fitterpam Member


  • Rocky Harness........ Sounds like a "niche" name to me
  • I'm sure others have said this, but I haven't had a chance to read through all. 1. If you think you deserve more, bring something to the table to back it up. I walk into my negotiations with a list of the things that I accomplished over the year and how I met or exceeded what they wanted from me at the beginning of the…
  • We did a 10 year anniversary vow renewal in December. I think in your situation it is completely acceptable - we did it, not for the party and not for any other reason than our marriage has had a lot of struggle together - and we wanted to draw a line in the sand and say publicly, we've done the "worst" now lets move on to…
  • My guess would be that people that have large post counts have either been doing this a long time or spend all day on here. Either way, you can get burned out or reach your goal........ What do you consider a big post count?
  • OMG you said banana bread!!!!!! This might be on the menu for Monday since we have a later start!!!!! Do you think we can mix at night and then just cook in the am?
  • Maldivesbeach - PB on toast used to be my standby, but I'm really not fond of the GF bread, so it's out :( BumbyDog - Nuts and Raisins are not a bad option - I eat the seeds as snacks all day at work. I found the sausages first thing in the morning turned my stomach (but I was going through a no-meat phase so maybe it's…
  • Shouldn't I?
  • According to a consultant on the show: Dansinger says that "50 to 60 percent of [contestants’] weight-loss success comes from dietary change." They're used to consuming around 3000 calories a day, but on the show consume about 1500 calories a day. As he says, "few people are really in a position to cut their calories by…
  • What's a cat?
  • I love how big you're both smiling in the second pic :)
  • Post-secondary should be better funded, but one thing to remember is that continued education is a privilege, not a right. You need to work hard to qualify and pay for that privilege. There are scholarships, grants, loans, private funding and alternate means to paying for your education. I did not qualify for OSAP (the…
  • Made em this morning - very cream cheesy. Didn't have truvia so subbed in Splenda.....going to play around and see if I can get it working right - definitely worth the effort. Agree that you really have to whip the whites.
  • Here are some considerations: 1. Chewing means it takes longer for you to eat, it gives your body time to realize that it's "full". Liquid diets would mean that you will probably be hungry after being done your "meal" for up to an hour. Your body won't necessarily recognize it as being food because of the difference in…
  • So to clarify - I didn't create this, I came across it in my online wanderings. I love the concept of taking the drinking games and modifying to exercise games. I also recently saw a Big bang Theory drinking game, which I think could be awesome (especially on long weekends when there are 3 day marathons (who said there…
  • I edited to write them in.
  • I didn`t watch it, but sugar is so not good - I`ve worked hard to remove it from my still creeps in every once in a while, but the less of it, the better
  • I'm not a fan of cottage cheese, but I AM a fan of pancakes!!!!! I'm going to see if the food processor helps with the cottage cheese issues.
  • I agree - but honestly, from my perspective, I'm giving the same advice as I give myself. I cannot put my poor choices on anyone other than myself - so I would hope, that the OP should be putting the end responsibility on herself. When I hear things like "I honestly did not have a choice" and then "I asked for snack wraps…
  • Just a quick comparison between your choice and what you actually ate: 1 slice medium sausage & pepperoni LC pizza = 248 calories 1 grilled chicken snack wrap with no sauce from MD = 230 calories Now granted there is a LITTLE more veggies in the grilled snack wrap, but I think you're kidding yourself here. The pizza has…
  • We call it the butt......LOL There were always fights in my family for the butt.....I'm sure people not in our family would be quite confused!!! LOL As for differences between me and hubbie were things like the remote control for the television (my family called it the clicker, and they were the remote -- although…
  • My sister has this, her worst are the raw veggie tray pieces (Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Broccoli).... I have to say that she's quite limited in her food choices; mostly corn, peas but has been branching out into leafy greens sauteed. She can eat salad though (lettuce, tomatoes basically....LOL) She has to pick out…
  • I am the same husband and I have been going through a struggle to get pregnant for 10 years. Our family and friends all know our situation. We started IVF treatments 18 months ago and I have a special group of people on FB that I keep informed of all the ups and down (the group has grown from 12 initial to over…
  • Very similar to the sciatic pain I go through - the muscle gets tight and pinches the nerve which goes up your leg and into your hip. I see a chiropractor and do various yoga poses to stretch that muscle out. If it doesn't resolve in a few days, I would see your doctor.
  • It is possible that you do have very strong enamel and therefore the effect of the acid is less on your teeth than on most, but you wanted articles: Again, this doesn't really have to do with the aspartame debate, it's more on the acid wear of…
  • I have a real sensitivity to aspartame now due to drinking quite a bit when I was younger. Now I have digestive problems when I have anything with aspartame in it. The main issue that I have with it is that it tricks your body into thinking that insulin has entered your blood stream, but when it looks for it, it cannot…
  • Met at 18. Engaged at 20. Married at 22. We've been married for 10 years last October.
  • Yum - since I'm supposed to be gluten free, I might try these but wthout the graham cracker crust. Thanks for the idea!