h0t_m0m Member


  • I am not doing it currently because I joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I am SO sore from lifting that I have to rest. I am just purely exhausted from being busy as a Mom, weight training and cutting calories. Losing the weight on the scale was the easy part. Trying to drop my body fat and increase lean muscle mass…
  • Also, with this workout you are doing some muscle work. When you work a muscle, it will retain water while it heals so you will have a little weight gain due to this. I know you want to see the number on the scale go down but think of NSVs. Are you looking more tone? Do you have more endurance? Do you feel stronger? Are…
  • Saying absolutely nothing when I am trying to have a convo and asking questions. "Sure" to anything I ask no matter what it is. "I will take care of it." Um, yea, we'll see about that.
  • I posted something similar last week. Here is a link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/476559-how-to-get-rid-of-belly-fat-over-muscle-pics I actually bit the bullet and joined a gym and now have a personal trainer. I would suggest core exercises and weight training. Pilates is good for your core. After all the…
  • Boobs! Mine are so saggy and stretchmarked after breastfeeding 3 kids! I can always buy a pretty set exactly the size I want when I get my body looking good! :)
  • OMG! After my session with him I can't imagine doing cardio!! Kudos to you! I didn't add it to my exercise log and I am only over 82 calories so I think I am good. Tomorrow I will burn some cals with cardio. I meet with him again on Wednesday.
  • Coffee (but I usually only have one cup), my coffee creamer, cheese, wine and beer All in moderation as I count all of my calories but I refuse to give up any of those.
  • I joined a gym and have my first session with the personal trainer tomorrow. I got evaluated today and my body fat percentage is actually 20.47!! My first goal is to get down to 18%. Thanks so much for the advice and I hope to have some awesome before and after pics soon!!
  • I called a nutrition center and it cost $75 for a body composition analysis. I found a calculator online using measurements and this is what I got. So much better than the 33% as suggested. Body Fat %: 22.37 Lbs/Kgs of Body Fat: 24.72 Lean Body Weight: 85.78 I guess I will add in more weight training and resistance…
  • Can someone please tell me where I can go to get an accurate body fat reading? I had the caliper test done almost 3 years ago and my BF% was 28 at that time. However, I am fairly certain that isn't the most accurate. Since then, I have cut out all processed foods, eat all whole grain or whole wheat carbs, buy organic as…
  • How do I burn body fat the fastest? Heavy lifting? I can't join a gym and don't have heavy weights at home. Also, I have no idea what to do so I would need a trainer. This is so difficult. It was so much easier just losing the weight.
  • How was it??
  • I find that move difficult as well. But, I think some has to do with the fact that it is at the end and my arms and legs are so give out by that point. If I were you, I would do Level 2 tonight just to try it. I have heard some people will rotate the levels to keep things different so that they don't get bored. Way to…
  • Way to go!! That is awesome! I had my hubby check to see if I was doing my push ups correctly and apparently I did have my butt in the air some. He showed me how my form should be and now I can't do quite as many. I think I did 12 or 13 the first set and I had to pause a few times. I just can't imagine how hard regular…
  • I am afraid to move to level 2!! I still do some modified positions in level 1 (push ups and don't go all the way down for all of the squats and lunges). I am SO OUT OF SHAPE!!! Good job and I hope it keeps you going!
  • I didn't start until Tuesday and didn't do the workout over the weekend since I went away for my Mom's yoga retreat. I completed L1D5 today. Even though I did yoga and the elliptical over the weekend, I was so out of sync doing it today. I am afraid that I don't need to take any more off days!!
  • So, do you just mix it with water and drink that way or do you try to mix it up with fruits and veggies for a smoothie??
  • Let me start by saying that I have 3 kids ages 3 - 8 years so most of this is for them. I get bags of organic apples and oranges, organic bananas, sunflower seed butter, organic vegetable broth, different kinds of cheeses, yogurt, milk, frozen organic berries (all types), nuts, olive oil, some spices, whole fruit spreads,…
  • I am 5'2" (with shoes on :wink: ) and currently weigh 110.5. But, I have a lot of flab and a nice belly pooch (3 pregnancies on a small frame and short torso). I was on bedrest with all 3 pregnancies so I really lost a lot of muscle tone due to that. Also, after my last child in Feb 2008, I was so out of shape and did…
  • I ended up getting a watch one that was on sale at Kmart. I don't know the brand but it seems to work fine. I just really want it to see how close MFP calculates calories burned. Thanks for the input! If I get serious and really into it, I may look into a better one.
  • I am 2 days behind now! However, yesterday I went to my Mom's yoga retreat so I did exercise. And this morning I went to the gym with my aunt and did the elliptical. I was going to do the shred today but was sore from yoga and had to travel back home (2.5 hours). So, I am going to jump back in with both feet tomorrow!!
  • @ashtonscoggin, when you point to the picture a box will appear below it with different codes. Click on the last one that says IMG code and it will say copied. Paste it into your post and change the IMG to img before and after the link. I went to your photobucket page and here is an example for your first pic. This is how…
  • Why am I burning so much fewer calories than you other ladies? I put it as 25 min circuit training and it calculates it as 169 calories burned. I see that some of you get as much as 300+ calories burned!!!
  • I do 17 modified ones the first time and 12 the second time. I think after day 5, I will try to do regular push-ups and see how I do.
  • I don't really have much to hold back after birthing three kids!! LOL! Seattle Chick, I don't remember seeing your pics but you know what they say, we are our own worst critic. Plus, I don't have height on my side. I am a whopping 5'2" (with shoes on!!).
  • I guess my pics scared everyone off!!
  • I hate the side lunges with the lateral raise! My legs are SO sore by then and my arms are just weak. I also don't do the jumprope right all the time. Sometimes I alternate my feet so it is more like a jog. The thing that gets me is that my abs are not that sore so I am worried I am not working them enough and that is the…
  • I got my coffee in me and was still so tired. I didn't do anything until picking my daughter up. Once I got her, I went to pick up my farmer's market basket, came straight home and did the workout. Day 3 is down in the books!! Planning for an early bedtime tonight!
  • I have never counted but I do the modified aka girly push-ups! I am not strong enough (YET) to do very many regular ones.
  • Add me please! Need motivation and accountability. Putting off doing D2 today because I am so sore!!