redmagpie91 Member


  • This is what I needed to know! I haven't been weighing very long, before I was just using a measuring cup, and 2oz of cooked pasta is hardly anything! The package didn't say whether to weigh it dry or cooked and I didn't want to do the wrong thing!
  • The calories for a cup are here on MFP. Is there a reason you want to know the weight instead? I use a combination of weighing and portion sizes. I would just use a measuring cup.
  • It's not really comparable because when you quit smoking, you quit smoking. You don't have a drag three times a day and tell yourself you've quit. You can't quit food. You have to still eat you just have learn to eat differently and in moderation and that is absolutely the hardest part . I smoked once a day, only on the…
  • I have only lost some of the weight but I already notice I wear less sweatshirts. My go-to has always been sweatshirts and jeans because of my huge spare tire. Now I feel more normal shaped and actually wear tshirts alone. I can't wait to lose the rest and see what I can wear!
  • Those two kinda contradict each other. And I wouldn't do it because I think if you are gonna be monogamous then be monogamous but if you are gonna have an open marriage then go for it. To each their own.
  • Some women (or men if that's who he's trying to impress) like slim guys, some like bigger guys. SOme like hairy guys, some like them shaved. Some like a blond beach-boy type, some want a dark haired, tattooed biker. EVERYONE has different preferences and saying that this stranger should like his body type because that is…
  • I don't have anything to add to the topic as I am not a scientist and do not know anything about DNA, but I did want to applaud the OP. You have responded with dignity to this entire thread and kept your cool even when people openly mocked you. You are awesome. The number one thing I hate on here, is that users are often…
  • ^^^ THIS RIGHT HERE. I would call around for you as well. If you are for some reason busy or not very good with the internet there are plenty of us who would help.
  • Going to the doctor should be a no-brainer. No one is mocking you for being poor, they're mocking your excuses. I live in a very small town in the middle of Montana and live 45 miles away from the nearest clinic. Guess what? I still go because I have made it a priority to not get pregnant and to have lighter periods. I…
  • ^^^ THIS. Why do people feel like they need to come here to make fun of someone rather than nicely giving them the facts? Anyways, I log my green tea occasionaly and MFP gives me -1 calories for every cup I drink. Most (take that with a grain of salt because I'm sure I'm wrong when I say most) vegetables are under 10…
  • Comparing yourself is not worth it! My two friends and I just started the 30DS and decided to take our measurements. I weigh 182 and they both weigh 200. My waist was bigger than both of theirs by at least two inches but I had smaller hips because we are built so differently. I am an apple shape and they are both really…
  • If you aren't opposed to birth control, you should seriously consider it. Even on just the pill you get lighter periods and can even set it so that you only get it every few months. I do not have insurance either, but there are LOTS of options. There is PP, a local women's clinic (usually cheap or free) and even walk-in…
  • Are you really saying that breakfast is what makes people obese and not eating breakfast makes you thin? Also breakfast does NOT equal cereal. In fact, not a single person in this thread has said to eat cereal. Some people really need to eat more often. I personally, get really nauseous by ten if I don't eat breakfast.…
  • I used Wii Fit Plus and counting calories to lose ten pounds. I also used to do Wii a lot a few years ago and it really helped a lot. The Fit Plus is actually really cool. You should set a time where every night you both do the Wii together. That way it doesn't just seem like you bought it to force her to work out. That…
  • I do the beginner versions of most moves except for lunges, For some reason they are hard, but I can practically touch my knee to the floor. I did work out before this which is how I lost the first 15 lbs. I did mostly light cardio. I don't stop completely, just take a few seconds to catch my breath during push-ups…
  • What store? Cause that's amazing! All places should do that!
  • I'm 5'2" a size 10/12 and I'm obese for my height. It really just depends. Some women look amazing at that size and some look horrible. Everyone is different.
  • I get told I have nice all the time and by guys who normally hate feet. I take care of my feet, so I'm glad they're pretty but I HATE when people try to touch them!
  • Bananas. I hate everything about them especially their disgusting texture. I also don't really care for eggs or yogurt because of the texture.
  • One huge chemical that can induce migraines is aspartame! Seriously, I tell most people to avoid for this issue let alone all the other issues it can cause. This is a great reason why diet foods are a no! Chocolate and certain spices are also big triggers for a lot of people. I have been suffering from migraines since I…
  • LOL! I have always had the bladder of a mother of 3 (except I don't have kids!). Seriously, even sneezing was a cross my legs event. I am noticing that as I lose weight I have to get up less and less to pee. Sure I still have days and nights where every 20 mins I'm running to the bathroom, but it's slowly improving. Try…
  • Sexy legs! Especially those calves!!
  • I called it DOPE -amax while I was on it. It made me ridiculously stupid! Personally, the bad outweighed the good and I stopped taking it. It did not prevent my migraines, but it did make them less frequent. I did lose my appetite and my brain both while on it. It was like the world was going 1000 miles an hour and I just…
  • Ah OK. I put it in minute rice overnight, but now I'm thinking I should put it in real rice for longer. I have used the rice trick on my mom's phone (not an iphone) and it worked really good.
  • Yeah I just don't want to upgrade cause I really hate AT&T. I'll probably buy a used one off somebody and use straight talk or something cause big carriers are so expensive! I just hate to buy another one cause I was gonna use this one till it absolutely died on me but oh well! **** happens
  • I bathe with my phone / Kindle almost every day for reading and have never dropped it before now! Crazy
  • HAHA Mine was lifted up the lid with the same hand that was holding the phone (for some dumb reason!) and it just slipped right on out!
  • I used it as a light to guide me to the bathroom cause I'm really afraid of the dark and very blind! I know the charging port is fine cause it still syncs, it just won't charge. I can't take it to an Apple store cause there isn't one closer than 5+ hours. I'll probably try and replace the battery myself or buy a new one.…