Brandolin11 Member


  • Also, how did you decide to eat only 1,200 calories? That's also typically very, very low (too low).
  • May I ask how you arrived at 2,000 calories? I'm not doubting you, just wanting to make sure you calculated correctly. Usually people only up their calories by 300-500 calories over weight loss for maintenance...800 seems like an awful lot. So I'm just curious.
  • Oh, you might also find this interesting (from page 14 in the doc I linked to): THE ACT OF SURRENDERING THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS By Dr. Harry Tiebout, MD In the compulsive overeater, there are two qualities, which are characteristic of their personality: Defiant Individuality and Grandiosity. This may very well explain the…
  • Dear OP (and anyone else who feels they have a severe problem with deluding themselves to the point of bingeing or overeating without even realizing it until afterward, for example): If you are interested, here is a wonderful document that can guide you through some deeper exploration of why you do what you do. It also…
  • And it won't work for chronic compulsive overeaters either (raising hand). In fact, eating in secret and eating things like donuts until I was physically sick were things I did every day for about 10 years. So doesn't work.
  • I've met my weight-loss goal now, but my biggest obstacle used to be the strangely "good" feeling I got from abusing myself with food in the name of "comfort". I was trapped in a cycle of pain and pleasure - the pain of life was all mixed up with the (very) temporary pleasure of bingeing on my favorite sweet treats and…
  • You might also like the song Devil's Music by Teddybears. :smile:
  • Jack White - Sixteen Saltines Disturbed - Indestructible Shiny Toy Guns - Le Disko Deap Vally - Gonna Make My Own Money Goose - Black Gloves Apollo 440 - Cold Rock the Mic (Instrumental Version) Blur - Song 2 Beck - Time Bomb The Hives - Tick Tick Boom Beastie Boys - Sabotage Missy Elliott - Lose Control Nirvana - Breed…
  • On Dec 14th I'll hit two years of maintenance and did it all through MFP (as my food plan for Overeaters Anonymous). So I'm still kind of a "newbie". I do just about everything everyone else has said here (I still track and plan to indefinitely, I exercise, I didn't re-introduce my trigger foods into my diet, I use tight…
  • The two most important for me were: #1A.) Finally facing, being honest about, and dealing with my emotional issues related to overeating (stress, anger, loneliness, depression) #1B.) Cutting out all sugary treats and most items with white flour (I finally realized my insatiable "appetite" was really "cravings") Then the…
  • I don't worry too much about those BMI charts, but using the calculator below (which uses 5 different formulas to calculate ideal weight), the average for a guy your age and height comes out to 179.5. But that is the average, so I'd think 185 would be perfectly fine.…
  • I know, right? lol. You're so very welcome. Please know that there is hope, you can overcome this, and live binge-free. I have for almost three years now, by the grace of God. :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome to the mysterious world of bingeing! I know a gal who binges on vegetables. VEGETABLES. lol. It's such a weird little problem and I have it! But I've learned to manage it now. If you're interested in learning more about trigger foods, how it works in the brain, how it works emotionally, etc. then I highly recommend…
  • I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I think this injury and time away from running might be a big time blessing for you. While it is SO great that you're getting so fit and have been eating better, I think what you're discovering here is that you might have been using running as a mental control mechanism...…
  • Agreed - don't ask others what they do, it'll only confuse you because it's going to vary wildly. Get the facts and then eat accordingly.
  • Have you tried Digestitol? I have a friend who has diverticulitis and swears by this stuff. I myself took two of them, then ate an ENTIRE head of steamed kale to test it out, lol. Not a gurgle from the gut nor a peep from the...erm, well you know. ;) Maybe give it a try!…
  • Just to demonstrate the myriad differences between what works for people, I'd like to chime in that it is possible to choose not have a particular food ever again. I decided to abstain from white flour products and sugary treats such as cake, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, etc. back in January 2012 and I have not had one…
  • I realize this has already been pounded into the ground many times, but for the benefit of those who think and say things like this, please know that for *some* people, certain foods *act* just like a drug in their brains and the fallout is the same as that of an alcoholic. While studies have not yet proven that…
  • Firstly, WTG on listening to people here and taking their advice to get some help. My question is, though, did you go talk to a therapist *first* who recommended you go get a prescription from a doctor? Or did you just go straight to the medical doc without therapy? I ask for two reasons: 1.) though medical doctors have…
  • I also agree with this. Being obsessed with your image and the way you think other people might perceive you is a miserable way to live. Fix your head first, and the body issues will follow. You'll be happier, you'll learn to love yourself as you are, you'll learn to take care of yourself when you actually need to, and…
  • If anyone reading this thread thinks they might have a problem with compulsive overeating (whether you call it an addiction, or a compulsion or whatever), I highly recommend checking out the OA "Big Book" which might help you understand a bit more about why you do what you do, offer up encouragement with a lot of…
  • To those who are considering a 12-step program, please do not listen to this. If you're interested in trying it out, please do and don't worry about the naysayers.
  • That's a good one, too!
  • You are wise, MrKnight! heehee - Cheers!
  • There is a phrase we use in OA that says, "sweep your own side of the street". :smile: One way to peace in this life is to understand that there are a lot of wankers in this world. They are hurting, or in denial, or abusers, or all manner of things. It isn't my job to label someone as a wanker or try to 'fix' them. I can…
  • I think this is why scientists are working so fervently to discover why some people seem to be able to moderate with sweet, fatty, and/or salty foods and other's obsess to the point of bingeing. The *theory* is that there is some kind of reaction happening in particular people's brains that is nearly identical to some…
  • I'd advise to do it all. :wink: Spend time here on MFP, get in a 12-step program, AND take your addiction seriously. See a nutritionist. See a therapist. Do it all. Just because it makes some people on here uncomfortable doesn't mean you can't be on here. I have several friends on here who are in the same boat. MFP is a…
  • You are certainly free to believe what you like about addiction. I only care about those who identify with what I'm talking about - they understand, even if you don't. Good day.
  • There are a few things wrong with your response here: 1.) You assume that telling someone that they "just need to exercise self control" is "exactly the way they need it delivered". If everyone were robots that might work. But they're not. People receive things differently and have different needs. 2.) You assume that…
  • Sorry, but you do not have the complete definition of an addiction. Robbery, etc. is just one tiny behavior manifestation of it. There are myriad manifestations. As an example, my father is an alcoholic. He never robbed, raped, stole, hijacked, nor abused anyone. He became distant from us and angry with us for little…