emmaps55 Member


  • Just wrote a blog post explaining more about Trendweight.com -- I am so excited to have found this website thanks to rabbitjb! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/emmaps55/view/discovering-trendweight-com-751070
  • rabbitjb -- thanks for the Trendweight link! I didn't know about it, but it's one more interesting way to see my progress. I find I really respond to the bells and whistles approach to weight loss,
  • The scale gets influenced by so many thing -- water weight, salt intake, time of the month, etc. So a long time ago I decided to weigh myself every day, and then at the end of my "week" I average the 7 days' weights to get my "average weight" for the week. This smooths out the trend line. It allows me to see progress when…
  • I'm almost 60 (in November) -- in March I started doing things differently for the first time in my life (and I have been overweight most of my life). I've blogged about it.....http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/emmaps55 Right now I am struggling as I had a tooth out last Thursday and am in a lot of pain still, and I have to…
  • I realized the other day that I'm no longer afraid -- when I go out walking in the neighborhood -- that someone will yell something rude at me. Now I smile at people and they smile at me. I have lost 25 lbs since March -- feel like I am a "more normal overweight" for my height (still "obese", but only 20+ lbs to go till…
  • If possible I always look at the menu ahead of time. I have had a real problem in the past with impulse control -- and if I wait until after a drink to decide, I'm a gonner. So 1) I don't drink more than one drink 2) I don't have a cocktail ever -- only beer or wine with my food and 3) I check out the menu ahead of time…
  • I did -- and it's now almost 7 weeks and I am still losing without the age-old struggle over cravings: see my blog post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/emmaps55/view/three-weeks-along-and-thistime-it-s-different-738752
  • I track the macros each day and then average them for the week -- and I've found that over the last 6 weeks of obsessive tracking I've been pretty consistent week to week..... even though some days I'm higher carb, others higher protein, etc etc. So I don't sweat it each day -- I have found that after a day of low fat I…
  • Well, on reading back, I think you are generally right -- I perhaps over-reacted to statements such as: "But most people make excuses that come from being ignorant pessimists....." and "I will go so far as to say that anyone still saying to themselves... BUT HORMONES... is still making excuses." But most other posters did…
  • What ever happened to YMMV? I see tons of people making blanket statements about what is TRUE.... but the truth is, each person is different, has a different metabolism, genetic makeup, experiences, physical challenges. The process of weight gain and weight loss is different for each of us. I wish people would just say:…
  • Thanks everyone! Good points. Maybe I could weigh myself monthly, and maybe that's something to try before going completely "cold turkey." I also like the idea of pictures.... especially in clothes that are just a little too tight, as a month would make a difference. (I would duct tape over it, but my husband uses it too.)…
  • <You know yourself best, the number is just a number, how you feel in clothes and what you are able to do with your body is much more important. Things change and 153 may not be the right number for you any more. The right number could be higher... or lower. Part of the journey is about opening up to really knowing…
  • Well, it's not accurate that I wasn't "doing anything" -- I dieted/exercised myself multiple times from 220 down to 200 over the past 7 years.....and when I stopped with the obsessive exercise, tracking, etc. and just lived "normally", the weight came back on within a couple of months. I lose incredibly slowly and gain…
  • Yes, I am so eager to be relieved of the obsession! It's good to hear about your experience with this. Thanks!
  • Oh BTW, I'm really 58 not 78 years old. But my metabolism seems so slow that I set my age higher so that my daily calorie requirements on MFP are more in line with what Fitbit says I burn when I am totally sedentary (about 1650). Then I add exercise calories in and eat some or all of what MFP says I've earned via exercise.
  • You look beautiful! The dress is one of the prettiest and the whole effect, the way it hangs on you, your thinner arms -- really is just lovely! I also love love love the train. Congratulations and have a perfect day!
  • You look lovely in it -- it shows off your slim arms -- and maybe you will be glad on the day that it is hanging a bit loose so you will feel comfortable. I agree with the other posters that perhaps a local tailor could nip it in at the waist.... but I think one of the lovely things about it is the long long line it gives…
  • To WifeofPJ -- great picture -- congratulations on your weight loss this spring! You really look wonderful in your red dress!
  • Spokane! Been here 7 years. I don't know the west side very well, but have loved exploring the state. Especially as I grew up and lived most of my life on the East coast and coming out here was such a change!
  • I always have to watch my carb level. When it gets above 100 grams a day (on a 1300 calorie diet) I start craving more carbs -- and when I cut back on the carbs, the cravings go away. For me, I am finally looking at what is going to be most filling and highest in nutrients.... so I'll eat a "cutie" (seedless orange) when I…
  • When I've lost weight before, I weighed myself daily, wrote it down, then averaged the weights at the end of the week to come up with my "average weight". AAnd every single week, my "average weight" went down, even if only a bit. This helped me not get so upset about fluctuations due to water retention. I've never seen the…
  • I was hooked on Coke Zero, I seriously think it is addicting, because I still crave it. Six months ago I got unexplained shortness of breath, and all heart/lung tests were negative. Then I learned that aspartame can cause exactly that. I cut out all artificial sweeteners that day -- except for a dash of no-sugar syrup in…
  • My own experience re thyroid -- three years ago I was on a low dosage for hypothyroidism (low thyroid) -- went to a new doctor, she said "Your numbers are fine and you don't need it." Over the next 6 months I gained 17 lbs, I was always cold, tired, depressed (thought it was all due to my mother's death right around that…