denise032 Member


  • That's great! congrats!!
  • if you've just started this workout routine your gain is likely due to water retention. Drink more [water], pee more, give it time.
  • So sorry to read about your mom. I'm sure she's smiling down on you and is so proud of you for making this change. All the best on your journey. You can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Banana and almond butter is one of my new fave treats right now. Usually a pre-exercise snack I also like.. pistachios oranges peaches peanuts & raisins popchips
  • Great choice on quitting it cold turkey! If you're looking for a fizzy taste, maybe sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh orange, lemon or lime? Also, tea is a good replacement for the caffeine. I would say coffee too, as long as it's organic since coffee is a heavily sprayed crop. If you don't drink either of those,…
  • I'm just taking a stab in the dark here ,but it sounds like your blood sugar is low. You may want to try have a slightly bigger snack before working out. Maybe instead of just a piece of fruit, have it with some almond butter or peanut butter. One of my favorite snacks is a banana with a tablespoon of almond butter. I…
  • Take a small lime, zest the whole thing and rub it on both sides, squeeze the juice from the lime over the filet, pinch of salt, dash of pepper on both sides, bake or grill for 8-10 minutes. Sometimes I slice up half and avocado, crumble up a few croutons, and take steamed spinach and put it on top. ;)
  • She also has a free app available (I think it's only for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch) called Slim Down. It's basically just like this, but it also gives you workouts to do everyday (with video explanations) and you can cater them to your fitness level. I honestly haven't tried it yet as I'm still in the middle of 30 Day…
  • I'm 5'7" and currently weight 177 lbs. I have a HRM which gives me a pretty good estimate of how many calories I'm burning and I'm usually around 270-300 (on Level 2.) For level 1 I weighed 183 lbs and I burned around 220 calories. Hope this helps. :)
  • Sugar is sugar, however, our bodies process different kinds of sugar differently. For example, HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is manufactured sugar, so when you consume it you're essentially consuming a chemical. Our bodies don't know how to process these chemicals and in turn, they reek havoc on our metabolisms. Bottom…
  • There is no right time to workout. As long as you do it roughly the same time each day (or however many days you workout), you'll be maximizing your performance.. For me, working out too late at night disrupts my sleep. I typically do my workouts around 5pm everyday.
  • I also have a Polar FT4. It's fairly easy to set up and use; when I bought it I went to the website and did a walk through of how to set it up for my gender, height, weight, etc. There's also a booklet that comes with it which I highly suggest reading thru at your leisure so you get max performance and longer lifespan out…
    in HRM Comment by denise032 September 2012
  • Yayy! Awesome! Happy to hear that. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support. :)
  • Definitely consider adopting from a local (and reputable) shelter. There are sooo many dogs out there who need homes. However, if you reeeaaallly want a pure breed, then make sure you do your research and choose a local, legit breeder. Without getting into an ethical conversation, there are a ridiculous amount of illegal,…
  • SW: (Starting weight) 208.4 CW: (Current weight) 177.8 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 176.8 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 181.8 8/8 181.6 8/15 183.4 8/22 181.2 8/31 177.8 Total weight lost: 4 lbs
  • More water More natural, raw foods More rest (7-9 hours a night of uninterrupted sleep)
  • Ice and elevate (20 on, 20 off). Make an appointment with an orthopedist. It sounds like a stress fracture or strain from overuse. For something like that they'll usually do some PT to strengthen the ligaments and tendons surrounding the ankle, as well as the calf. Hope you get better soon. Good luck!
  • Glad containers -- . They're freezer and dishwasher safe. They're microwave safe too, but I usually defrost and reheat on the stove. :)
  • That's a great idea! I wish I had/could get a bigger freezer. I usually make chili in bulk and freeze it, along with some of my mom's homemade chicken and veggie soups in the winter months. :)
  • I'm with everyone else here on modifying things. Stay with it and do Level 1 until you can complete the whole thing. You can do it girl, believe! Keep it up!! :)
  • 1- Drink water, and only water (with exception to tea and coffee). 2- Don't "diet", change your eating and exercise habits, but slowly, and plan on keeping them for the rest of your life. 3- Educate yourself on what you're eating and what exercises you do. Find out what works best for you.
  • I'm 5'7" looking to get to 150-160 range and then figure it out from there. I do have an athletic build and play a lot of sports, so my goal is more on the high side of the "suggested" weight range (130) for my height.
  • I just completed level 1, day 10 (skipped 3 days in between - not on purpose). Already lost about 3-4lbs and an inch off my hips and waist. Can't wait to start level 2 tomorrow. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Raw Spinach Hass Avocado Natural Peanut Butter
  • This as well! I always do this just when one is coming on and then re-focus my thoughts and energy back to what I was doing. It really helps. :)
  • I used to get (still do at times) those similar thoughts of "impending doom." It's a paralyzing fear that can't be truly understood unless experienced... Here are some things that help me reduce attacks: regular exercise (30 mins a day at least 4 days per week), plenty of rest (7-10 hours), plenty of water (8+ glasses per…
  • There's always the Brazilian butt lift DVDs...
  • Don't do make-up w/ the exception of lip gloss Almost never wear heels I absolutely love playing/watching/talking about sports My idea of a fun night would probably be pizza night (or homemade taco night), while watching basketball :-D and oh yea, I HATE chick-flicks
  • Coffee, yogurt, exercise (especially jogging) should help "move things along"
  • 1- tired of being fat 2- health (high bp and cholesterol run in my family) 3- want to be able to play sports as long as I possibly can 4- anxiety & self esteem issues 5- clothes shopping is just oh so much more pleasurable and desirable 6- to look dead sexy (fat *kitten* voice)