JudithNYC Member


  • «My small boobs. Sorry big busted ladies - I actually feel bad for you and don't envy you :)» Don't feel bad for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed my big boobs and I know others have enjoyed them too. And I don't feel sorry for your your teeny boobies.
  • Everything, I like everything!! Lol. But seriously, I like that it has taken a beating and it kept on ticking.
  • What's with the "mandatory" weighing? So long as you are not fooling yourself and saying that a cup of ice cream or whatever includes an inch high mound I think it's fine to use cups and spoons. I also go by serving size as posted in food packages. In fact, I never measure anything, I just eyeball it. But then I have been…
  • I had to google too. Not my idea of what looks good. Not the ink, not the boobs, not the tan, not the make up and hair and definitely not the muscles. But you know what? To each his or her own. If people just liked tall skinny blondes, for example, I would have never had a boyfriend or gotten married.
  • Second the suggestion for more veggies and balanced nutrition. I have tried losing weight sooooo many times and always gave up a few weeks in because I would be crazy with hunger. This time I am eating lots of big salads with emphasis on dark leafy greens and the hunger is gone! I even eat sprouts with breakfast. Whatever…
  • You will lose weight if you use more calories than you eat. My concern would be whether you are still getting the nutrients you need. Being healthy is much more than just being thin. A toned body does not depend on the type of food you eat but on exercise. If it were that way, I would be toned to an inch of my life. I am…
  • I blend together some fruit and nonfat or lowfat yogurt, then freeze them in ice pop molds. About 50 calories per pop. You can also make coffee or chocolate ones or use any fruit. If I am craving salty I like celery with hummus with a cup of broth when it's cold. And if nothing else will do buy a tiny bag of chips (140…
  • Am I the only one who finds it wrong for a spouse or friend to be texting cheesecake photos to someone who is trying to lose weight? Guess so. At my last job I made the mistake of saying I was trying to lose weight. Next day a co-workdr brought me a gift: a dessert cookbook! WHY? It's not like I starve myself or need to…
  • Welcome. I have found that it helps a lot. Best of luck to you too. We can do this!
    in wendy Comment by JudithNYC July 2015
  • I have rosacea too and I can eat most of the foods that can be triggers. I just have to avoid salty, too spicy, preservatives, strawberries (I make 99% of my food from scratch.) It was mostly a matter of trial and error. My main triggers are the weather extremes, but mostly the heat. :(
  • Hm. I never thought about trolling but now that I think of it...the other day I was entering a recipe and I got 0 calories for one cup uncooked rice.
  • Because the food was there. Yep, I am one of those. If it's there I will eat it. Which in a way makes dieting a little bit easier in the sense that it's mostly out of sight, out of mind. Luckily for me I live by myself and I am retired so I don't have to deal with watching other people eat all the stuff that for now is…
  • LOL! I don't think I have eaten over 9000 calories even on my worst day ever. I would be willing to try if someone would make cake and ice cream, though.
  • Do you have any published studies supporting this theory/findings? I did a quick googling and the only mention I find is in Paleo blogs and I am not taking the word of a blogger as gospel. I am not saying that it's not true, just that I would like to know more about this from reliable sources.
  • I can see it, specially in the tummy!
  • Not so much for weight loss as for health: exercise. Every day I promise myself that I will at least walk a mile and every day I "forget". And it's not even that I can't do it, it's that I am LAZY.
  • One day at a time. That's what my sons tell me. Also, it took me 30 yrs or more to get this heavy, I won't lose it in a few weeks. Find a calorie level and exercise routine that challenges you but does not kill your will. Better to lose slowly and keep it off than to lose and gain it back before you know it. You can always…
  • Cadburys minis/homemade yogurt-berry frozen pops/chocolate covered frozen banana. But my favorie is a cup of tea with milk and stevia.
  • Everone is different but for me what works is lots of water, lots of greens with some fat (1 to 3 tsp depending on how many calories I have to play with), lean protein, and staying away from refined carbs. I am not against eating a pastry, sweets, etc but I have found that the days I indulge I am ravenous. For my sweet…
  • Congratulations! Love those photos, specially the top one. You are half the woman you used to be. ;)
  • If tea helped you lose weigh I would not be obese. Or maybe I'm an outlier. I love tea and drink it all day long. In fact, I am gaving a cup right now. PS. I have always wanted to say cuppa but with my Puerto Rican accent it sounds too funny.
  • You're not eating correctly then, i'm approachign my last 10lbs to go (down 91 so far), and it certainly doesn't take months to lose 1lb. There is an issue with your diet if your plateauing and supplements don't do anything special. It's all about the kitchen and working out and mixing up your workouts and ideally some…
  • My goal is 1300 calories a day. Sometimes I eat 900 and sometimes I eat 1400, or even 1500, most days around 1200. I am old (oldish?) and I am no going to suffer. I gave tried that route and it has taken me nowhere. My diets have usually lasted about a month, when I gave up because I would be going crazy with hunger. Today…
  • Even when you measure/weight your food double check those calories. Some entries are just not correct. Just today I was examining my entries because I had been losing steadily for 7 weeks and nothing this past week (yes, Iknow there are fluctuations but I wanted to double check that I was doing everything right). I…
  • Thank you for sharing. I don't know you and I'm smiling like a fool, like I had any part in your transformation. WOW!!
  • Look in wikipedia under "Female Body Shapes". It gives you detailed explanations based on bust-waist-hip measurements.
  • Hi. I'm Judith, almost 66 and retired. I have been losing weight and gaining it back for decades now. And every time I gained 10-15 pounds extra in addition to the ones I had lost. I think it was a reaction to the feeling of deprivation and sacrifice. This time I feel different. For starters, I am not feeling deprived and…
  • Seems like some people have their minds made up and just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Just eat whatever you want. If you want to subsist on potato chips and ice cream, go for it. It does not make a difference for others here. But if you claim that potato chips are the same as a baked potato or that Ben and…