JBApplebee Member


  • It burns a good amount of calories, but just make sure you use good form. I used one a few weeks back & I tweaked my back on the 4th pull. I couldn't believe it, it's not like I was pulling like a maniac.
  • Without a doubt. I go to 9Round & other than station 2, where they have dumbbells, every exercise is just using body weight. I've lost over 50 pounds. If there's a 9Round near you, give it a shot, because the 1st workout is always free.
  • The numbers from the scale cannot be your main focus, you'll lose your mind. As long as your trending downward, it's all good. I weigh myself daily & I don't sweat the small fluctuations, good or bad. If it's a larger number (like the 3rd of July, I went to 2 parties & had a lot of fun), I can look back at my log & see…
  • Easy, put your butt into the person you're blocking out, don't let them get by you & when you go for the rebound, then go get the ball, don't wait for it to come to you. Grab it with both hands & pull it into your body so it doesn't get taken away from you.
  • Man, I don't even like fasting for a blood draw at 7:30 in the morning, and I'm asleep for over half that time.
  • I competed in an obstacle race last month. The location didn't allow for any mud pits, which was a bummer. I was glad I wore running pants that covered my knees & a copperfit elbow wrap, because there were a lot of skinned knees & elbows after the race.
  • I've been on a keto diet (Profile by Sanford) since the end of January & I'm down over 55 pounds. That & 9Round has worked for me, but it's not a hardcore keto (I've seen that keep their daily carbs in the double digit range). If I want to eat something, I will. It might be easier for someone like me, because I'm not a big…
  • My advice to younger me would be that sometimes you have to put yourself first, it'll make you happier in the long run. It's difficult for me to do a lot of the time, but I've gotten better at it. As far as exercising, I love the Rock's advice.
  • I'll be 50 in early August, I have ADHD & before medication I couldn't keep a job for long at all. Now I'm on Concerta (methylphenedate) & I've kept the same two jobs for more than 13 years. Concerta has done wonders for me, I take one pill in the AM & 1 after lunch. I also have to take something to help me sleep at night,…
  • Went to 9Round this morning, did 9 rounds, then went back this afternoon & did 18 more.
  • I work out at 9Round, a kickboxing exercise gym. It takes me an average of 35 minutes to finish all 9 rounds, and I've lost over 50 pounds since January 20th & I'm stronger than I have been in quite a while. You have to work at it to get stronger, but you have to increase your effort to get stronger. Work up to a 1 minute…
  • And because if you have no endurance, you'll be food when the zombie apocalypse begins, no matter how strong you are!
  • At my gym yesterday morning, this beautiful blonde stopped me & complimented me on my weight loss (I'm down over 50 pounds), and she asked me how I did it, since she only sees me at the gym for about 15 minutes a day (I'm usually only there to stretch & shower). I told her about eating right & 9Round. Made my week
  • Not gimmicky at all, the ab carver pro has a spring in it that provides resistance both out & in. Roll it forward & curve it left & right for the obliques. Then if you think it's easy, try it from a standing position instead of kneeling. That is brutal.
  • It is absolutely worth it, as long as you have a really good pair of shoes that meet your needs. I wear Brooks Glycerine & I love them. I have orthopedic inserts & I needed shoes that were wider than Nikes.
  • We're going to Wrigley field next month & I've already scoped out 2-3 9Rounds in the area & I can get a couple of workouts in. Find a good tree to do pull ups, push ups anywhere, lunges (especially weighted ones) & planks
  • I love my ab wheel, but also flutter kicks, bicycle kicks, leg raise while doing small circles with your legs, planks, especially on an exercise ball while moving your arms in & out & round & round
  • Track what you eat & track your exercise. If you make an effort to be pretty regular about exercising & eating right, 5Kg in 30 days should be a piece of cake (oops, maybe I should have used a better metaphor).
  • My wife belongs to Planet fitness & that isn't for me. It's nice & all, but barely any free weights, mostly machines. Plus one Friday a month they have pizza. That kind of defeats the purpose of a gym, but that's just me. That being said, the main thing you need to consider is if you like it. Does it have what you need/are…
  • I ran a 5K obstacle run on Saturday & it took me just over an hour to finish (wait times at the obstacles), then I went to my mother in law's farm & worked in our huge garden & I was more tired & sore from that than my run. Like others have said, change your lifestyle settings to active AF.
  • Both. 9Round is a combination of cardio & strength training & I wouldn't have it any other way. Doing my first 5k mud run tomorrow & can't wait.
  • There's nothing wrong with weighing daily (that's what I do), as long as you do it at the same time (when I wake up & after the bathroom) don't focus entirely on the number. Like someone said before, it's all about how you are trending. It might go up a little if you had a lot of sodium, or other reasons, but If you log…
  • My mini goal for this week is to not get hurt while doing my first mud run this weekend (Big Red Challenge).
  • I love my ab carver pro. It was like $22 at Wal-Mart & it'll work you to the, well, core. If you want to up the intensity, do it from a standing position instead of kneeling.
  • Anything that contains dihydrogen monoxide will count as water
  • I hate this term. I don't drink beer, wine or coffee. I like my cocktails & when people call them girly drinks I want to slap the taste out of their mouths. <Steps off his soapbox> When I grill, I make extra of whatever I'm grilling & I'll eat it the next day after 9Round for a snack. Meat, cheese, pistachios, chocolate…
  • Or try Melatonin. It helps on those nights where I just can't quite nod off.
  • That's like deciding not to vaccinate your children because of Jenny McCarthy's comments. You burn more than your eat, you lose weight. It's as simple as that. Don't let opinions sway fact.