

  • Well this is the 1st day of the 2nd week of the Womens Boot Camp I joined here in Oregon. It was interval day...yea:grumble: so I have been up at 5 and we work out from 5:30-6:30 m-f... I ate really bad yesterday and man did I feel it, so I went right back to the good stuff today. I am not going to weigh myself until boot…
  • I am so on board....I finish womens boot camp in another 2 weeks....I HAVE to be weighed & remeasured then but I won't for at least until then...weight is a number...fitting into those size 20's from my current 24....oh yea...much better than a scale!!!
  • Julie, You are an inspiration to us "starters" :happy: I have done the womens boot camp for one week as of tomorrow. We have a 1 min push up drill (I think I can do 20) and then a timed mile....I am going to try to walk/jog most of it....hopefully within 24 minutes....This is after no exercise and HORRIBLE eating for the…
  • Our trainer and others that I have talked to said that if you can handle it, drink 8 oz of chocolate milk. I have tried it and it seems to work. Just don't drink it before, blech...not a great combination with water :sick: Almonds and some fruit are also great....just make sure you eat within 90 min and it is very small....
  • Thank you Redale!!! I just love it...I get up at 5 in the morning and have a banana and head to camp...get my workout done and head home...I always feel so good after I am done....LOVE IT
  • My husband and I have one and until about last week it was the best dang clothes holder ever!!!! Now that I have started Boot Camp I am using it at night to keep muscles warm and on the weekends when I don't have camp and don't want to slide is an awesome machine. Takes up some room but if you have room it is…
  • Hi everyone!!! My name is Julie and I just joined the Happy Valley Boot Camp for women that is here and man is it fun. Don't get me wrong I am a hundred & ten lbs overweight but it feels so good to finally have a class that I can go to and be able to keep up (most of the time) but not feel stupid when I can't. If you don't…