

  • Well I'm excited because last night was my first workout in almost a week and 1/2. I have still been pretty good for the most part of my diet the whole time I couldn't workout. I am down about 2.5 so far this week, I'm hoping that once I can get back on P90X I can start dropping some more weight. I did Back and Bi's last…
  • Congrats....Those kind of accomplishments really make it feel like all the pain and suffering and sacrifice are worth it! Keep it up....I should be starting back to working out tonight, I'm beginning to let you get too big of a lead on me Thompsons and I gotta pick it up! Good luck tomorrow to everyone!
  • I feel honored that you think enough about us to spend your only alone time hanging with us! :glasses:
  • Sorry I haven't been talking much. I actually haven't been on at all this weekend. We had to have surgery on the little puppy that I got my wife for Christmas and I haven't left the house all weekend because we just got her back on Friday and I haven't been able to do anything this weekend. On Friday when she first came…
  • My Contest at work has two parts. The first section goes from feb to june, and that is to see who loses the most lbs and also who loses the most %. The second part goes from june til the end of the year and it is to see who keeps the most weight off in that time period. We don't have any weigh ins during the second part,…
  • Well we had our weigh in at work this morning. I was down a total of four lbs from last friday. I know thats a great number for one week, but I can't help but think of what it might have been if I had been able to workout. I don't think my heart rate got over 90 in the last week! If I had been able to do just 2 or 3 P90X…
  • Well I think today is going to be the day that I can finally get back to working out. The last time I worked out was last thursday. I feel a lot better today as far as being sick goes. I'm going to give it a shot tonight when i get home from work. I've got my third weigh in tomorrow at work and i know i will be down at…
  • HEY HEY........get your own ideas! It's not cool to read someone else's post and just change a couple of words to make it look like you came up with it! You trying to steal my thoughts????????:huh: :huh: :huh: :bigsmile:
  • I have battled weight loss for the past 10 years on and off. One thing I have always noticed, and I learned this from my dad who used to be pretty big into body building and fitness in general. You always want to weigh yourself first thing in the morning. I make sure I go to the restroom to get rid of a little extra water…
  • Seems like we're having a pretty strong week 6. Congrats to everyone! If you didn't hit a weight loss target you set for yourself don't get bummed. Just remember, you have spent another week excerising and learning to eat healthier. It will pay off in the end. everyone's body repsonds to changes differently. For some it's…
  • They had one when I bought mine that came with the chest strap and everything for like 30 bucks. I probably should have gotten that one, but the craziest thing is that it didn't calculate calories burnt. I found that to be odd. I can't wait until I get to feeling better and I can workout with my new monitor and see where…
  • Well I found a sweet polar that I wanted, but I am expecting a child and building a new house. Any extra spending money that I have I'm saving for our trip to FL in May. That's why i went with a cheaper model, If I can find something that gets me pretty close to what my heart rate and calorie burn is. I don't mind if it's…
  • Hey I found you two of them at Walmart. The first one I listed is the one I have. it's pretty god for what I do. I think it's like $29 on line. The second one is the next step up, i didn't see it in the store but I think the this one would be better for you because you do a lot of walking. It has a built in step and stride…
  • Oh by the way....I was at Walmart last night and they had a heart rate monitor on sale for 25 bucks, it does all kind of things but the main reason I bought it was because it also keeps track of how many calories you have burned. The thing that was the neatest was that it double as an actual watch and you can wear it all…
  • I'm doing the P90X Program. I know there are a couple of us on here that are doing it. It is pretty intense, if you are not looking for something that tough, which it really isn't too bad once you get into the routine of it, it can mostly be done with 25 lb weights and below. You might want to look into the Power 90. I did…
  • I am afraid that I too have caught something awful. The wife and both woke up sick the same day. That's never happen! I spent 4 hours in the doctors office today to find out that I had to go buy $110 worth of freaking medication! The sad thing is the wifey can't get shots or anything, all she can take is some Tylenol…
  • If i remember right isn't pumpkin head one of those scary stories........I remember seeing a movie like that. Now granted it was a block buster or anything, but pumpkin head was no joke...I dang sure wouldn't want to meet the one that created that thing! :noway: :wink: :
  • I don't think we have heard from our ringleader in a couple days. Has she abandoned us???:brokenheart:
  • Does Anyone have an idea where all of our other team members have gone to. It seems like there is only a couple of us keeping this thing alive.
  • Let me just tell you gals something............Friday is our weigh in day here at work and someone had the sones to bring in 24 assorted Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to work! some are glaze, some are choclate, and choclate w/ sprinkles and some are creme filled! What a horrible thing to do to the ones of us that are working at…
  • Well i wish I could call it a full 3 lbs, but in all reality it is more like 2.3 lbs. But I am still happy to see the big numbers tick down a little bit. The scale here at work goes to the exact tenth and the one I have at home only does half and whole lbs. It's just one of those victories that help mentally.
  • *****UPDATE****** When I got to work and weighed in I was actually down a lb from where I was this morning. My scale at home is digital and old so I'm sure it's not the most accurate one. We got us a real fancy one at work that is brand new. SO I'm gonna go by that one! :laugh:
  • I actually started mine on the 1st of Jan. I knwo it's kind of corny to start a new years resolution. But I told my seld this year it wasn't going to be a diet, it was going to be a complete 180 from where I had been. This is the first ime that I can remember that I have actually stuck with a resolution this long. I think…
  • My goal is to be able to catch Thompsons for the amount of weight lost...she seems to be leading the pack right now from what I can tell!
  • Well I haven't had my offical weigh in at work, but I weighed myself at home and I was down 2 lbs. That puts me at a total of 20 lbs lost since the first of the year! I'm pretty excited about that!
  • Well I had my " Last Chance Workout" tonight. and good thing it was plyometrics tonight. I have my second weigh in for work tomorrow. I am already bumming about it though because I know I am not going to be down near as much as I was last week. Oh well! I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow!
  • If I have a boy I want to name it Chuck Norris....so he will be tough!
  • Well I think weight loss is no different than anything else. Everyone is going to have ways of doing things that work better for them and may not work at all for some people. It's all going to rest of whether or not you are someone that can quit eating all those foods all together (except for the rare occasion you treat…
  • Oh yea I'm still here...you gals aren't getting rid of me that easy! as far as a name goes we don't really have one picked out yet. We find out in April if we are having a boy or girl. Everyone says we shouldn't find out, but there is NO WAY I could do that! Like every other guy I'm hoping for a boy and my wife is hoping…
  • I am definitely going to be X'n it up. My issue was that when I took that week off I have had a hard time getting back into the 6 days a week like the programs says. I have gotten 3 days a week but I just can't seem to get any more than that. I am starting my second week of the second phase today and I am going to MAKE…