dandelyon Member


  • I used Tucks pads during the day, and a sitz bath in the evening, which I filled with warm water and epsom salts. Earth Mama Angel Baby makes an herbal mix that you can use. It was awful but after a few weeks it was seriously reduced. I also iced it with the round ice packs that are meant for breastfeeding related…
  • Maintenance is a great goal, but eat more if you are hungry :) (BMR goes up during pregnancy!)
  • You can just add extra calories as a customized goal, you can add it as exercise, or you can add negative calories as a food. I prefer to do the first option because I also track my macros, and negative calories messes with those numbers. I think most people add it as a negative calorie food, though.
  • Hi Christina, I'm breastfeeding my third son, who will be 5 months old next week. It's slow going, because breastfeeding makes me SO HUNGRY! But I am logging my food and doing the best I can. I've been using MFP for a long time and it works the way it's supposed to, sometimes I just don't follow the rules and then I don't…
  • The average woman burns 670 extra, so eating 500 plus maintenance is recommended by a lot of resources as way to achieve slow and steady weight loss. Definitely introduce her to kellymom.com (there's a search bar on the side). 2000 is probably a good number, but she may be able to eat even more :)
  • Look at the big picture. A high calorie day isn't "falling off the wagon" if you have hit your weekly and monthly goals.
  • Maybe 200? I think around that point I just stopped counting the breastfeeding calories but I go for slower loss, so I was still eating a decent amount. I didn't drop to 1200 calories or anything.
  • I'd say family counseling for all, and get her mother involved if you can as well. Poor kid must be all over the board emotionally. And you, ready to give birth any day and trying to handle a situation that requires generous amounts of patience... I would definitely start looking for a good counselor. And if you're…
  • Chargers Phone/table/laptop Camera phone number list (which I totally didn't use) Clothes to go home in I happen to own crocs >.> so I used them in the hospital, as they are easy to clean germs off of and fit my gigantic swollen feet I birthed in my comfy nursing bra and I had packed a few of the nursing tanks, which I'm…
  • Maybe Mederma or something used for scars? I can promise you that they fade, but they are quite bright when they first form :(
  • Wow, can I relate to that!
  • Yes, the app is clean, easy to use, portable (duh, it's an app, but I mean in terms of having it on 6 different devices) and has the right types of graphs etc so I can see what a day/week/month looks like.
  • Eat the cake and ice cream but throw out the leftovers. At least if you're like me. I go back to the fridge for these tiny little slices, over and over and over again, until it's all gone.)
  • I realize how upset you must be about having gained weight early on, but you can't go back and undo it. I think your best bet is to pack as much nutrition as you can into your 1800 calories and understand that your baby still has a lot of growing to do, so there may be more to gain. Remember that if those pounds you gain…
  • Joovy Varylight (sit and stand stroller) goes up to 55lbs for the back seat. It's not a cheap stroller, though. I'd probably sling the baby and use a regular stroller. There's also the wagon option, depending on where/how you're going to be toting the kids. Also, Red Light/Green Light worked with keeping my autistic/ADHD…
  • Did you check it within the right window of time? I've heard tests falsely turning positive after sitting out for 10 min. It doesn't sound like you are pregnant, based on everything else :(
  • Maybe you can get your accountability/socializing fix here on the forums or by adding some friends. Otherwise, why not do both? Attend meetings and log food in a way that makes sense to you.
  • With my first it was 8 mos. I went back to work at 8 weeks and mostly pumped/nursed, but he had a few cans of formula when I couldn't keep up with his growth spurts. With my second, it was a full year, so we hadn't been exclusively bf for about 6 months, plus I pump since I work full time. I was surprised! Four months in…
  • The calorie recommendation is spot on. Maybe your pediatrician is a weight lifter and let in some personal bias? Some women do say that cardio hurts their supply, so if you see that happening then you could always cut back on exercise and see if it improves (although usually supply just appears to drop because baby's in a…
  • Inactivity of like a year, and one time for a contact that started posting sales pitches for some trendy WL product. THAT is the kind of evangelizing I don't want to see.
  • I'd pick close to home and schedule appointments for early morning or late afternoon.
  • The "not an exact science" stuff with ultrasounds has given me numerous scares, so I only saw a maternal fetal specialist with my last pregnancy and skipped the regular ultrasound. At first my baby measured 5lbs, and then she said, oh, he changed position, finally! And she re-measured and found he was closer to 6lbs. I…
  • I thought IUGR was growth restriction, 6-7lbs doesn't sound terribly low. Hopefully they are just being cautious and you have a great visit!
  • 4 lbs at 34 weeks means, what a 6 lb baby at 40 weeks? Are you following up with a specialist?
  • This happened with me as well... middle of the second trimester, bam! It started packing on (without any major diet changes) but it stayed pretty steady after that and I netted around a 20lb gain. I had a 9 1/2 lb baby, so he was definitely getting enough. I was nursing a toddler at night and running 3-4x week through the…
  • I think it you have a huge deficit it's probably harmless to skip a day of logging. I eat at a 250 calorie deficit so it's got to fit (and at a 250 cal deficit most things do).
  • What a great update!
  • The second trimester is the WORST! But I think it's normal to see some crazy gains, it doesn't mean everything has spun out of control, just that there is a lot of growing and energy-using going on inside of you.
  • Looking at your ticker... if you gain 25 lbs for example your ticker will just stay at 0 until you net a loss (8 lbs for that example) but it will keep your goals the same.
  • I did C25k and just had a super slow pace. But I was pregnant from week 4 on! Re: losing weight, it isn't always okay for women to unintentionally lose weight during pregnancy -some end up in the ER needing IV fluids - but losing a few pounds at the start can be normal for some women. If maintenance for you is ~2500…