palmerar Member


  • #1 Keep in mind that not all entries in the food database are accurate #2 Think about your time before MFP, what would you think if someone told you they were not going to eat fruit because the sugar content outweighed the nutritional value. #3 Everything in moderation, eat fruit, don't eat 15 servings a day but don't…
  • I log all the food I know I am going to have in advance. This way I know how much room I have for extras. Perfect example: I know what I'm making for dinner tonight, and I know that I want to make chocolate banana milkshakes for dessert, I pre logged that stuff and then saw how much I had left for lunch and possibly wine…
  • After getting unreliable results from my Polar FT4 HRM I looked into and started the TDEE method, you don't count calories from exercise, you eat the same amount everyday regardless of activity. Put simply, it's based on a weekly average rather than a daily burn.
  • I would recommend initially getting rid of your trigger foods completely. Get them out of your house and replace with fresh fruits and veggies, hummus, unsalted nuts, low calorie and high nutrition density foods. This worked for me when I started trying to follow a healthier lifestyle. I did not eliminate snack food from…
  • The ones that make me sad are the blueberry muffin, cheese, peanut butter and snickers
  • Not sure about the aluminum content, but I use Dove deodorant. My skin is really sensitive to almost any lotions/ products to the point that I use baby body wash and lotion so I do not get a rash. Good Luck in your search!
  • It is totally normal to have an off day or weekend. Making good choices can be taxing sometimes. Even if we lose a ton of weight, there will always be Holidays and vacations and weekends with friends, as there very well should be, and everyone should enjoy them. The true test of commitment is whether you can let the…
  • I now buy pre-packaged, hand trimmed, organic 4 oz chicken breasts, to save myself time and hassle. If for some reason I just buy regular chicken breasts, I look at the weight on the package and figure out how many ounces per chicken breast, and break the chicken down into close to 4 oz servings. It's been my experience…
  • A heart rate monitor is meant to do just that monitor your heart rate. It can sometimes, during steady state cardio activity, measure calories burned also, but that is not its intended purpose. Like someone said try a fitbit for an estmiate of calories burned throughout the day.
  • Continue with cardio. Let your broken bone heal before doing any strength training. Ask your doctor when it would be ok to begin training. If you begin strength training too early you could give yourself a permanent injury.
  • The free food I have a problem passing up is the stuff that is put out at a party/ BBQ type of event. No matter how many time I tell myself I'm going to control it, I always end up eating too many appetizers, to the point of feeling full and then eat dinner too. If it's out in front of me and I like it I cannot pass it up.
  • Eating chocolate or cream cheese icing straight from the jar, using either a sppon or oreos as a scooper.
  • Only if walking to and from the bar counts ha ha (one time we walked 1.5 miles each way so that might count). We don't work out together, I like to take classes and do HIIT (I am a former dancer and current dance teacher) and he's more of a runner lifter (he used to play soccer). Lots of luck to you and the bf with the…
  • Ken's light balsamic vinaigrette with honey
  • Breakfasts: old fashioned or instant oats, eggs, english muffins and peanut butter Lunch: maybe make a healthy casserole or crock pot dish (check out that you can use all week, cook a bunch of pasta with chicken and veggies and reheat all week. See what's on special at your local grocery then get creative.
  • Try to not snack when you've been drinking. Throughout college this was ritual, pregame at home, go to the bars, get drunk, order or stop and get food on the walk home. Everyone would stay up and hang out and eat whatever and probably drink some more. It became more of a social habit than a need to eat thing. Once I…
  • I highly recommend taking a class. I know that it can be intimidating, but I can tell you first hand anyone that most people in your class are going to be focused on themselves and their practice, not what anyone else is doing. In fact, teachers where I go often encourage people to not worry about what anyone around them…
  • Try popping your own popcorn on the stove, this way you know how much oil is being used. Add shredded parm or hot sauce for a savory fix. With light popcorn you can get a good snack fix without huge caloric damage. Another good savory snack is raw veggies with hummus or ranch seasoning and plain greek yourt mixed together.…
  • Hey friend! well, I'm certainly not an expert but my advice is: 1) Increase the intensity of your cardio, esp time spent running, even try throwing some sprints in 2) Try something new, weight lifting, ju jitsu, body pump, etc 3) Although it's summer, cutting out or back on alcohol would probably help
  • Ask your doctor.
    in PREGNANCY Comment by palmerar July 2013
  • I have been taking dance for 24 years, and I am a teacher now, I think as a habit from all of my training I am constantly looking at myself in the mirror, to make sure I'm exercising or dancing correctly and also to check student's technique and alignment when teaching. In college, as a dance major they had curtains that…
  • You do not have to have any sort of degree to be a "nutritionist" basically I could say I'm a nutritionist because I have studied nutrition by reading the forums on MFP. You want to see a Registered Dietitian, they have to go through a rigorous accredited program.
  • The chicken biscuit on Wendys breakfast menu has honey butter on it....I got one and their homefries when I was hungover one time and it changed my life! But anyways I know how you feel, sometimes my friends will order things that are usually not in my calorie budget, like fries with their sandwich and I always think "man…
  • ChanceyRose: Thanks for the article, I kind of came to that conclusion on my own but it is really nice to hear that it might help!
  • I like to pre-log breakfast and lunch and 1 snack so I see what I have left for after work. Average breakdown: 300 breakfast 200-300 morning snack 300-400 for lunch this leaves me personally with 950-750 left for the day. I like to eat more in the evening too!
  • Ha ha true! I am looking at 10 days, that way I'll get through the holiday weekend then back to my regular routine.
  • It is my personal opinion that Heart Rate Monitors are for steady state cardio only, basically running or walking at the same pace for an extended period of time, not for jazzercise or any other activity where the heart rate/ level of intensity varies greatly from start to finish. Even at that point just measuring heart…
  • I think that it's great to have more fashionable options for plus sized and beyond. I have a friend who is plus sized and as far as I know she's ok with how she looks. She is also fashion conscious and has a tough time finding current trends in her size. Some people just really don't care what size they are. Probably not…
    in "Fatkinis" Comment by palmerar June 2013