paddlemom Member


  • Ok, so you are giving yourself the choice between "oh God! I've got to eat healthy, so I'll just choke down this meal I don't really want but it's good for me...." and " OH MAN!!! I am so going to eat all this crazy goodness... but only, really...I mean it!!!" Why don't you try and split the difference? Look for…
  • Kayaking requires far less knee movement compared to rowing. You do alternate pushing with the legs and hips to leverage the paddle, if you are employing a full technique, but the flexion is much less than rowing. We also accommodate limited moblity paddlers who can't use their legs, so you can kayak using upper body only.…
  • The Fitness Institute - $70/month. It's indulgent...but my hubby pointed out that it amounts to a coffee a day.... They have a pool, sauna's and hot tub. A women's only gym as well as the main gym, spin classes and tons of general classes included. They also have squash and (if you pay a higher membership fee) tennis. They…
  • I think that one thing we need to do is to quit labelling "good food" and "bad food". The minute we think of eating a "bad food", we then think of ourselves as "bad", then we we think we have failed and beat our selves up and start that cycle of self abuse... and we don't need any help to think of ourselves as bad people.…
  • Look for some info on Tabata....I haven't tried it yet, but wow! The concept of 4 minutes of intense exercise giving you a great result seems ideal for busy folks!!!
  • I know that pain well!!! Do you do chiropractic? You might have a rib out of place, or that part of your back may be out a little. It doesn't have to have been a strain or big movement that does it - it could even have been a lot of repetitions that put uneven tension on your back. The last time that happened to me, it was…
  • Eat them slowly. Only put about half of what you usually put on your fork, so you take smaller bites. Put your fork down between bites. Chew slowly and concentrate on what they really taste like while you are eating them. Swallow and fully clear your mouth before you pick up your fork and take the next bite. I learned that…
  • I have an aussie shepherd X border collie called Keiko, that we found on We also have 2 cats, that Keiko loves to chew on!!! Apparently the cats like it to, cause when they don't get their regular 'massage', the come looking for it! We had another border collie X that we lost due to cancer...we loved her to…
    in Dogs... Comment by paddlemom April 2010
  • You read my mind....Local fresh is best, if you can get it just picked! But for out of season veggies and fruits that are picked and then shipped long distances, many of the vitamins are deteriorating during shipping, or in the case of fruits, not allowed to develop because they are picked underripe. There is fundamentally…
  • It's's not much different with big losers as it is with smokers...when you are successful, you genuinely want others to be successful too. The trouble is we become evangelists for something that other people may just not be ready to hear. If you were always smaller than him - even when you were at your highest -…
  • ROLF! That's too funny!!! Did you beat her??? They didn't vote their family members back on because the rule was you couldn't vote for your teammate.
  • I was more pissed that they created a challenge that was clearly designed to GET Melissa back on the show....I mean really???? It was such a transparent ratings grab. There is NO WAY any of the bigger guys that really needed to come back would have ever been able to win a step challenge. It was close among the lighter…
  • Congratulations! I'm glad she took you shopping! We are always so guilty of waiting for some reason before we treat ourselves well! Better to have this confident booster BEFORE your surgery!! You deserve it! BTW if you haven't found it already, check out's like the MFP of the…
  • Instead of full bore swimming where you definitely would be twisting and using your upper body, try aqua jogging or using the kick board to do laps. I think you will find that will give you a great workout without jarring your ribs, yet you will still get some core/upper body action - just enough to slowly rehab those…
  • Thanks! This is the first time I have heard a good explanation of the benefit of running beyond cardio and burning calories!!!
  • Congratulations on having the kind of relationship with your son that you could even have this conversation with him. At almost 18, he needs an opportunity to make his own friendship decisions and if you continue to give him a safe place to talk about his friends then he will come to you if any issues arise. My kids are…
  • Don't rule out dehydration either....we often head off to bed without enough fluids in our system to sustain us through the night.
    in :( Comment by paddlemom March 2010
  • Agreeing with everyone, except I really dislike this common disclaimer in label reading.....many healthful ingredients have scientific names that look scary on a label. Regulators are very clear on what name you can use to describe an ingredient to be sure that everyone is comparing apples to apples. Rather than using…
  • Great topic! Lots of good conversation brought to mind three points in this thread with Suggestions for Mike:bigsmile: : 1) People are always going to post about quick and easy weight loss - I think the problem stems from the ones who reply to those posts by encouraging that behaviour. It would be hard to moderate those…
  • yep...another mom-defining handle - mine because I have been sitting on the side of rivers watching my kids race canoe, and kayak for going on 15 years. When I started MFP my goal was to paddle in our club dragon boat festival last June - coached by my son! Proud to say I did it and am now looking forward to my second…
  • I cheat and buy a weeks worth of the mixed salads in a bag and just grab one for lunch every day with a good protein. Instead of salad dressings - particularly the vinaigrette ones, try some of the flavoured vinegars - tons of flavour and practically no calories. My current fav is raspberry balsamic vinegar. It's got a…
  • If you facebook - I started a group!/group.php?gid=106758749346753&ref=nf I think we really need to push back!!!
  • toots, if you are wanting a large dog and living in an apartment, check out a greyhound rescue! Best large apartment dogs EVER!!! Especially if you do have a great area to walk and a dog run area. My daughter adopted one and she is the sweetest thing - they call them 75mph couch potatoes because while they can run FAST and…
  • In an ideal week I swim Mon, Wed and Fri for an hour and on Tues and Thurs I do eliptical or bike and weights, On the weekends I rest.
  • Just lucky! I used to do recipe editing and it was a challenge to convert recipes from Canadian to US and then to Australian and English.... here's another one... potato chips = crisps french fries = chips And I found out from my English friends that pancakes are more like crepes (flat, not much rise to them) and served…
  • Ya Sunny, so glad you have made it back into the pool. Tonight is swimming night for me again. First a stop at the chiropractor though. I'm still fighting with my back - now I am having pain down my leg, so I think I irritated the sacroiliac when I twisted it. My Dr is a magician, so I just need to be patient and go with…
  • Apparently great minds thing alike :drinker:
  • Also try some molasses on your porridge. Not to everyone's taste, but I LOVE it. Do be sure that you have something acidic with your iron rich foods - your body need the extra acid to break down and absorb the iron. My favorite is a spinach and mandarin orange salad with toasted slivered almonds.
  • I"m NOT a morning person and I commute an hour to work each day, so the only time I can work out is in the evening. "Ideal" is great if you are going to the olympics and you are trying to maximize your performance, but for the rest of us "good enough" will probably get us there, at least at the outset. I may have a long…
  • Today was another dry land day, but yesteday I did my 60 lengths in 60 minutes again. It was really gratifying because I was worried that the first time was a fluke! Sorry you can't get into the pool these days, but think how much you will appreciate it when they get the power back on!!!!