is open i feel like an idiot.
  • It means that everything you stated was completely opposite of the truth, so know you are either severely misinformed, or making a joke.
  • i still cant tell if you are serious. troll post is trolling.
  • Everyone is different but I usually hold on to water weight/bloat for about a week leading up to my TOM--and sometimes a little constipation too. It usually starts to go back down near the end of TOM.
    in Period. Comment by violinkeri March 2013
  • not sure if serious.... sodium makes you hold on to water. avoid sodium and drink lots and lots of water. and really, avoid showering? i need to shower MORE during my TOM. GROSS.
  • Any snack where you mix carbs and proteins will help you stay fuller longer. Crackers or fruit/veg with PB or hummus. My latest favorite is a laughing cow cheese wedge with half a serving of Raisin Rosemary crisps from trader joes. YUMYUM.