PSUgrl921 Member


  • Eat them back! If you don't, you go into starvation mode. AT THE VERY LEAST make sure that you are consuming 1200 calories a day-- meaning you have 1200 calories that you did not burn with exercise.
  • Good morning everyone! Boy have I been off track. Hopefully I'll have time to catch up on everyone's posts tonight! I just wanted to get goals in to help me stay on track throughout the day. 1. Workout at the gym. 2. Stay around my calorie goal. 3. Finish my to-do list. (It's a long one today!) Have a good day everyone!…
  • Happy Monday everyone!! Starting weight: 156.8 Here we go!!!
  • I take it easy at least once a week. For example, today was my easy day this week. I did go to the gym and did an easy half hour on the elliptical. Usually I walk on my easy days but it's just too hot outside and I don't like the treadmill. In my opinion rest days are a good idea. I take them when I feel like my body is…
  • Epic fail today. I binged... all day ... well starting at around 2. So back on track tomorrow. It's going to be difficult. I haven't been doing the best all week (damn coke addiction... drink 1 can ... then 1 when out to eat... then everything goes downhill). Here's to tomorrow! Slimmy... it is so hard to motivate…
  • If it's that specific of an area I would take another rest day. Maybe try alternating between ice and heat. If you can get out for a walk in the afternoon and it's not too painful it might be good just to stretch it out and get the blood flowing. I would definitely not do anything too hardcore though. Injuring it worse…
  • Mommawarrior... hope everything turns around for you soon. I know those times when everything comes one thing after another can get really hard. Hang in there! Sorry I haven't checked in much lately! It's not that I haven't been keeping up ... I've just been a little busy. Goals for today... (It's midnight here and I'm…
  • I'm 155 too! And it's been very slow moving for me so this would be great support!
  • Hi everyone!! I'm Nicole, 22, and a college student studying Human Development and Family Studies with minors in Psychology and English. I was an average weight most of my life but started putting on the weight when I got to college, starting eating unhealthy, especially after drinking and stopped dancing. I'm currently in…
  • It would depend. If I was going out for a "treat" then probably not. If it wasn't or if I knew that I hadn't worked out that day, etc. then yes, it definitely would.
  • Me! Me! lol I"ve been looking for a challenge that I'm not too late to join and this one fits very well with my goals. Nicole
  • My favorite salad... cucumber base (instead of lettuce) green pepper onion kalamata olives feta cheese cherry tomatos dressing: olive oil and lemon juice I always just put the veggies in to taste... no measurements.
  • Awesoe job! You look great! Keep up the awesome job!!!
  • I'm in a co-ed fraternity and my "pledge parents" had a song for when they ran for their positions. It's to the brady bunch... lyrics as follows... It's the story of the Alpha Pi Chapter and they're looking for new initiates. But they'll need someone to lead these kiddies. And they are Sean and Mel. And one day when these…
  • This happened to me just the other day!! I was never a runner... could only run maybe 5 minutes before feeling like I was going to pass out. I've been training for a week and a half for a 5k and was up to 20 minutes the other day! It felt amazing. So ... I know how good you feel! Congrats!!!!!!!
  • Wow! You guys look awesome! Keep at it.
  • multi-grain deli flats (in bread section) pasta sauce like ragu feta cheese (or your favorite kind of cheese) put it together and put it in the toaster oven or regular oven till the cheese melts. So yummy and a quick lunch!
  • Wow! You look great! Congrats on making your goal weight! Nicole
  • Hi everyone! A little late today! I actually met all my goals for today already so I'm just checking in. I bumped up my calorie goal yesterday since I felt like I wasn't eating enough and it is so hard to eat as much as it wants me to with my exercise (probably because we really need to go grocery shopping. lol) On the…
  • I reached all my goals today except ... I ate far too much at dinner. I didn't go over my calorie goal or anything but my dad had a cookout and I ate about 3/4 as much as I usually do BUT I felt so sick afterwards. Which I get is a good thing... my body finally knows what is too much. I'm about to start at that English…
  • Multi-grain cheerios! <3 them!
  • Fresco taco bell!!! SOOO good but lower in calories than the regular line. I love their crunchy beef tacos... but you could go for chicken and probably lower the cals even more!! You could even ask for a bowl and not use all the shells... and make a taco salad... which might cut back some calories as well.
  • I was oddly motivated yesterday and a feeling the same way today! Which is great! And we have my niece all day today so I'm really excited! Goals for today are... 1. Drink lots of water. 2. Stay close to calorie goal and pay at least some attention to those other numbers. (I was working on calories first) 3. Low impact…
  • Finals week is the worst!!!!! Ugh
  • I do that too! I usually make it a little longer than a month and I will still try to check in every now and then but I get off track. My first piece of advice... join a group! They are a great source of support. There have been times when I have gotten off track and I've had a bunch of people message me saying "Where are…
  • I'm currently working on getting rid of my freshman 15... and the other 15 I gradually gained through college. I'm going to be a super senior at Penn State so maybe when it gets closer to the time I will tell you all the things that I did that you should avoid! haha. But I could really use the support throughout the school…
  • Looks like might need to, too. I was actually just thinking this earlier today without reading that blog at all. I usually try to eat a little over my 1200 but I may start eating 1400 a day ... we'll see what the scale looks like on Monday.
  • I hate to say it ... but you probably won't be making it back to the gym for a little bit. Is it swollen or bruised? If so, you might want to see a doctor. Otherwise I would alternate heat and ice and take advil, tylenol or ibuprofen. I would also try to keep it stable and elevated. If it feels better enough to go to the…