

  • Im with ya! I started again tuesday and am on day three..ive never finished but this time im doing the whole thing! I want to finally move on...i have many of jillians dvds! Good luck ladies and make sure you take pics and measurements! :happy:
  • Dearborn here! Im always shopping on the hill lol! :tongue:
  • :drinker: wow i loved this and im saving to read again later! So greatly worded and what i needed to hear! Got me out of my slump! thank you:bigsmile: and u look simply amazing! keep it up...cuz its working! :flowerforyou:
  • September 28th here...libra baby :-) :-) :-):bigsmile:
  • Hello fellow stay at home moms!! Im a sahm of 3 and i totally agree that its the hardest job ever! its hard sticking with any routine and i could use all the help i can get! Whoever wants to friend me go ahead i will support u as much as i can! Im sure we could all use a kick in the *kitten* from time to time :-) good luck…
  • Hello! Im back im really back this time! Im pretty pumped about it..gonna start over tomorrow right with ya! Whether it was a new year or not i was starting over cuz i cant keep doing what im doing or else im going to gain and gain and have to start all over and im not having that! So tomorrows a new day and im pumped!…
  • I would love to do some kind of run this year!!! Ive never done one and i think it would be an amazing time and im sure i would meet lots of great people! Just feel good about being apart of somethnng!! U r all so great! :-):flowerforyou:
  • Its not hard at all...when i did this the first time i was also surprised at how simple it was and i keep trying and trying and straying...mostly the food i eat is good im just not eating enough and theres days where i do good with no sweets then others its like i cant say no!! I dont like it! So ive been trying to eat…
  • :drinker: wowza!!! U all look so smokin hot! What amazing results and keep it up for all of u who are still workin ur *kitten* off...u will make it! So incredible, i needed to see this cuz i want to flaunt my *kitten* on here one day! :flowerforyou: ur all so fantastic keep it up!!!
  • I did in the beginning of summer...some how it worked lol! Somehow i didnt go insane and it was my daughters bday and they had delicious cake and i didnt have any woohoo! Was sonproud of myself! Now theres no was i can be that strong :-( dont know why but i dint have to power like i did before! I know he has a special pms…
  • Well we just went through this over this past summer! It was the hardest decision ive ever had to make! Ugh...making me cry talking about it :-( we are renting a house as of now and didnt have anywhere nuce to burry him unless we would have opted for that! Instead we cremated and picked a nice urn and the vet also took two…
  • Hello everyone!!! Hope your all kickin *kitten*! Ive strayed but still eating good but not enough and not enough water or tea the past few days, i can tell cuz my fingers get swollen! Ive had some sweets so i need to kick that before i get out of control again! Period shouldbe any day now so im trying to not give in to…
  • I remember when ifirst started this program iver summer and actually did it to a T :-) i was dizzy and didnt attempt to workout because of that! Probably got a few headaches but thats not really out of the norm for me anyways! i always felt like i was eating...strange but even when i wasnt to hungry i ate and it was so…
  • Me me me :-) dearborn here! Ive lived in eastpointe, st. Claire shores, belleville n now dearborn for the past 5 years! Love it here!:drinker:
  • Hello im from metro detroit aswell!!! Grew up in eastpointe but now living in dearborn! Been here 5 years and love it...beautiful neighborhood and theres always people walking n jogging and bikeriding! Love it!!!:bigsmile:
  • Ok, well internet is back so now its easier for me to get on here and support u guys and hopefully get support aswell...and by support i mean an asskicking for me plz :-) ugh...i dont know what my deal is but i keep half assing this! Not liking it and i keep telling myself tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow! I know how mad im…
  • Wow! Thats crazy that thats only 7pounds!! you look incredible and what a huge difference! Keep it up...and so much better that your sleeping better and stronger and much more energy! What great side effects lol :-D
  • Hello hello :-P well for whatever reason if i have something sweet even the smallest thing I need more n more n more lol...its like the worst drug ever for me :-( how sad lol!!!! Other then that ive been eating great but water and tea hasnt been to great the past few days either!! Ggrrr...i wonder how many times i can…
  • Hello im still here im still here :-P i also wonder how many r still here and i hope everyones doing well!!! Well as for me ive been pretty damn good and feeling better/smaller just by eating great for a week! Not gonna lie i had a breadstick last night and some sweets this morning but im still eating great the rest of the…
  • Hello jen!!!! Welcome :-) well i say its never to late to join and ofcourse to better yourself!!! To be honest im not sure where all the members went??? There seems to be only a few of us that check in anymore...but its definitely better then doing it on your own!! So again welcome to the club ;-) i hope u have great…
  • Janelle from what ive read about the shred is u will gain a few pounds for a while with beginning because the muscles ur building so theres a huge retention of water!!! So drink more water lol...same with salt even tho it sounds crazy the way u get rid of extra water is by drinking more! It flushes it out and obviously…
  • Im here im here :-P i know where did everybody go lol??? Well im finally doing great thank god! Im back down to under 150 woohoo!!! And hopefully next week i will be closer to 145!!!! Last week i was 148 then i let myself go over 150 again and im not allowing that anymore!!! Its just pure laziness on my part and im sick of…
  • Well ive decided to completely start over because i haven't been giving this my all and im pretty pissed about that!!! I deserve alot better then half *kitten* so im going to be a cycle behind u now but that's ok!!! Ur doing great and im gonna be right there with u!!!! Im fully starting over fresh and perfect tomorrow!…
  • I drink the same janelle! Delicious! That and salada brand green tea but its pomegranate berry sooo good too! Also found at kroger
  • Sounds like u have a pretty good man there janelle:blushing: always a huge help when the people around u got your best interests in mind! It would be a hell of alot easier if it was just me in my house let me tell u! But i just need to get used to having temptations around me and not having to indulge in every single one…
  • I just checked out that website! It was really informative and there are lots of recipes which is always great! Thank you!!! I like trying new things and its so easy following recipes...cant go wrong :-)
  • Thanks!!! I wish nothing but the best to u all as well! Nothing but strength when your cravings are getting the best of u :-) i try to remember that quote when im stuffing my face with horrible but oh so delicious sweets lol! It helps sometimes and others not so much! Its like when i tell myself i cant have it is when i…
  • Oh and ive done the 30day shred many of times and ofcourse have never finished it! Ive made it to level two and man that kicks yourass lol but you feel so amazing and so much stronger when you do it! And its great because its not a long workout so even tho you feel like your dieing you know the end is near so u stick with…
  • Well i am ashamed i havent been sticking strickly to this and its making me mad because i know how amazing i felt last time every time i stepped on the scale and i was a few pounds down! :sad: im eating great most the time, well my meals anyways, i stared off great with water and green tea and am slacking but now getting…
  • Ive lost 3 woohoo but now i have 4 to go to where i was before i let myself go yet again! Almost there and i cant wait! U guys are doing great! And it is super easy to not eat alot of calories even though your eating all day! Who knew salad and chicken n yogurt didnt have lots of cals :-) i need to get more water in and…