ecw3780 Member


  • yes. a fatty diet can lube up that intestinal track and send it all right on through.
  • you do not need 300+ calories a day. I too am over weight and my doc said eat normally the first trimester, and 150 extra after that. If you are really heave you may not need to eat extra at all. It is recommended that overweight women gain no more than15 pounds when pregnant- so really just the weight of the baby and…
  • First of all, I never ever tell myself I am going to get up and exercise. It wont happen. However, when I do get up, the first thing I put on is workout clothes (unless I am going to work). If I am going to work, I set out my workout clothes so they are ready when I get home. Actually getting the clothes on is my biggest…
  • agreed. Diets always have an end. Some diets end when people reach a goal, others end when you give up. You have to just make a lifestyle change. One day I just accept that I am one of those people who can gain weight by just seeing food. I will always have to log my food and I will always have to make good choices. It is…
  • you have to let yourself eat what your husband is eating or you will go crazy. I weigh and measure everything. If you make pasta, make exactly how much you need for the 2 of you. Measure out your portion, and the rest goes on his plate. If you make something with multiple servings, decide it out into smaller containers…
  • I find that if I eat small meals, I am constantly hungry, but if I stop and eat a big meal, I am full for awhile. I gave up on the quick bite here and there because I was always thinking about my next snack. There is no rule that says you have to eat small meals throughout the day. I know people say to do this so you don't…
  • Don't just write it off! Eat what you want, but only eat what you want. Don't eat something to just be polite, and don't snack mindlessly because it is there. If you want pie, have pie, but just be aware of what you are eating. Then make up for it the next few days. You cant get back on track if you don't know how far off…
  • Are you confusing BMR with TDEE? 1200 calories is most certainly not enough food for you. I eat 1200 a day, and I am 5'3 and 185. What is your MFP estimated daily expenditure? You should eat about 500 less than that + exercise calories to lose a pound a week. As for Starvation Mode, it's not your BMR, its when you drop…
  • I am fat too. Eat as well as you can, log everything you eat, and take every opportunity to move, even if its just laps around the grocery store.
    in I'm fat Comment by ecw3780 December 2013
  • I've been GF for years, and I still get acid reflux. It isn't as bad, but it still happens more than I would like.
  • your body doesn't reset at midnight. If I work out at night, I am not really hungry after, but I could eat a bear the next day. I almost always end up eating more the day after I workout than on days I do work out. It all evens out in the end.
  • The first time I had shakeology, it was a little rough on my stomach. It gets better, and now I really like it. However, I have switched to the Vega shakes because 1. they are cheaper and 2. I can get them at the store instead of ordering. I like shakeology more, but my budget and lack of organization works better with the…
  • I would not stress out about cooking spray. It just leads to a lot of hassle and stress that cant accurately be measured. Then again, you also shouldn't stress out of you go "over" by a few calories a day, but people do.
  • and then they go eat a box of gluten free oreos because they think they are healthier and then wonder why the gain weight.
  • Sometimes I have extra calories at night because I work out late...but then I always eat them the next day.
  • I would try to hide veggies where ever possible. Carrots and broccoli can be steamed, blended and added to tomato sauce. Spinach, beets, carrots are all great in smoothies when you add a banana and strawberries. It is going to be really hard to try to stick to a diet, and not be hungry if you don't include some sort of…
  • Your TDEE should include regular living calories (breathing organ function) + daily life calories (going to the bathroom, sitting at your desk) + exercise calories. So when you subtract 20% you will lose weight. However, if you did not factor your TDEE to include your exercise calories, the formula doesn't really work…
  • That is a lot of weight gain. If you aren't going off the rails with your diet and accurately logging every thing, I would see another doctor. I do bootcamp classes, and even at the beginning I didn't gain that. For someone to lose a good amount of weight through diet and exercise to suddenly put it back on, you are either…
  • you might have something broken or bruised. I would see a doc.
  • I think the closer you can get to whole foods instead of processed foods, the better you will be. Fruits/Veggies/Nuts for snacks, and a real balanced meal.
  • for the record, I don't think fat people should be charged more, but fit people should get a discount...or better parking. If you have spent your whole day on the couch with a bag of Doritos, you could use the longer walk into the grocery store for ice cream. This is why I want a system where we have pedometers synced to…
  • Really watch your macros. Try upping the protein, and lowering your fat intake. You might also need to shoot for a smaller deficit. Like 1/2 pound a week.
  • I do not think of it as a cheat day. I still enjoy the foods I like, and I accept that I may go over my calories slightly, but I log everything and try to stick with my goals. I also log a few foods I know I am for sure going to eat on Tues and a slice of pie on Tues, rolls on Wed. That way I save a few calories…
  • are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? At 1200, if you don't eat back your exercise calories you may be too low.
  • yes, but you will feel like crap and have a heart attack...but you'll be thin!
  • If you want to lose weight, calories in vs calories out. If you want to feel better, clean can still over eat on fruit and lean meats.
  • Salads are rarely the best options calorie wise. I wish more people knew not to fall into the salad trap. Eat one if you love it, but not because you think you are making the better choice.
  • peanut butter, protein bars, dried fruit (unsweetened), cartoned almond milk
  • you do not need 3 tbsp of thousand island dressing. I would at least stop at 2, which is a serving.
  • I am obsessed with my fitbit. However, it is not amazing at tracking stationary activities. It is an accelerometer, so you can be working really hard, but if you aren't making large movements, it wont pick them up. For things like biking, you need to enter them manually on the fitbit site. Even then, I find that to be more…