dont_tap_my_aces Member


  • No one will even read this far down, so i'm not sure why i'm even bothering.... but the fact is unless you are extremely overweight or plan to devote hours upon hours each day to high intensity training, you can't burn 1000kcals a day from exercise alone. for reference, i'm 5'8" and ~155lbs. i train 3 days a week for about…
  • You might want to check out the diet i've been following: LeanGains ( also some really good resource/info at
  • i started on SL5x5, and then dropped down to 3x5 and added in some accessory work like you've done. Then i switched up to RPT (Reverse Pyramid Training) and love it. Especially if you are on a cut, the lower total volume helps with recovery time, but you still get heavy loads and high intensity to facilitate muscle growth.…
  • its a lot of work, but the best method (especially if you are cutting) is to weigh each day same time and same bladder condition (empty most likely). Take that daily measurement over the course of 7 days and divide by 7 to get your average daily weight for that week. Then do the same for the 2nd week. Now compare your…
  • my recommendation: 1) keep protein high, try and get at least 1g per 1lbs of lean body mass you have. If you don't know your current LBM, then you could just shoot for 1g per 1lbs of body weight. Its high but not crazy high. 2) get in the gym and hit up some resistance training. if you are inexperienced, follow a beginner…
  • You have either set your TDEE way too high and therefore youre basing your deficit on incorrect data, or you aren't correctly tracking your intake. how is your macro break down? are you monitoring carb intake? it's also possible that if you previously were lower carb, but now have switched to eating a lot more of your…
  • weight loss is more about weekly numbers than daily. just make up those extra kcals over the course of the next few days and you will be fine.
  • 46 EDIT: damn i swear i didn't cheat.... almost nailed it
  • You could probably learn a lot and benefit from a linear progression beginners strength training program. women are a lot of times afraid of strength training because they fear getting 'bulky' or whatever. its just not going to happen like that. instead squats can be a girls best friend especially if you go very low and…
  • you will have more luck finding the MFP entry for the food that matches your label on the food. So that way if a serving is 14g on the label, the MFP entry will also be in grams. for the math... its basically 28 grams to an ounce (not exact, but good enough for this). And i find weighing things out in grams is simpler than…
  • well you aren't even sure if you are truly still losing weight. get a better scale ASAP. they are pretty cheap on amazon. and i'd suggest weighing yourself every morning at the same time (after using the restroom) and then average out the totals for the 7 days to get your weekly average. compare this average weight to the…
  • trust the scale (but i'd suggest getting a better one asap). the mirror and the way you feel can be tied to hormones/that time of the month, so one week could just be a bad week. give this new change in calorie consumption at least 4 solid weeks before you make any adjustments, and as always track everything you eat and…
  • this is why i personally never log exercise under the cardio section on MFP. it messes everything up. my advice, find out your TDEE and just put in your exercise under the strength training section if you really want to keep track of it. Everything listed there won't adjust your kcals/macros. but to answer your question,…
  • your advice is to go against what OP's doctor said? that it cannot possibly be healthy.... dispite the fact OP's doctor recommends this. lol. maybe OP's doc knows a bit more about OP's specific situation than anyone on the internet does? I'd stick with your doctor's recommendation and if anything, go seek a second opinion…
  • I track my macros everyday. i love it... its like a game i play against myself. see how close i can get my macros to their daily goals while choosing foods i actually feel like eating.
  • casino night... friend kept tapping everyone's aces when being dealt the cards in blackjack (even the strangers at the table). eventually some dude had enough of it and screamed DON'T TAP MY ACES BRO at my friend.... and we've been using this phrase ever since.
  • have you tried this yet: 1) click My Home 2) click Goals 3) click Change Goals 4) choose the Custom bubble and click Continue 5) Set you Calories, macros and fitness goals 6) click Change Goals to save Set them as close to the % that gets you near the grams for that macro, and then you can build a new food item that you…
  • here's a fun test to see if your scale is worthless and should be tossed..... step on it and weigh yourself 5 times in a row. how many different readings did you get? if the answer is more than 1, get something better. i like this one for accuracy and price:…
  • Yes, get on a linear progression program. i'd recommend googling Strong Lifts 5x5. it incorporates deadlifts as well which have the benefit of hitting the posterior chain as well as the back and just about every other muscle in the body.
  • the barbell alone is 45lbs.... so are you saying you add 30 to 45 to that? how low do you go when you squat? if you are trying to get a firm butt, you need to squat with very low depth (to parallel at least, see the pic below for what parallel looks like)
  • the worrying thing about this philosophy OP has is that you can still get fat eating 'healthy'. and it really just sounds like all she's done is removed a lot of carbs from her diet in the form of replacing pasta/pizza crust with veggie alternatives. sounds like everything else remains, the sauces/cheeses etc. this can…
  • How tall are you then? [/quote] only 5'8" / 172.7cm
  • @drsdc63 slightly off... by about 70 lbs LOL
  • its summertime now, have you increased your water consumption? those headaches that come on later in the day and never go away are usually a sign of dehydration. if you are active, you should try to aim for at least a gallon of water per day during the summer.
  • you only NEED bcaa's if you plan to do heavy strength training in a fasted state. otherwise, they are a waste of money.
  • do your ****in deadlifts and squats.