Nimue108 Member


  • Pack some good snacks. I sometimes found myself snacking in line because we had to be there 2 hours before. That kept me from binging later. Usually we do chocolate covered raising, cheese and crackers, etc. I really don't track what I eat at a con because it is my weekend to splurge on everything food and otherwise.
  • Mmmmm.....bacon.
  • Thank you for that. I have worked hard to lose all my baby weight and keep in fighting form, but I still see flaws (you know?).The shorts are from etsy. I just typed in TARDIS shorts and found them in the store called TheMagicHabadasher. They definitely stay at 'the husband line', but hey, when you got it, flaunt it, lol.
  • I had a friend take them and decided that I liked them. Why not? If it gets too bad I will take it down, but for now I enjoy seeing the TARDIS on my butt, lol.
  • Yeah, I am proud of my booty, but not THAT proud of it (know what I mean?). I may take a pic tonight since I brought them to wear to derby and see how it turns out. I may decide I don't WANT to post it, lol.
  • I have a celtic motherhood knot high between my shoulder blades. I want to get the assassin's creed symbol and the kingdom hearts symbols on my ankles.
  • I play Guild Wars 2 on PC and am currently playing Assassin's Creed 3 on PS3. Before that was the new Tomb Raider and I REALLY like the Nathan Drake games. I don't have alot of time to game with work, kids, and derby, but I LOVE it when I get the chance.
  • I gotta say that I would rather have my bigger thighs and butt than being a stick. My legs are strong and I am proud of that. I will never be like a model, but I am proud of my big butt and thighs because they can do amazing things! Show your body some love and it will show you what it is capable of. :heart: :bigsmile:
  • What's the point unless there are TONS of pictures, lol.
  • I am a pear shaped girl who is a small on top and a medium to large on bottom.I have just learned to accept it and try to make them the most toned they can be, lol. That is why I joined roller derby.
  • I jsut got my spandex and fishnet in this week for Maya and I cannot wait to get started. I REALLY hate having to change the patterns though because I have such a short waist and a big booty (tones, but big). This week will be measuring and pattern adjustment so I hope to have the leotard part done in the next couple of…
  • Nerd/geek girl here!! Feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and try to be super active.
  • SUPAH Cosplayer Here!! I am working on getting trimmed up for cosplay and roller derby!! Feel free to send a friend request!
  • When you know someone who fits the description of every character in TBBT When you choose to let your husband sleep during nap time so you can play video games (currently Assassin's Creed 3) You know more people online than offline Your facebook feed is half friends and half cosplayers You can talk cosplay/ anime/ geekery…
  • I got into derby when my youngest was 1.5 yo (about 9 months ago) and I ahve never looked back. Alot of the girls are also Whovians so that makes it even more fun. If you are interested look up roller derby in your area and you may be surprised at a rec league or a small start up. It is GREAT exercise and so much fun!!
  • I love anime, manga, cosplaying, sci/fi and fantasy books, and Dr. Who (my derby name is Dr. Who's YerMama). I also like Harry Potter, LoTR, comics....I REALLY cannot say everything, lol.
  • I made our costumes, but the ears cost me $35. I consider it a good investment because I can use them over and over. Since I make the costumes I have to remember that it may cost me $50 to make but that would be $200 to purchase. Many of my costumes are used year after year and I tweak them as I go to make them better.…
  • My current pic is me and DH as Rogue and Gambit. I will try to find other pics, but we generally take pics of others instead of ourselves, lol. The ears for holo I got on etsy and I did the version that didn't use the tail so that was easy, lol.
  • My husband and I do Dragon Con each year and we may take the kids to Momo Con in Atlanta. We will see. Dragon Con is my one time a year to let my Geek Flag Fly!!
  • I LOVE to cosplay and my husband and I do it EVERY YEAR at Dragon Con. This year is Maya and Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2) and an RPG version of Super MArio Characters (Warrior Daisy and Assassin Shy Guy). We are trying our hand at armor this year so I am excited. We have done Rogue and Gambit, Female Connor and Nikolai…
  • Complete geek and nerd here!! Always looking for friends!! Sending a PM.
  • I am also a Mom, I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and a 28 year old DH. I work full time and I am also a Roller Derby girl. I am always looking for positive friends and so if you would like to add me I am all up for it! Sometimes being a mom means using your kids as your workouts and they have fun with it too. Best of…
  • I had a friend who was adopting and was at Babies R Us to pick up stuff when someone asked her when she was due. She looked at them and said 'The baby is due in December, but I am adopting so this is just ice cream' I laughed so hard when she told me.:laugh:
  • I have checked out 'Whip It' and while it is fun they aren't playing by the rules, lol. There are NO elbows allowed at all. My thoughts though are that if it gets more girls to come out and try it that works for me. For anyone interested in joining google roller derby in your area. My team is young (starting our second…
  • That is why this is such a big thing for me. I was obsessed with my weight for years (got an ED and everything) and this has helped me to put my obsession into being stronger and faster and more agile instead of looking a certain way. Derby is great for all body types and that is one of the reasons I love it so.
  • Great job!! 30 pounds is awesome!!
  • My suggestion is to eat when you are hungry, but track it to make sure that you aren't eating like 2500 calories a day. I am 5'3" and started at 125 when I got pregnant with my second (she is almsot 2 now) and I usually ate around 1600 to 1800 calories and then ate back exercise calories. I gained 25 lbs and lost it all…
  • I love jogging and noticing that my butt doesn't jiggle as much, lol. I take alot of classes that involve jogging so it was nice not to feel the extra movement.
  • Just for Today: I will appreciate what my body has done, not chastise myself for what it can't do YET.
  • With 4 other kids I am sure that you are active so that is taken care of, but if you want to be MORE active I suggest walking with the kids or going to the park, etc. For food I suggest keeping lots of small healthy snacks around. If you have something good to munch on you are less likely to stray to cravings (mine was…